
Chapter 1716 The Guardian

Chapter 1716 The Guardian

Lin Huang's eyes widened and he observed carefully.

I saw the patterns on the somewhat mottled mercenary battle armor, flickering with flickering light, somewhat complicated, like ancient tadpole characters.

If you don't pay attention, you will only regard those patterned texts as a kind of decoration, or it is not easy to be found at all.

The two guardian soldiers are exactly the same in appearance, only the patterns here are slightly different.

Seeing that Lin Huang didn't speak, Ju Mu poked him with a branch, "What's wrong?"

Lin Huang remained silent, but his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.


The pattern on the mercenary gave him a familiar feeling.

But I can't remember it at all.


This is very bad.

He shouldn't be familiar with this ancient pattern, because he has never touched it.

Lin Huang patted his head, very puzzled.

But the battle on the field gradually began to end under Lin Huang's thinking.

The god monster with hundreds of tentacles didn't hold out for half a quarter of an hour in the hands of the two guardians, and more than half of the tentacles were chopped off.Being beheaded is just a matter of time.

The giant tree looks timid, but branches have already gone deep into the ground, ready to snatch the beads after the fall of the gods of the four realms.

And Lin Huang was still thinking, and quietly observing the two servant guardians.

They... don't seem to be able to use magical powers.

What is used to suppress the Tentacle God is a kind of invincible brute force, and the extremely hard defense of the body of a soldier.

Besides... there seems to be a strange power flowing.

Lin Huang was a little puzzled.

The realm of these guardians is at the level of the four realms.And without souls, they can't master supernatural powers, their real strength should not be comparable to the gods of the four realms.

But what Lin Huang saw was not like this.

Even if the two guardians besieged and killed a god of the four realms, but Lin Huang deduced that even a guardian could suppress the tentacle god in front of him.

It's just a matter of time.

And what can make the guardian suppress the gods of the four realms without the real strength of the four realms... can only be the outer body of the mercenary and the somewhat indescribable mysterious power.

"Do you want to start?"

The giant tree poked the forest waste with its branches.

"No... wait..."

Forest Road.

At this moment, on the battlefield, all the tentacles of the gods of the four realms were completely severed.The ancient bronze sword in the guardian's hand was stained with blood, and the gods of the four realms had no possibility of struggling.

Jumu was very scared before, but now he is very nervous.

It's hard to choose!

Because the tentacle gods of the four realms have been beheaded.

The Four Realms Lingzhu appeared.

But the two guardians have already moved towards the pearl... Once they take it, there will be no chance for the forest waste and the giant tree.

Ju Mu turned his head to look at Lin Huang, but saw that Lin Huang's eyes were a little blurred.

It seems to be still thinking.

Ju Mu cursed in his heart, and suddenly made his own decision, the so-called seeking wealth and wealth... He rolled up the Lingzhu with a branch and left!

The moment the giant tree rolled up the beads, the void exploded.

I saw that the giant wooden branch with beads was instantly annihilated by a sword.

A figure burst out from the blood-colored barrier, with extremely fast speed.It was the appearance of that bloody figure, and a sword snatched the bead from Ju Mu's hand.

And when the bloody figure appeared, Lin Huang regained consciousness instantly.

Not because of anything else, but because of the aura carried by the appearance of the bloody figure, Lin Huang was awakened instantly.

...the gods of the five realms!
Lin Huang was startled, grabbed the giant tree and ran away.

I knew this guy was unreliable, and sure enough, I ambushed the gods of the five realms. If I had rushed out earlier, I might have lost my life now.

Lin Huang cursed in his heart.

And the bloody figure appeared, and after getting the beads, he immediately retreated.It seems that he didn't think about killing Jumu and the other person.


The gods of the Scarlet Five Realms wanted to leave, but the two guardians were unwilling.

When the giant tree snatched the beads, they had already set off.And when the beads fell into the hands of the gods of the five realms, they pinched left and right and stared at the **** gods of the five realms.

When the gods of the five realms were about to leave, the two guardians had already attacked.

The situation on the battlefield can be described as changing rapidly.

The giant tree and forest barren were scared away.

The gods of the five realms thought they could leave safely, but they didn't expect that they would dare to challenge the five realms with the four realms when they met two stunned guardians.

My brain is probably rusted.

The war is about to start.

A violent collision by the gods of the five realms knocked one of the guardians into the air.

However, in the next moment, the gods of the five realms flew upside down.

His knee was cracked...

The gods of the five realms frowned, the body of the servant outside the guardian was surprisingly powerful, and it could actually make the five realms suffer.

However, this did not hinder him too much.

Because he is of the Five Realms.

In the next moment, he slashed out with a sword, and the sea of ​​blood surged, directly washing away the other guardian.

Afterwards, the gods of the five realms got up and started to go towards the guardian who was knocked into the air first... Originally, they just wanted to touch the beads, but these guardians don't know how to flatter them. Do they really think they dare not provoke them?

On the other side, when Lin Huang and Ju Mu escaped for a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang stopped suddenly.

straight back.

"what are you doing?"

Jumu was startled.

"What can we do... If the battle is over, we are doomed to be in vain. If it is not over, it means that the two sides should be evenly matched, and we have a chance!"

Lin Huang said.

"Then what did you run for?"

Jumu didn't understand.

"If we don't really leave, how can the gods of the five realms really feel at ease?"

Lin Huang sneered, "Besides, the five realms overwhelm the four realms, and he didn't want to kill us and the guardian, just to steal chickens, which only shows that he is cautious enough. If we don't leave, he will never let go of his guard! "

"Your mind is really extraordinary!"

Jumu didn't know whether to praise or reprimand.

Lin Huang didn't care about these things, and hurried to the battlefield.You know, if he moves coquettishly this time, he and Jumu will make a lot of money.

A bead of the gods of the five realms can allow him to step into the four realms, or allow Jumu to step into the five realms.

Lin Huang sighed in his heart, he really couldn't resist the temptation!
Not long after, the giant tree appeared near the previous battlefield, and Lin Huang had already hid in the giant tree's body.


The next moment, Jumu was stunned.

Together with Lin Huang in the giant wood's body, he was also stunned.

Not only that!
Even the blood-colored gods of the five realms in the battlefield were stunned.

I saw that the two soldiers from before had already lay down on the ground, and there were spider web-like cracks on the bodies of the soldiers.And the gods of the five realms also seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries.

However, compared to the two major servants, the condition is much better. It only takes two clanging swords to kill the two guardians.


It was just when the giant trees and forests arrived and the gods of the five realms were about to make a move.

In the battlefield, several interlaced and flowing rays of light suddenly appeared.

The whistling sound of the wind resounded like tears on the battlefield.

The ancient breath swept out from the battlefield in an instant...

I saw those staggered rays of light, just like ancient tracks.There are stars shining on it, sliding along the track, and then...appearing around the gods of the five realms.

In a blink of an eye, around the gods of the five realms, guardians appeared again.

...a total of eight!
(End of this chapter)

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