
Chapter 1717 Guardian's Trajectory

Chapter 1717 Guardian's Trajectory
The sudden appearance of eight guardians stunned everyone present.

Unexpectedly, these soulless bodies of guardians can still shake people.

And the deity of the five realms has two big heads on one head.

He is good in five realms.

But these guardians are not normal four realms.It cost him a lot to overthrow the two guardians of the four realms before.

In the blink of an eye, eight guardians appeared.

Is this letting him besiege eight guardians?

Among the eight newly-appeared guardians, there is actually a guardian with a different color from the others, and it is a five-level guardian!

The gods of the five realms are also very well-behaved.

He slowly opened his palm, wanting to hand over the bead of the god of the four realms before, so as to calm down the matter.

After all, the two guardians of the four realms were not completely annihilated, and they should still be rescued.


In the next moment, the eight guardians directly attacked and killed towards the five realms.

With just one breath, the blood-colored gods of the five realms disappeared directly into the battlefield.

He was directly blasted, and his body was smashed into powder.

Seeing the desolate forests and giant trees in the distance was shocked!
this bitch...

So brutal.

A deity of the five realms was beaten to death in less than a breath.

Who dares to provoke these guardians easily.

Lin Huang suddenly pressed his mind.

There are only eight of them. If there are more, let alone hold on to one breath, they will be instantly killed.

And when the god of the five realms was killed, those guardians did not leave, but put the previous two guardians in the center.

Afterwards, the eight guardians sat cross-legged around the two injured guardians.

Suddenly, starlight flowed among the ten guardians... The shining light was continuously injected into the bodies of the two injured guardians.

Gradually, the spider web-like cracks around the two guardians were quickly healed.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Huang was amazed, and doubts arose in his heart at the same time.


The guardian of the five realms in that field suddenly turned his head and looked towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang didn't respond yet, the giant tree had already led Lin Huang to flee the area frantically.

Fortunately, the guardian of the five realms did not chase out, but continued to heal the injuries of the two guardians.

It wasn't until two quarters of an hour later that the giant tree, which was afraid of death, stopped.He is a majestic god in all directions, and he is so tired and out of breath at the moment, it seems that he was terribly scared at the time.

But at this moment, Lin Huang thought about it.

Those guardians really don't have souls, but it seems... they don't want to look like they don't have a soul.In other words, there is a mysterious force controlling them.

Mountain guard?

Lin Huang was a little uncertain.

"There are also levels among guardians?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked Ju Mu.

"Of course there is!"

Jumu also found out that he forgot to introduce this to Lin Huang before, so he sat down tired and said:
"Ordinary guardians are yellow, and the armor covering the body looks like mud! They generally have the strength of the gods of the four realms!"

"A higher level, the whole body is bronze, giving people the feeling of ancient times. Such a guardian can be regarded as a small commander, and generally has the strength of the five realms!"

"What's more..."

Lin Huang asked.

"The guardian above that is covered with red runes all over his body. He can be regarded as a central commander, comparable to the gods of the six realms!"

"As for the further up..."

Jumu shook his head and said, "I'm actually not too sure about it, I've only seen it once, and it should be's equivalent to a god of the Seven Realms!"

"I don't know if there is anything stronger than that!"

"The guardians appeared so quickly just now, is it because of the power of the mountain guard formation?"

Lin Huang asked.

"should be!"

Jumu nodded, "The mountain guard formation is like a chessboard, and these guardians are the chess pieces on the chessboard. The formation's intention is controlling the movement of these chess pieces!"

"Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng, have they ever entered the land of chaos and obscurity?"

Lin Huang continued.

"It seems that there is such a saying..."

Jumu nodded, "However, they were born before me. Since I can remember, I have never seen them step into the land of chaos and obscurity. There is a saying from all the heavens and all races. Tens of thousands of years ago, Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng once hunted and killed many gods from all the heavens and races in the land of chaos and obscurity!"

"However, what happened in the land of chaos back then has always been a mystery! Because the only ones who came out in the end were Jin Tiandi and Qin Zheng!"


Lin Huang elongated his voice, and then asked, "How much do you know about Emperor Jintian's origin?"

"This, shouldn't you be asking yourself?"

Jumu smiled, "There are too few people who know the origin of Emperor Jintian, not only the heavens and all races don't know. I'm afraid that among the human race, there are very few people who know the origin of Emperor Jintian!"

"Of course, the Ming clan may know that this race is too mysterious and terrifying. They know the secrets of many races!"

"Why did you suddenly talk about the origin of Emperor Jintian? Do you suspect that he has something to do with the Chaos Obstacle?"

Jumu asked Lin Huang in turn.

Lin Huang shook his head and remained silent.

This made Jumu suddenly a little angry, and I would say whatever you asked me, and once I asked you, you didn't even fart.

"I want to steal a guardian and study it!"

Lin Huang suddenly expressed his thoughts.

"Don't think about it here and there. The most important thing for us now is to improve the realm. Only by working hard to improve the realm can we survive in this place!"

Ju Mu felt that Lin Huang was very impetuous.

If he hadn't listened to Lin Huang's words, maybe a spirit treasure had already appeared in that place before, which improved his realm a lot.


Look now, I have been busy for a long time, but I have gained nothing.

"Help me draw a map of the Eastern Territory!"

Lin Huang broke off a branch from the giant tree and handed it to the giant tree.

Jumu was speechless, "I'll brand it to you directly!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled, and patted the giant tree, "It's not that I think about it and don't work hard to improve the realm. It's that sometimes choice is more important than hard work!"

As he said that, Lin Huang didn't explain too much, just sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and felt comprehension.

"You spread the branches out and sense the surrounding environment!"

But half an hour later, Lin Huang ordered Ju Mu to do something.

"What are you going to do, don't know!"

Jumu was helpless.

Lin Huang didn't explain, but flipped his palms, and presented the map of the Eastern Territory in front of him and Jumu in the form of a light curtain, and then pointed out:
"Here is our place!"

Jumu shook his head, anyone who could read a map would know that.

"After another ten breaths, a guardian of the four realms will appear here!"

Lin Huang pointed to another place on the map, not far from them, within the coverage of the giant tree's consciousness.

"He will move along a trajectory like this!"

Lin Huang draws red silk lines on the map.

"Then, after half a quarter of an hour, another Guardian of the Four Realms will appear here, and will move around this place!"

Lin Huang continued.

The giant tree curled its lips... The movement of the guardian, except for the outermost circle, is disorderly and cannot be deduced.

He has been here for 3 years, but he has not seen any clues.

Just you?
However... Jumu was stunned before he could utter the words frantically.

At the first position pointed by Lin Huang, the giant tree sensed the breath of a god of the four realms...

(End of this chapter)

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