
Chapter 1715 Under the fourth floor

Chapter 1715 Under the fourth floor
Listening to Lin Huang's words, Ju Mu didn't believe a word.

He has seen clearly what Lin Huang has been up to since this journey, otherwise he would not have gotten into the latter's banditry.

Not long after, Lin Huang and Jumu became cats again.

The giant tree gave Lin Huang some knowledge, "In the fourth floor, unlike the third floor, there is not much sense of direction. The fourth floor is roughly divided into five large module areas, surrounded by the center!"

"You can understand the distribution of stars in the concept of the human race!"

"The mountain protection array is divided into five modules?"

Lin Huang asked.

Jumu nodded.

"According to you..."

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and then asked, "The guardians in the mountain protection formation are the stars?"


Jumu suddenly froze, "I'm just a metaphor!"

Lin Huang nodded in understanding.

"The location of the fifth floor is different from the previous structure. The fifth floor is the most central area of ​​the fourth floor!"

"Where are we now?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Eastern Territory!"

Jumu said, "The eastern region is the least dangerous...there is endless sword energy in the western region, he can pierce the skin of the gods invisibly, and let the vitality in the gods flow away!"

"The Southern Territory is full of fire all the year round. It doesn't harm the body, but it can burn the soul of the gods. It's hard to guard against!"

"The Northern Territory is like a prison. There...maybe many powerful gods are imprisoned in it. But I have never entered it, and I dare not go in! In the past 3 years, I have spent most of my time wandering around the Eastern Territory!"

Listening to what Ju Mu said, Lin Huang frowned sensitively, "According to this, the other three regions are in great danger, so the Eastern Region shouldn't be so peaceful!"

"I don't know about this!"

The giant tree shook the branch, "I'm usually very careful when I come in, and I don't dare to run around, let alone do research!"

"In other words, if there are gods who came in earlier than us, most of them should gather in the Eastern Region?"

Forest Road.

"Not necessarily, most of them are coming in for the first time, and they are going to wander around, so the four domains are all possible. There are even some gods who don't know the direction and will go straight to the fifth floor of the maze."

"However, once encountering danger, they did not die, and eventually they will gradually gather towards the Eastern Territory!"

Giant wooden road.

"Is this place safe?"

Lin Huang suddenly looked around, wondering if there might be Voldemort who had entered earlier.

"Don't worry... this place is very secret, and I found it with great difficulty. If it's the first time for the gods to enter the fourth floor, they usually won't be able to find it!"

Giant trees comfort Lin Huang.

"Then we...wait now?"

Forest Road.

"Haven't we always done this before?"

Jumu said, "Be more cautious on the fourth floor, not only because of the guardians, but also because the gods of the four realms are very difficult to kill. If they cannot be hit with one hit, if they escape into other realms, we will not be able to hunt them down! "

"Don't worry, as long as you can entangle the gods of the four won't be too difficult!"

"Do not……"

Jumu seemed to be refusing, "The fourth floor is different from the first three floors. There will be some scattered spiritual treasures. If you swallow them, you may be able to step into the fifth or even sixth realm soon!"

"Then what are we doing here, looking for Lingbao!"

Lin Huang prefers whoring for nothing rather than waiting for a rabbit.

"There are the most spirit treasures in the Eastern Territory!"

Jumu said, "The place we are guarding now, I have squatted seventeen times, and three spirit treasures have appeared, the probability is extremely high!"

"Why is there a spirit treasure? If it is said to be a mountain protection formation... it should be more about the concept of killing and desperation. It is not reasonable to be able to give birth to a spirit treasure!"

Lin Huang asked.

"This, I don't know very well!"

Ju Mu shook his head, he didn't know where Lin Huang came up with so many strange questions, just do whatever he told you to do?Are you experienced or I am experienced.

"There is one thing to be aware of. Lingbao looks similar to Tiancaidibao, but the strength of some Lingbao should not be underestimated!"

"I've seen it before. A ginseng fruit directly opened its mouth and swallowed a second-level god!"

"It's all become fine, you're still called Lingbao!"

Lin Huang shook his head and pouted.

Ju Mu didn't answer, he didn't know where Lin Huang came from so many words, which made Mu Mu's head hurt.

"To reach the fifth floor, what realm do you need?"

Lin Huang jumped out of the framework of the topic of Jumu again and asked.

"At least six realms are required!"

Jumu said, "Besides, even if the gods of the sixth realm enter, it is extremely dangerous. Anyway, among the gods I saw walking into the fifth floor, I didn't see a single one coming out!"

"That's it, are you still obsessed with the fifth floor?"

Lin Huang suddenly turned his head and stared at the giant tree.

Seeing the latter panicked!

"You said it yourself, the greater the risk, the greater the reward!"

The giant tree said foolishly.

Lin Huang was not entangled either, he took a deep look at the giant tree, didn't ask any more questions, just waited quietly.


Time passed quietly.

The two waited for less than half a day.

Far away was the faint sound of weapons colliding.

This shocked Lin Huang, but he didn't move at all.

After a few breaths, the branch protruding from the giant tree came back, "Fortunately, it's a god of the four realms! But what's troublesome is that there are two guardians besieging and killing him!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, "Are there any other auras around?"

"There should be no gods in the four realms anymore, and the gap between the four and five realms is relatively large, so it's hard to sense it!"

Giant wooden road.

"Five Realms..."

Lin Huang muttered, "Same as before, I'll hide in your body, you can sneak over and have a look!"

"Our place is quite hidden, and the guardians are hard to deal with!"

The giant tree didn't want to move.

"If you don't do it, I will do it myself!"

Lin Huang didn't listen to Jumu's persuasion at all, "If I do it alone, I will kill you first!"

The condensed face of the giant tree stared at Lin Huang with resentment. These dogs of the human race are really fucking smart.

Complaints are complaints, but Ju Mu has already started to move his buttocks, leading Lin Huang all the way towards the place of fighting.

But how long.

Lin Huang saw three vague figures.

"You can't get any closer, or you'll be discovered!"

Giant wooden road.

Lin Huang nodded, his eyes glowed with white light, and he peered ahead, making what he saw much clearer.

All I could see was a monster god with hundreds of tentacles in the red mist, being crushed and beaten by two terracotta-like beings.

That soldier...

It should look like the battle armor of the era of the ancient sect, and it is completely protected and airtight.

They looked a little stiff, but their movements were extremely flexible.

One move after another is like a continuous river and sea, and the gods of the four realms have no chance to breathe at all!

Looking at the two servants and their respective patterns on their bodies, Lin Huang suddenly hummed, and then frowned!

(End of this chapter)

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