
Chapter 1718 Epiphany

Chapter 1718 Epiphany
Feeling the strange aura, Ju Mu glanced at Lin Huang suspiciously.

After that, there were quite a few branches, looking in the direction of the sensed breath.

Just a few breaths.

Ju Mu just turned his head and stared at Ju Mu with wide eyes, "How did you get fooled?"

"Then wait another quarter of an hour!"

Lin Huang said, "The guardian who will appear after half an hour should be a Five Realm!"

The giant tree frowned deeply and didn't speak any more.

However, half a quarter of an hour later, the branches protruding from the giant tree suddenly retracted, and many branches were cut off by the ancient power.

"How did you find out?"

Jumu asked Lin Huang again.

Lin Huang smiled, and just said: "As you mentioned earlier, the fourth layer of the entire maze is divided into five major areas, and the middle area is the fifth layer. The four major areas on the edge are like the four elephants of the human race! "

"This metaphor is very mysterious, so I tried to think in this direction!"

"And among the two guardians we met earlier, their appearance is almost exactly the same, with only subtle differences in patterns!"

"I don't understand the pattern, but it feels familiar! Besides, when the two guardians fought, apart from the brute force they used, there was also this familiar aura pervading me. Out. Coupled with the appearance of the follow-up guardian, it made me try..."

Lin Huang smiled: "I really regard the fourth layer of the maze as a large array of stars!"

"Then the Eastern Territory corresponds to the Azure Dragon Territory, and I regard those guardians as every star in the Azure Dragon Territory!"

"The human race has seven blue dragons, and each night has many stars dotted around it!"

"And each star has its own trajectory; although it is difficult to repeat, they have certain operating rules. And I just brought the trajectory of Qinglong Qisu into the trajectory of the guardian. Like you It's the same as what you observed, it matches!"

Hearing Lin Huang's words, Ju Mu asked suspiciously: "That is to say... this large formation for protecting the mountain corresponds to the human race's understanding of the stars in the sky?"


Lin Huang nodded, "It should be like this, so I wanted to find a guardian to study it before!"

"That is to say, as long as we master this trajectory, we can avoid these guardians?"

Lin Huang continued to nod, "As long as you don't mess with these guardians, they will generally not go off track, and we will be safe!"

"That's great!"

Jumu suddenly became excited. You must know that in the fourth floor of the maze, the guardian is a big trouble.

"However, do you know so much about the movement of the stars in the human race? I remember... this is a university question within the human race. There are very few people who are familiar with it. Only the conspirators of the human race have such abilities!"

Lin Huang smiled, but did not give an explanation.

In fact, he didn't know the orbits of the stars.


He has the Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven, and he can ignite the stars in his body with acupuncture points to observe the movement of the acupuncture points in his body, so as to print out the movement of the guardian in the Eastern Territory.

That's why he doubted the origin of Emperor Jintian.

Does the birth of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body have anything to do with this chaotic and confusing place?

But that doesn't really matter.

Because the human race has countless records about the stars, many places can understand the three walls and four images, and the stars in the sky.

But what is really important and terrifying is that Emperor Jintian can restore the state of the stars in the body!
However, the trajectories of the stars in the sky are not a complete repeat, but run according to certain non-repetitive rules as time goes by.

This law is difficult to decipher and comprehend.

Even in the current forest shortage, one can only understand the trajectories of the stars for a short period of time.Or intercept the star distribution at a certain point in time to correspond one-to-one with the guardians in the Azure Dragon Domain.

If you want to correspond from time to time, you have to monitor the position of a star from time to time, and then correspond to the distribution map in the body to see the whole picture of the position of the entire guardian.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang was wondering whether Emperor Jin Tian would use the acupuncture points in his body to attract the stars from the sky into his body, and completely incorporate the reference objects of the years into his body, so that the acupuncture points and stars in his body would circulate endlessly.

But it is estimated to be difficult.

Once this is the case, unless all the stars in the sky are wiped out, Emperor Jintian will live forever.

And the most important thing... is to incorporate the concept of flowing years in the body.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang was startled.

At this moment, he seems to have thought of something...

He murmured, as if in a daze:







Lin Huang patted his head with both hands, a ray of inspiration seemed to flash in his mind, but it disappeared without a trace, making him elusive.

"What's wrong with you, are you crazy?"

Jumu didn't know why and asked.

"What do you say... the origin of the heavens and worlds...?"

Lin Huang suddenly turned his head and asked Ju Mu.

"There are all kinds of vitality in the world!"

Giant Wood asked.

"Do not……"

Lin Huang shook his head abruptly.

"It must not be like this!"

"There must be a rule that supports the entire world. That rule coordinates all living things, and makes them unpredictable as time goes by!"

Lin Huang began to say.

"What are you crazy about!"

Jumu began to scold Lin Huang, "If there is such a rule, then all the heavens and all races will remain unchanged. Even if there are changes, they will not be shifted by external forces! The world is disordered!"

"No, it's not like that!"

"Deviation can occur... the rules can be amended, and the rules are also allowed to change. This world is orderly, without order, the heavens and worlds will collapse and be shattered!"

Lin Huang refuted the giant tree.

"Do you really dare to think... If this is the case, how to explain the birth and death of races? If order exists, then the gods of all heavens and all races are not puppets? If the power of original rules exists, why have I never heard of it? And why is there no such spread!"

Ju Mu retorted, he felt that Lin Huang's Dao heart was showing signs of going crazy.

He slapped Lin Huang's head with a slap, intending to wake Lin Huang up.



The palm of the giant tree was directly bounced off Lin Huang's head, and was sent flying.

The giant tree was shocked!

Even though Lin Huang was able to counterattack the four realms in three realms now, the aura that rebounded just now obviously made him feel a little afraid.

"For sure, there must be the power of the original rules!"

"Why... why touch the power of space and time, will be obliterated by the way of heaven. Because of the core order, the power of space and time touches the core order of the original rules! In other words, they are one of the forces that build the core order one!"

"It must be like this. Although there are still many places that don't work, it should be like this!"

Lin Huang's eyes were red, and he muttered non-stop, as if he was really in a daze.

At this moment, beyond the chaotic barrier, a monstrous sea of ​​thunder appeared.

That thunder sea appeared instantly.

Then, there were thunderbolts falling from the sky, the speed was so fast and the number was so large that it was like a rain curtain.

The location where Lei Ting landed turned out to be where Lin Huang was at the moment.


Jumu saw that the forest was still a little chaotic, so he quickly opened his mouth and roared.

"Rules... the original rules, he seems to be disordered, but there is definitely order! It governs the laws of all ways, and changes with time... No, time is not another reference, but it governs time, years It is one of the rules for building the basic order!"

Lin Huang babbled non-stop, and had no time to worry about other things.

And in the sky above Lin Huang's head, the torrential rain of thunder had already fallen.

The giant tree looked impatient, thousands of branches came out, rolled up the forest waste, and threw him out to avoid the thunder.



When the thunder broke through the clouds and entered the land of chaos, countless ancient roars suddenly resounded throughout the fourth floor of the maze.

As if the gods and demons were angry.

Jumu sat slumped on the spot, his expression suddenly froze.

he saw...

I saw the mountain guard array suddenly manifest in the sky at the moment when the thunder fell...

(End of this chapter)

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