
Chapter 1714 Tides

Chapter 1714 Tides
As soon as he entered the fourth layer of chaos and confusion, Lin Huang had a feeling of being in the wild.

Do not!
Not wild, but ancient.

It is a kind of heaviness after years of precipitation, giving people a sigh that has passed through the years.

This made Lin Huang's mood suddenly heavy.

While Lin Huang was feeling heavy, he also became serious!
Just the breath of one space can make a god feel heavy, which is terrible.

Perhaps, this place can be regarded as a real place of confusion.

On the fourth floor, there is also a maze... but it is a blood-red maze, which makes it impossible for Lin Huang's sight to penetrate into the distance.

But what Lin Huang can see is the ruined land.

There are countless cracks in the earth, and in the gullies, there is a pitch-black color after the blood has dried up for millions of years.In addition, there are many aging white bones in the cracks.

It seems that these white bones have not turned into beads in front of them, and the traces of their existence should be before the formation of the land of chaos and obscurity.

too long ago.

Lin Huang closed his eyes slightly, stretched his arms, and felt the breath in the void.

He could clearly feel... as if he was in a world of blood-colored cages.

Even though he didn't see the Great Mountain Protecting Formation, he knew that the Great Mountain Protecting Formation existed, which gave him a feeling of painting the ground as a prison and imprisoning the gods and demons.

In Lin Huang's ears, there seemed to be countless voices ringing loudly.

There are all shouts of killing, inseparable, but Lin Huang can clearly feel the solemnity and desolation in the shouts of killing.Hearing those voices, Lin Huang seemed to see scenes of ancient blurred pictures...

He saw an ancient great world coming across the sky like an ancient warship, and gods came out of the warship to dominate the world.

There are angels as bright as heaven.

There are demons carrying blood clouds.

There is a withered and rickety man like a turtle, carrying the shackles of time.

A large bird with wings covering the sky.

There is a figure like a magic mountain.


A series of figures stretched across the void, overlooking the vast land of mountains and rivers below.Their momentum is astonishing, just breathing is like thunder roaring.

They... are the gods of the heavens!

Afterwards, Lin Huang seemed to hear the sound of an ancient chime.

The sound of the bell can sting the eardrums and make people's soul throb.

In the sound of the chime, there were figures flying in the sky above the vast land of mountains and rivers.

There is an ancient sect tearing the seal of space, appearing in front of the gods...

He seemed to see a figure in white.

That figure was extremely lonely and arrogant, standing on the top of the sect, like a bright moon shining through the ages.

His white clothes fluttered like a fairy in the gods.

However, he is roaring...

When he roared, the mountains and rivers trembled, and countless sword-carrying monks turned into torrents, heading towards the gods and gods above the void in a mighty way.

He saw gods burning life.

Seeing that there are gods who don't want to live, but only want to die, they blew themselves up.

He saw the gods fighting!

The void trembled, and the blood of the gods rained like rain.

One after another, the gods of the human race rushed out, and then fell into the sky.Some of them seemed to have amazing status in the human race, but they died in battle very quickly, not sparing their lives!
After a group of old men rushed to kill.

Another group of young people rushed up...

They ignore wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the law of the great way, and the survival of the physical body.Wherever there are foreign gods, they will rush there...wherever there is a great world of other races, they will die there!

Batch by batch.

Wave after wave.

The battle was very long... The battle also ended very quickly. In Lin Huang's perception, those pictures were like a fleeting moment, fast and blurred, and he couldn't grasp them at all.

He could only vaguely see that at the back... there was a young emperor rushing towards the gods, facing his death fearlessly.

There are old women howling, stepping into the void on crutches.

A young girl draws her sword and kills herself, leaving the world.

There are also young men who are precocious or have amazing talents, register themselves, and then rush towards a group of gods.


Mountains and rivers, vast land, thousands of flowers of blood.

The living beings die for it.

The earth is broken.

Between pitches...

The world is gone!



Suddenly, the giant tree punched Lin Huang's body, awakening Lin Huang.

In the next moment, Lin Huang's body trembled suddenly.Only then did I realize that I should have fallen into a mysterious force just now, it should be an illusion.

If it wasn't for Jumu's reminder, I don't know how long I would sleep in it.

"Every time, nearly one-tenth of the strong will die directly in the illusion. What race you are, what you see is what race is wiped out!"

"In addition, almost all of them will be attacked by the guardians before they wake up!"

The giant tree opened its mouth.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Huang coughed twice, lowered his brows, and his expression became a little gloomy.

This is indeed an elusive illusion.

But the predecessor of this land of chaos and the ancient sect of the human race...

So for the human race, this illusion is the memory fragment of real existence.

This made Lin Huang extremely depressed...

He had an urge to scream and vent.

he saw...

The heavens and all races attacked and besieged and killed the clan.

The martyrs of the human race are dying and charging!Whether it is men, women, old or young, they are all fighting to the death.

It can only be very... The human race is ultimately defeated by the might of the ten thousand races.

In the end, the curtain call of the mountains and rivers, the inheritance is cut off!


Lin Huang sighed, he knew that in the history of the human race, there have been several tides.

Every time the tide strikes, the human race is extinct.

And what I saw just now...maybe it was one of the era of human extinction.

After each tide, the surviving human race known as the fire seed can only hide in a place where all races cannot detect, struggling hard.

The severance of inheritance is not only a farewell to the common people.

It is the annihilation of civilization and the collapse of the martial arts avenue.

After the tide, the fire human race needs to explore step by step, to forge ahead for the latecomers, to open up avenues, and to continue the eternal foundation of the human race.

"All heaven and all races, very good!"

Lin Huang suddenly smiled, with a cold look in his eyes, "You are not wrong, but I am a human race!"

The giant tree at the side looked at the forest shortage at this moment, and for some reason, felt a little flustered.

It seemed that Lin Huang could draw his sword and kill him immediately.

" a very old thing!"

The giant tree opened its mouth.

Lin Huang nodded and smiled, restrained all his expressions, looked at the giant tree and raised his eyebrows, "Raise the realm first..."

Ju Mu immediately understood Lin Huang's meaning, and without saying much, just shuttled directly through the fourth floor.

"The fourth floor is actually much bigger than the third floor, and there may be very few strong people on the fourth floor. We can only practice and wait for the rabbit!"

Jumu explained.

"Guardian, when will it usually appear!"

Lin Huang asked again.

"Huh? Do you really want to attack the Guardian?"

The giant tree began to be afraid again.

"First understand..."

Lin Huang said, "Don't worry, this chaotic obscurity belongs to my human race, that is, my family. Even if I am angry, I will only throw other people's things, not my own!"

(End of this chapter)

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