
Chapter 174 Yan Zangfeng

Chapter 174 Yan Zangfeng

Before Lin Huang got close to the snow hut, he felt uncomfortable for a while.

In the snow hut, the sound of the zither made Lin Huang think of Xiao Yishan, he was crying, it was so miserable.

Lin Huang pushed open the door, and saw a one-armed middle-aged man with his back facing him, two fingers twitching the strings of the piano, his figure was elegant and seemed to be intoxicated.

"I've seen Senior Brother!"

After Lin Huang cleared his throat, he spoke.

Ding sound.

The one-armed middle-aged man turned around, with a smile on his resolute face, and asked, "How are you playing?"


Lin Huang coughed twice, and then looked serious, "It's rare in the world to hear it!"

With a bang, Lin Huang was thrown out of the snow hut.

Lin Huang didn't tell a lie. Yan Zangfeng played the piano with his fingers one by one, just like pulling a bow. Is this called playing the piano?

The sound of the piano made all the cows in Qilin Peak die. Isn't this a rare thing in the world?
As for Yan Zangfeng, he also heard what Lin Huang meant.

"Others say it sounds good, but you don't touch your conscience!"

Yan Zangfeng walked out of the snow hut, snorting coldly.

Lin Huang got up from the snow, and just now carefully looked at the latter.Wearing an old blue shirt, he has a burly figure and a face like a rock in the deep sea, calm and majestic.

However, the two eyebrows pierced obliquely into the temples, just like two ancient swords with hidden sharpness.

Although he had only one arm and lost his right hand, his stern majesty remained undiminished.Under his power and influence, there is also a bit of gentleness and handsomeness.Like a very tasteful middle-aged man.

"I heard you don't want to come to Houshan?"

Yan Zangfeng asked.

Lin Huang immediately shook his head, "I've wanted to visit my senior brother for a long time, but I was never qualified before."

"Master never said that you are so good at talking!"

Yan Zangfeng sneered.

Lin Huang waved his hand, "Master shouldn't have said that he wants my brother to trap me to death in the snow forbidden area."

"Didn't you learn how to float in the snow?"

"But I almost missed the chief battle!"

"Didn't you become the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace now?"

"That's because I'm extremely talented. I quickly learned how to learn Xue Piao Ren Jian and caught up with the time!"

"You are so talented, can the forbidden snow trap trap you to death?"

"But if I have low talent, can't I learn it?"

"You can't even learn this, so you still have the nerve to call Master Master?"

"Master has already accepted me as an apprentice, so why not be embarrassed!"

"Since you are so shameless, what should I do?"

"There is no one like you in the world, senior brother!"

"Have you ever been a senior brother? Do you know what a senior brother is like?"

"I've seen pigs running. The second senior brother treats me well. He passed on me to kill the god with a sword and Xuepiao the world!"

"Who is the second brother?"

Yan Zangfeng stared.

"You don't know Second Senior Brother?"

Lin Huang also stared.

Both of them looked puzzled, staring at each other.

Yan Zangfeng smiled disappointedly, "I have only been with Master for three days, and I have led his old black cow for three days, and learned how to live in the snow for an hour, and then I am leaving the teacher!"

"Then you are miserable!"

Lin Huang laughed loudly, and was thrown into the sky by Yan Zangfeng again, falling on all fours.

"I've always been curious, how did you learn how the snow floats in the world in such a short period of time," Yan Zangfeng stared at the forest in the snow, wondering.

Yan Zangfeng naturally knew that what he needed to learn how to learn Xuepiao was not talent, but life experience.

At that time, he learned to be snowy in the world because he had just lost his new wife and fell into endless grief.

Even so, it took him an hour to learn the world of Xuepiao, but Lin Huang only took a few breaths to understand the world of Xuepiao.

"Is he worse than himself?"

Yan Zangfeng stared at Lin Huang suspiciously.

Lin Huang coughed twice, spat out a mouth full of snowflakes, and explained:
"Because when Senior Brother practiced Xuepiao Human World, there was only hatred and longing in his heart, but he lacked the despair of not being able to love, and the hope of having a [-] in [-] chance!"

Listening to Lin Huang's explanation, Yan Zangfeng was a little confused, but he didn't ask further, and then said: "You are not yet eighteen this year!"

"This has nothing to do with age!"

Yan Zangfeng shook his head, "But experience has something to do with age."

Lin Huang chuckled, "I don't know why senior brother asked me to come here?"

Seeing that Lin Huang was unwilling to answer, Yan Zangfeng also smiled, then skipped the previous topic, and said: "I just want to meet you, I have always been curious, what an amazing genius is the young man who can be accepted by the master as a disciple !"

"I'm afraid I will disappoint my brother!"

Lin Huang pouted and smiled.

"It's really disappointing!"

Yan Zangfeng looked serious.


The smile on Lin Huang's face froze, it was very embarrassing, there was no way to answer these words.

