
Chapter 1713 On the fourth floor

Chapter 1713 On the fourth floor
Facing Jumu's statement, Lin Huang spread his hands.

It seems that it cannot be opportunistic.

He's not like that either.

However, after some conversation, Lin Huang had a lot more expectations for the fourth and fifth layers of the chaotic barrier.

It's not to send Tyrant Warriors away.

Instead, I want to see the power of the human race in the ancient years.

This sect... In which ancient years, there was a brilliance!
One person and one tree continued to wander in the third floor.

Lin Huang was eager to enter the fourth floor, but Jumu made up his mind.If you don't enter the gods of the four realms, you will never step into the fourth floor.

Otherwise, if you go in, it will be a fatal thing.

Lin Huang also stayed on the third floor. It's not that the giant tree is particularly powerful, but that the latter knows nothing about the land of chaos. Even the giant tree doesn't enter the fourth floor many times.

But at least there is a wealth of failure experience.

As time went by, the realm of the two of them rose steadily.

On the third day... Lin Huang suddenly let out a long roar, took the lead with the giant tree, and stepped into the gods of the three realms.

Originally, after devouring Chi Shenying's bead, he was at the peak of the second realm, and to step into the third realm, he only needed the bead of a third-realm god.

However, Lin Huang was in the same situation. After devouring the fifth bead of the gods of the three realms, he just stepped into the three realms.

This can destroy Jumu to Youyuan.

This is a master who doesn't spit out his bones at all. When others go to the three realms, they only need a bead from the gods of the three realms.You are good, just like a glutton.

No wonder he was able to rebel against the upper realm.

With the resources that Lin Huang ate, he could at least cultivate a god of the four realms, and maybe he could challenge the gods of the five realms.

As for the last five beads, if you give them to yourself, you can easily step into the gods of the four realms.


This kid has [-] minds, I don't know if he will kill the donkey in the end!
Not one day later, after Lin Huang consolingly sniped and killed two gods of the third realm, Jumu was also promoted to a god of the fourth realm.

Now, Jumu has no reason to shirk from entering the fourth floor. Whether he wants to or not, he is coerced by Lin Huang.

"Right now?"

Lin Huang asked Jumu.

"Wait a minute!"

But the giant tree shook its branches and said, "Wait a little longer... On the fourth floor, there will be a guardian's patrol mechanism! There will be three breathing loopholes in this mechanism every day!"

"As long as we grasp this loophole, at least we won't be discovered when we enter the fourth floor!"

Jumu said.

"Well... if you kill the guardian, will you get the beads?"

Lin Huang asked.

Jumu suddenly looked at Lin Huang with a strange expression on his face. This guy's heart is so poisonous... Before entering the fourth floor, he was thinking about whether the mountain guard array would show mercy to the human race.

Turning around, thinking about hunting the guardian?

Others were thinking about how to avoid these guardians, but he was more direct, thinking about whether killing these guardians would drop beads and increase his realm.

"This one……"

For a while, Jumu didn't know how to answer, "These guardians are all soulless people. Their bodies are immortal and their power lasts forever, but they have no souls!"

"Can't understand!"

Lin Huang didn't wait for the giant tree to finish, and asked directly: "Will it die, will it fall?"

"Can die!"

"It will fall!"

Jumu answered very simply this time, and then said: "But no one dares to do this easily, because every time a guardian dies, it will be contaminated with karma, and this karma will directly lock the big formation and shoot you once!"

"At the same time, if you kill a guardian, the guardians around you will follow the cause and effect to kill you!"

Giant wooden road.

"If I kill one, will I be hunted down by all the guardians?"

Forest Road.

"That's what it means... Besides, don't think that you can kill all the guardians. Because, the fourth floor of the big formation may be able to give birth to guardians!"

Giant wooden road.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Huang was dumbfounded.

"It's very simple. I have been here for 3 years, and I haven't found that the number of guardians has decreased. You must know that during these 3 years, there were indeed foolish gods who shot and killed the guardians! And every time the guardians After being killed, the next time I can step into the fourth floor, there will be some new faces among the guardians!"

"Can't kill, can't kill?"

Lin Huang frowned and said, "But there are not so many physical bodies!"

"Perhaps, this sect back then had countless strong men and millions of disciples. And after those disciples died in battle, their bodies were preserved!"

Jumu can only think of this reason.

"How is it possible, our human race pays attention to burial!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "Besides, even the disciples who died in battle, could their bodies be intact after countless years?"

As he said that, Lin Huang turned his head to look at the giant tree, "Do you think it is possible that these guardians... are no longer the disciples of the human race, but the bodies of the powerful men of all races who stepped into the chaos and obscurity after death? "

Facing Lin Huang's question, Ju Mu didn't answer directly, he just looked at Lin Huang, and said after a while: "You don't really want to attack the guardian, and then find such a psychological comfort for yourself!"

"how is this possible!"

Lin Huang smiled.

"If it is said that the ancient powerhouse can keep guarding this place after death, I still believe it. But as you said, there will be many new faces... There are some problems!"

Lin Huang analyzed.

"No matter what, don't make trouble!"

The giant tree reminded Lin Huang, "Even if you want to do something, don't do it when you enter the fourth floor! Those guardians are not good, if they find out their whereabouts, they will inevitably be entangled!"

"If you really can't help it, go in and understand the situation first!"

As Jumu was talking, he thought to himself, maybe the two of them will be forced to separate at that time, and walk their own safe way, while Lin Huang walks on Lin Huang's dangerous bridge.


Lin Huang smiled, "It's too much to be clumsy. After all, I have been in the land of chaos for 3 years. No matter what the reason for coming in or the reason for not leaving, it shouldn't be like this!"

"Or... you still have something to guard against me? Even calculating me?"

"How is it possible, how can you defile people's innocence out of thin air!"

The giant wooden halberd pointed furiously, then turned his head and walked away, "The opening of the fourth floor is about to appear, we need to seize the opportunity!"

Before the words fell, the giant tree had gone far away.

Lin Huang looked at the back of the latter, squinted his eyes and smiled, and immediately followed.

A person who dared to enter the chaotic barrier alone, and did not leave after knowing the danger, and the price of not increasing his realm for 3 years...

Jumu, how can it be so simple and scary as it looks.

But Ju Mu has been unwilling to say anything, and Lin Huang is too lazy to ask too much.Pressed hard, all I heard were lies.As long as the latter don't harm themselves, it's not bad to take care of each other.

If Lin Huang raised his eyebrows slightly if he had other thoughts, he would have nothing to be afraid of.

While thinking about it, Lin Huang followed behind the giant tree, instantly piercing through a blinding light curtain...

All of a sudden!
The ancient, dilapidated, and bloodthirsty atmosphere suddenly rushed over!

(End of this chapter)

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