
Chapter 172 The Dragon Fruit

Chapter 172 The Dragon Fruit

Looking at the white-clothed figure on the ring, everyone was startled. They felt mixed feelings, which were natural and inconceivable.

Lin Huang defeated Yun Feifei, so he is naturally the chief of Piaoxue Palace.

But this young man who has always been unknown and has been questioned has become the chief of Piaoxue Palace under the circumstances that everyone is not optimistic about.

When the latter entered the sect, he was only a warrior in the personal Yuan realm.

In less than a year, he became the chief of Piaoxue Palace, successfully passed the battle in all directions, broke through Piaoxue's forbidden land, and held Wang Tu's hegemony and Xuepiao's world in his hands.

Compared with Lin Cangxue back then, she was only slightly inferior.

The Lin siblings are indeed extraordinary!
At the elders' table, Elder Hong Jiu had a gloomy expression on his face, and he crushed the teacup in his hand with his five fingers clenched tightly.

On the contrary, Shen Diexin was smiling all over her face.

This little girl's younger brother has finally grown up and lived up to her expectations.

Under the bright moon, Lin Cangxue stepped onto the ring happily, with a faint smile on her beautiful face, and then took out the order of the chief, and handed it to Lin Huang.

Lin Cangxue, No.30 chief disciple of the third generation of Piaoxue Palace.

The chief disciple of the 34th generation, Lin Huang!
On the ring, Lin Huang stroked the chief token in his hand and smiled slightly.Then he glanced sideways at the people in the square, and said coldly in his calm voice:

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Lin Huang, and I am Lin Cangxue's younger brother!"

"I don't have to pursue the past. But from now on, if anyone dares to bully my sister again, the woman who crawled out of here just now will be your fate!"

On the ring, Lin Cangxue behind Lin Huang pursed her lips and chuckled, then looked at Shen Diexin on the elders' seat with a proud face!
Inside and outside the square, everyone had mixed feelings, and finally they had to admit the fact that the younger brother of the legendary Dongling had risen after all.

Before he knew it, Lin Huang had propped up a sky for the latter.

Lin Huang on the ring was full of excitement, not because he held the chief's order in his hand, but because Yun Feifei crawled out from here.

Even more because of Yanlong Fruit!

Shen Diexin said long ago that one of the chief disciple's rewards is the Yanlong Fruit.

Now that Yehaihua and Fenxinlian have been obtained, and Yanlong fruit is also within easy reach, Lu Han has already gone down the mountain to look for the fourth-level formation master...

Lin Cangxue's martial soul nirvana is just around the corner!
How can this not make Lin Huang excited?
When the legend of Dong Ling returns, everyone will definitely look sideways at him.

Overnight, Lin Huang's name spread throughout Piaoxue Palace, and all the disciples already knew that the newly promoted chief was Lin Cangxue's younger brother, who knocked Yun Feifei into the dust last night.

After a night of fermenting, Lin Huang has become the talk of everyone after dinner. Whether it is Wang Tu Baye, Xue Piao Renjian, or Lin Huang's status as a second-level formation master, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace are very impressed.

Everyone in Piaoxue Palace also respected Lin Cangxue a lot after last night.It seems that this declining woman is still the high-spirited genius she was back then.


On the second day after the chief battle, Lin Huang appeared in Piaoxue Hall early in the morning.

Since he is the newly promoted chief disciple, there is naturally a gift of promotion.

Lin Huang didn't care much about the whole ceremony.It's just that the chief disciple's reward caught Lin Huang's heart.

"As the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace, he holds the power of an elder, has the qualifications to restrain disciples and participate in the decision-making of the palace gate!"

In the main hall of Piaoxue, Yan Nangui had a serious expression on his face, but he was quite emotional in his heart.

Back then, on the first day Lin Huang entered the palace gate, he beheaded Meng Zhiqiu and an outer disciple, how lawless it seemed to him.

If it wasn't for Lin Cangxue's face, Lin Huang would have been expelled from Piaoxue Palace long ago.

Unexpectedly, within less than a year, Lin Huang became the chief of Piaoxue Palace.Along the way, Lin Huang was low-key enough, but the strength that broke out under the low-key made everyone pay attention to him.

Diyuan Seventh Heaven.

Fight all directions to enter the inner door!

Inherited by King Wu.

Enter the snow forbidden area.

Learned Wang Tubaye and Xue Piao Renjian.

Suppress Yun Feifei.

Although the latter abolished Yun Feifei, which was a great loss for Piaoxue Palace, but in comparison, Lin Huang's potential was even more valued.

As the lord of the first palace, Yan Nangui still has this vision.

"The chief disciple is an honor, but also a responsibility. You have the responsibility to educate disciples, protect the palace gate, and revitalize Piaoxue. Do you understand this?"

Yan Nangui continued.


Lin Huang nodded.

"Elders, do you have any objections?"

Yan Nangui turned his head and swept across the elders.

In the hall, everyone nodded their heads. They didn't have much contact with Lin Huang, but it is a customary rule that the chieftains of the past dynasties took over the chief position.