"However, Master's vision is beyond comparison to mine. Since you are his disciple, I will recognize you!"

Yan Zangfeng smiled, and continued: "After all, my aptitude was not that great back then."

Lin Huang shook his head, "Maybe it's because Master gave me the name Changsheng, and the second senior brother is called Qin Changsheng."

"Master once passed a word to me, saying that you can comprehend the Xuepiao world in the Piaoxue Palace!"

Yan Zangfeng said seriously.

"So in the forbidden area, even if you have learned all the martial arts of Piaoxue Palace, you can't get out if you don't learn Xuepiaorenjian."

Lin Huang nodded, secretly thinking that it was true.

Yan Zangfeng smiled, and continued: "So although Master has left the East Spirit Realm, he must have taken a fancy to you, otherwise he wouldn't have specifically explained this matter when he left!"

"Moreover, Master asked me to tell you two things!"


Lin Huang raised his head, stared at Yan Zangfeng suspiciously, and followed the latter into the snow hut.

"Master said that the first three swords to dominate the world are the killing gods, the snow floating in the world, and the cross Yama!"

"Cross Yama?"

Lin Huang frowned, and was shocked in his heart!

In the tomb of King Wu, he got the inheritance of King Wu, which is the Cross Yama.

"As you guessed, the Cross Yama mentioned by Master is the inheritance of Martial King Yang Xuangan!"

Yan Zangfeng laughed.

"Is this arranged by Master?"

Yan Zangfeng shook his head, "Yang Xuangan was born more than 300 years ago, and your grandfather's grandfather was not even born at that time!"

Lin Huang scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Master also said that if you missed the Cross Yama, the Wang Tu Dominance of Piaoxue Palace has the same effect as the Cross Yama. If you study carefully, you may have a chance to deduce the Cross Yama!"

Lin Huang chuckled, rejoicing that he insisted on entering King Wu's tomb.To deduce this kind of thing, with his current aptitude, I am afraid it is far from enough.

"Master also said that killing the gods with one sword is actually the first sword to dominate the world, not the first move! Only the combination of the three swords of killing the gods with one sword, snow floating in the world, and cross Yama is the first move to dominate the world. , called A Bi Dao San Dao!"

"A Bi Dao's three swords?!"

Lin Huang frowned, and repeated in doubt, he never imagined that the so-called dominance of the world would be so complicated.

Three thousand miles, beheading Kunlun, shooting Sirius, three swords combined into one, can kill God with one sword.

And killing the god with one sword, snow floating in the world, and the world's son Yan Luo united into one, are the three swords of Ah Bi Dao.

Ah Bi Dao's three swords are only the first move of Xiong Tiantian.

Lin Huang sighed a little, the second senior brother Qin Changsheng looked like someone who couldn't do arithmetic, yet he was able to create such a complicated martial art.

At this moment, Lin Huang was also full of curiosity, "I don't know how powerful the real Hegemony has been evolved by Qin Changsheng? How powerful is it?"

"What's the second thing Master explained?"

Lin Huang asked.

Yan Zangfeng smiled, "Do you know the existence of Yin Yang Valley?"

"Of course I know this, and there should be a lot of people who know it."

Lin Huang nodded, and continued: "There are eight prisons in the East Spirit Realm, which suppress the existence of the Yin-Yang Valley. The tomb of King Wu, who was born before, is one of them."

"Then do you know how many detentions are left in Yin Yang Valley?"

Yan Zangfeng squinted at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang shook his head, waiting for Yan Zangfeng's explanation.

"The eight ways of detention in Yin Yang Valley were arranged by Xuanyuan Wuxiang at the beginning. After more than 200 years, only four ways of detention are left!"

"I don't know which four ways it is?"

Lin Huang asked.

"There are no more four ways now," Yan Zangfeng shook his head again, and continued:
"The tomb of King Wu was originally one, but since Yang Xuangan's soul flew away, this confinement has disappeared!"

"There used to be a formation in Xuanyuan City, which was also a detention. However, it was used by a man named Qin Xuance to kill Xue Yihou, so this detention disappeared."

Lin Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, he knew that King Wu's Tomb was a prison in Yin Yang Valley.

There is a large formation in Xuanyuan City, Qin Xuance also told him.

It's just that he didn't know that this large formation was also used to suppress Yin Yang Valley.

"So there are only two ways of detention in Yin Yang Valley?"

Yan Zangfeng nodded, his fingers moved the strings of the qin, piercing Lin Huang's eardrums with pain, "Among the two lines of detention, one of them is the place where the dragon is locked, which is also the location of Dongling's dragon vein."

"I know that too!"

Lin Huang replied.

"And the other one is what Master wants me to tell you!"

Yan Zangfeng stroked the strings with a serious face.

Looking at Yan Zangfeng's solemn expression, Lin Huang frowned, and had some guesses in his heart...

"Master said, there is a relic you need in the East Spirit Realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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