
Chapter 173 Chief Reward

Chapter 173 Chief Reward
Looking at the Yanlong Fruit, Lin Huang looked amazed and pleasantly surprised, the flame-shrouded fruit seemed to have infinite charm at the moment, attracting all of Lin Huang's attention.

"Finally I saw Yanlong Fruit!"

Lin Huang muttered in a daze.

"Cough cough!"

In the main hall, Yan Nangui's heavy cough suddenly sounded.Lin Huang came back to his senses in an instant, looked at Yan Nangui's ugly face, and smiled awkwardly.

Just now, he looked at Yan Longguo for a while, but completely ignored what Yan Nangui said.

Afterwards, Lin Huang took two things from Yan Nangui's ugly face.

Tianyuan Pill!
Yanlong Fruit!
With two things in his chest, Lin Huang couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and even more excited in his heart.

Yehaihua, Burning Heart Lotus, Yanlong Fruit!

Now, all the materials for extracting the Flame of Nirvana are available, and the only thing missing is the fourth-level formation master.It was only one step away from Lin Cangxue's Wuhun Nirvana.

The day when Dongling Legend returns is not far away.

Then, Yan Nangui's voice sounded again in the hall:

"In addition to Tianyuan Dan and Yanlongguo, as the chief of Piaoxue Palace, I also have the privilege of entering the back mountain of Qilin Peak and Xingchen Pavilion!"

"The mountain behind Qilin Peak?"

"Star Pavilion?"

Lin Huang looked at Yan Nangui suspiciously, he knew about the mountain behind Qilin Peak, and most of the people living there were seniors from Piaoxue Palace.

As for Xingchen Pavilion, he knew nothing about it.

Is there such a loft in Piaoxue Palace?How has he never heard of it?
"In the mountain behind Qilin Peak, there are all the ancestors of Wuhou who live in Piaoxue Palace. Entering it means that you can choose one of them to be your master, or seek a chance to give advice!"

Yan Nangui explained.

In the main hall, looking at Yan Nangui's Shien-like eyes, Lin Huang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Speaking of giving advice, in fact, there are not many people in Piaoxue Palace who can give him advice.

Although Lin Huang is only in the realm of Earth Yuan, he has never forgotten his martial arts experience in his previous life.

And as for teaching martial arts...

You know, Lin Huang has learned both Wang Tubaye and Xuepiao Renjian.

There is no need for this forest waste.

There is no need for apprenticeship, guidance, or martial arts. What is Lin Huang going to the back mountain of Qilin Peak?
So Lin Huang felt a little uncomfortable, this reward is completely tasteless...

Don't take it easy!
If other people knew what Lin Huang was thinking at the moment, they would scold Lin Huang bloody.

Who are the people in the mountain behind Qilin Peak?

Senior Marquis Wu of Piaoxue Palace!

Anyone who comes out at random will be someone who can stir up the situation.If you can be favored by them, it will be such an honorable thing, if you can hug one of the thighs, it will be a perfect career, you don't even care about it!

"I don't know where the Xingchen Pavilion is?"

Lin Huang asked.

In the main hall, all the elders raised their eyebrows and stared at Lin Huang with strange expressions.

They felt that Lin Huang's mind might be a little out of order.

With the qualification to go to the mountain behind Qilin Peak, this kid isn't even a little bit excited?
Look so calm?

Just skip it and ask where is Xingchen Pavilion?
How could this year's chief be so stupid?

Yan Nangui also coughed twice, and then said: "When you return from the back mountain, Elder Nan will take you there, and you will know when the time comes."

Lin Huang nodded, he only hoped that Xingchen Pavilion would not be as tasteless as the mountain behind Qilin Peak.Otherwise, I am sorry for my status as chief disciple.

Afterwards, Yan Nangui gave a few simple instructions and ended the ceremony.

After Lin Huang bowed to the elders, he walked out of Piaoxue Hall with a brisk look, carrying Tianyuan Pill and Yanlong Fruit in his arms.

With the Yanlong fruit in hand, now it's time for Lu Han to return to the mountain.

As long as the latter brings back a fourth-level formation master, Lin Cangxue's martial soul will be able to nirvana.His hard work this year has not been in vain.

And Lin Huang believed that Lu Han would definitely be able to bring back a formation master.

That is the son of Xuanyuan Tibing!

Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Huang's face became brighter and brighter.

Afterwards, Lin Huang returned to Tianpuya to practice again.

Until the evening, Nan Yunlie suddenly ran over in a hurry, staring at Lin Huang, the goatee on his chin was up and down, and the braids on the sideburns flew to his head.

"Why are you still here?"

Nanyun said angrily.

Lin Huang looked puzzled, "Shouldn't I be here?"

Nan Yunlie stared wide-eyed, then pulled Lin Huang out of the waterfall, and headed towards the back mountain of Qilin Peak, cursing and saying:

"Master has been waiting for you for a long time, you brat, you dare to practice sword leisurely under the cliff, don't you still have face?"

"Senior brother Yan Zangfeng?"

Lin Huang frowned immediately.His intuition told Lin Huang that Yan Zangfeng was definitely not a good stubble...

Nan Yunlie raised his beard, "You don't know that the chief disciple has the qualification to enter the back mountain of Qilin Peak once?"

"I know, what's the matter?"

Although Lin Huang knew about it, he didn't take it to heart at all. Even though the mountains behind Qilin Peak were all Wuhou ancestors, if he wanted to teach Lin Huang how to practice, it would be insufficient.

If there was one, it would be Yanzangfeng.


Lin Huang is also a narrow-minded person.

Yanzang Front was in the Piaoxue Forbidden Area, but it made a move.Although this pose made Lin Huang learn how snow floats in the world, but these are two different things.

The thieves who divide the forest are clear!

"Know...know that you kid won't roll over for a long time?"

Anger flashed in Nan Yunlie's eyes.

Lin Huang smiled awkwardly, knowing that I have to go?

Time is so tight, how can I have time to talk with those old people in the back mountain, and what is there to talk about with a group of old people.

Lin Huang is thinking about a question now...

Should he run away?
Obviously, Yan Zangfeng sent Nan Yunlie to arrest him, and Lin Huang had an ominous premonition.

However, Lin Huang hadn't taken three steps before he was picked up by Nan Yunlie, like a chicken, and thrown into the back mountain of Qilin Peak.

As soon as he entered the back mountain, Lin Huang felt abundant aura, which made Lin Huang's eyes brighten...

"It's a group of seniors in the Wuhou realm, and they still like to eat alone!"

Lin Huang secretly despises in his heart, the aura in the back mountain of Qilin Peak is obviously three times that of the outside, if the disciples of the sect practice here, the realm will grow much faster.

Compared with the year-round snow in Piaoxue Palace, the back mountain of Qilin Peak is green and there is no cold breath at all.

Lin Huang raised his eyes and saw a lush greenery in front of him. There were a few small huts on the top of the mountain. They looked very simple, but they complemented the quiet mountain forest.

On the top of the back mountain, it is strangely covered with snow, which is clearly separated from the emerald green mountain forest below. There is a snow hut under the snow on the top of the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, the white snow on the top of the mountain disappeared suddenly.

"Snow in the world!"

Lin Huang murmured in a low voice, and then walked towards the snow hut.

There should be a man in the snow hut, named Yan Zangfeng.

70 years ago, the martial arts myth of Dongling Realm!
(End of this chapter)

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