Yan Nangui's inquiry was just a formality.

But at this moment, an old voice sounded in the hall, causing everyone to look sideways:

"The old man has objections!"

Lin Huang turned his head, and saw a hunched figure walking out from the corner of the hall, staring straight at Lin Huang, the wrinkled skin on his face was like shriveled bark.

It was Hong Jiu!

Lin Huang frowned.

Yan Nangui also frowned, "I don't know if Elder Hong Jiu has any objections?"

Hong Jiu gave a shriveled smile, showing his pitch-black teeth, "Does the Palace Master know whose son Lin Huang is? How can he be the chief disciple of my Piaoxue Palace?"

As soon as Hong Jiu finished speaking, most of the elders in the hall hesitated a bit, and a domineering figure couldn't help appearing in their minds.

Lin Changtian!
The person who turned the East Spirit Realm upside down, even the Piaoxue Palace lost hundreds of warriors in his hands.

Now, Lin Changtian's son is going to succeed the chief of Piaoxue Palace, this...

In the hall, Lin Huang coughed suddenly, waking up the contemplative crowd, and then said:

"Elder Hong Jiu, my sister can succeed as chief of Piaoxue Palace, why can't I? Could it be that my sister's father is not Lin Changtian?"

Hong Jiu smiled coldly, "That's because I didn't know Lin Cangxue's identity back then, and I didn't know that she was Lin Changtian's daughter!"

"More than 20 years ago, Lin Changtian killed one hundred and eight people in my Piaoxue Palace. , but wishful thinking!"

Elder Hong Jiu said sinisterly.

Lin Huang laughed lightly, ignored Hong Jiu, looked at Yan Nangui, and said, "It's up to the palace master to decide whether the boy is capable of succeeding as chief!"

Lin Huang didn't refute Hong Jiu, but just didn't want to refute everyone's face.

He didn't know why Lin Changtian killed one hundred and eight people from Piaoxue Palace.But Lin Huang could guess that on that matter, Piaoxue Palace must have no reason.

If it makes sense, how could he enter Piaoxue Palace?
If it was really a mortal hatred, how could he have survived to this day.

And the elders of Piaoxue Palace seemed unwilling to bring up this matter, which showed that they felt ashamed.

If Lin Huang retorted, he would lose face to all the elders.In order to get Yanlong Fruit, Lin Huang will still be very careful.

In the main hall, Yan Nangui took a deep look at Hong Jiuhou, pressed his palm, and said:
"Don't worry about this matter. Lin Huang's succession as the chief disciple, in addition to becoming the leader, was also hand-picked by the ancestors of Zangfeng!"

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of the elders in the hall changed.

The ancestor of Zangfeng?

Yan Zangfeng? !

That Patriarch of Piaoxue Palace who has ignored common matters for many years?

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on Lin Huang, and the elders were shocked, but even more puzzled, "What kind of ability does this kid have, that he can be hand-picked by the Zangfeng ancestors?"

Only Nan Yunlie had a clear expression on his face, as if he knew the reason.

In the arena, Lin Huang was also a little surprised.

But after being surprised, Lin Huang always felt like stepping into a pit.

In the forbidden area, Yan Zangfeng trapped Lin Huang in the Martial Law Prison, and Lin Huang felt that Yan Zangfeng was not a good person!

How could a senior treat a junior like this?

This is jealousy!

As soon as Yan Zangfeng's name came out, all the elders had nothing to say, even Hong Jiu's face changed, his old face was red and shy, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Afterwards, Lin Huang took the chief order and officially became the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace.

After the ceremony, Yan Nangui took out two things.

A pill.

A jade bottle.

The elixir was the size of a longan, and slowly rotated from the hall, exuding a fresh medicinal fragrance, and a faint spiritual power fluctuated from it, which was particularly attractive.

"This is the Tianyuan Pill, which can help warriors break through the Tianyuan realm smoothly!"

Yan Nangui explained.

Lin Huang's eyes lit up, his face full of surprise.

There are great risks for warriors to break through, and they will go crazy if they are not careful.

This situation is more likely to occur when breaking through the big realm.

The Tianyuan Pill can greatly increase the probability of success when the warrior breaks through the Tianyuan realm, allowing the warrior to break through to the Tianyuan realm smoothly.

Generally, with the Tianyuan Pill, one does not have to worry about failure if one breaks through the Tianyuan realm.

Even though Lin Huang is only in the Seventh Heaven realm now, it is still a long way from breaking the realm of Tianyuan.But now that I have this thing, I don't need to bother to prepare it in the future.

It was an unexpected surprise for Lin Huang that the chief reward included Tianyuan Pill.

Afterwards, Yan Nangui held up the jade bottle.

Lin Huang's eyes were fixed, feeling the scorching breath emanating from the jade bottle, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated...

In the crystal clear jade bottle, a fiery flame was burning, like bright red flowers swaying, and in the center of the flower was a fruit the size of a longan suspended.

The fruit is as big as a fist, and the pattern on it is quite wonderful, like a flaming black dragon coiled on the fruit, lifelike.

Yanlong Fruit!
(End of this chapter)

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