
Chapter 1719 Sinking in the Darkness

Chapter 1719 Sinking in the Darkness
When the big formation manifested in the sky, Jumu was shocked.

3 years old.

He has been in the land of chaos and obscurity for a full 3 years.

This is the third time he has seen the mountain guard array reveal his true body.

the first time……

It was when Chu Ying appeared 8000 years ago.

The second time was when that mysterious strong man appeared more than 7000 years ago.

The first two times, the thunder billowing appeared, as if to obliterate the existence of taboos that appeared.

And this time, it appeared again.

Clearly headed for the deserted forest...

However, Lin Huang is not considered an all-spirited god at all.What did he do to make Heavenly Dao Thunder appear.And the power that appeared was no worse than the previous two times.

Even a little stronger.

Just said a few words... Could it be that those few words pointed directly at the core of the world.

The power of original rules?

For a moment, the giant tree was terrified.

He understood... Even though Lin Huang's realm is very low now, his Dao heart actually points directly to the core of Dao.

His road will not be bumpy!


Sure enough, he is worthy of being the reincarnation of Ember Heaven Emperor.

Even if he takes another life, he is still the invincible arrogance.

At this moment, Jumu saw that Lin Huang was not Lin Huang, but a thick white thigh.

His achievement will never be lower than that of Chu Ying back then.

If he doesn't die halfway, he will return in blood and become that Emperor Jintian again, standing shoulder to shoulder with Qin Zheng!
Jumu was startled.

The thunder above the sky was like a curtain of rain pouring down from the sky, and it was much more powerful than the power of ordinary gods to cross the catastrophe.

However, the thunder that filled the sky was blocked by the mountain guard formation!

The big formation is brilliant, shining with the power of ancient stars, like the god of the sky protecting the common people.Those ancient guardians wandered frantically in the formation, and joined forces to unleash powerful forces one after another to fight against the catastrophe.

At this moment, those experts in the fourth floor of the maze raised their heads in horror.

I don't know what happened.

They just feel horrible.

The thunder that fell from the sky was enough to kill the gods of the seven realms.However, it was blocked by the mountain protection formation.

But Lin Huang, who was under the big formation, was completely bewildered.

He looked up at the sky, as if he didn't see the thunder all over the sky, then lowered his head again, and continued to think hard.

The power of the original rules...

What should that be?
Time and space are one of the construction factors.

What else?

How to explore the power of the original rules?
Lin Huang patted his head with his hands, feeling that the road ahead was a mess... He seemed to know the answer, but he couldn't see the road ahead.

Ahead, there was darkness and nothingness.

There is no light.

No one guides the way for him.

He was all alone, alone.

this moment……

Lin Huang seemed to feel the eternal loneliness and coldness.

A kind of loneliness that can be seen for thousands of years.

A kind of coldness in which everyone dies and only oneself lives alone.

In the confusion, Lin Huang closed his eyes.

He groped in the dark.

He doesn't know the direction, doesn't know where to find the light.

He was confused and hesitant.

He was helpless, even a little scared.

The world with only him is eternally lonely.

For a moment outside, Lin Huang seemed to have passed thousands of years in that pitch-black world.

His flesh is rotten.

His hair was frosty white.

He was stooped.

He passed away.

His whole body is rotting and falling apart.

The giant trees in the distance are shocking.

Do not……

This time the catastrophe came, even more terrifying than before.

Even though thunder billowing overhead was blocked by the mountain guard formation, the power of that day's calamity had already invisibly invaded Lin Huang's body.

Let him be surrounded by darkness.

Let him look around and the world is silent.

Let him be completely hopeless in a world without hope.

Lin Huang's mind was being consumed invisible.

Once worn out, he will die completely, even reincarnation is impossible.

and this……

No one can help him.

Even if Qin Zheng is here, he may not be able to help him.

In that dark and empty space, Lin Huang was at a loss and hesitated. He felt that he had been walking in the darkness for thousands of years.

He couldn't see ahead, and couldn't find his way.

He ignited the fire of Nirvana... the flame was annihilated in an instant.

He illuminates the void with the Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body then fell silent.

He slashed all directions with Tian Shura, and all directions were calm without any fluctuations.

He is a living being.

But in the endless darkness, he seemed to have died long ago.Even the years, in the darkness, cannot confirm his existence.

In the confusion and confusion, Lin Huang has already begun to disintegrate.

It wasn't the shattering of the body, it wasn't the dilapidation after the supernatural bombardment, but the annihilation, the annihilation of the skin, muscles and bones as if they had changed their shape.

Seeing this, Jumu was terrified.

He used a branch to touch the forest waste, but found that he could touch it, but he couldn't do anything.His great supernatural powers were unable to change Lin Huang's current state.

He took a deep breath, and then a silver light shone in his eyes.

The gaze of the years.

In the next moment, Jumu's face changed drastically, and he split open suddenly, leaving half of his body to escape.Only when he succeeded did he discover that the other half of his body had been annihilated by the mysterious force.

You know, what he used was the power of time's gaze.

And the power of calamity that annihilated the forest barren had annihilated the gaze of time without any effort.

This is so terrifying that it makes one's soul tremble.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang's physical body died...

All he had left was a beating heart.


dong dong.


In that dark void, even the beating of the heart did not make the slightest sound.In the dark world, Lin Huang's body remains the same, but he no longer walks.

Because walking doesn't make any sense.

The whole world is silent, and his existence is meaningless.

His thoughts are flying, his arms are thrust into the void, and there is a smile on his face...

"In this dark world, maybe I'm the only one. I can't see where I'm going, and I can't see the future. I can't see the mountains and rivers, I can't see the common people. I can't see the years, I can't see the dawn!"

"I am one with the darkness, why do I need to think, why do I need to beat the life, everything is meaningless!"

"Is there an existence like me in this vast dark night? We are in the same dark night, but we will never see each other!"

"Time makes people grow old...but the years will also be annihilated!"

"All the living beings in the heavens, the heavens and the world, return dust to dust, and darkness invades... everything is nothingness, everything is vain!"

"The soul and thoughts that you and I were born with may just be dark fluctuations, you and I don't exist at all!"

In the endless darkness, Lin Huang's voice was vicissitudes, as if he was saying goodbye to the world and lamenting.

"Creatures are nothing but the fluctuations of thoughts in the night!"

"And I...maybe it's just a split...crack when my thoughts fluctuate..."

When he said the last sentence, Lin Huang stood up suddenly in the darkness.

In the confusion, Lin Huang's heart has completely withered... However, at the last moment, he maintained the final state...

(End of this chapter)

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