
Chapter 1720 Encounter in the Darkness

Chapter 1720 Encounter in the Darkness
In an instant, Lin Huang seemed to realize something.

He turned his head and looked around, his voice was no longer confused, as if he saw the direction, "Since I am the wave of dark thoughts, then darkness has vitality!"

"Since I exist, then I should exist. I exist because of the splitting and fluctuating thoughts, so this darkness should not be a cage to imprison me!"

"The vast darkness... there should be a way forward!"

Lin Huang spoke loudly, without the breath of decay in his voice, he looked around, the surroundings were still endlessly dark, but he rolled up his long sleeves.

"Enduring thousands of years of loneliness, I will walk in the dark!"

"For myself...and for those who come after me, take a bright road!"

Lin Huang spoke in a low voice, the thoughts in his mind were no longer imprisoned.He thought of the tide of the human race, every extinction is the severance of civilization.

Every time the civilization of the human race rises again, there are many martyrs of the human race who walk alone in the dark night.

This night is not that night.

But... they are all Dao!
In the darkness, Lin Huang flapped his sleeves and struggled forward.

Amidst the chaos and obscurity, Lin Huang's heart regained its vitality, more vigorous than before...even, his body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ju Mu was shocked, not knowing what happened to Lin Huang.


In the next moment, cracks appeared on Lin Huang's body again.

In the darkness, Lin Huang's face was heavy. He walked forward in the dark night for a long time, and the long night was still lonely and boundless.And he also met the countercurrent of the night.

It was an invisible force, hindering his progress, trying to shatter his body and annihilate his strength.

However, Lin Huang showed confidence.

Encountered against the current, it means that he is on the right path.As long as he stepped through the darkness ahead, he could be in the light.


He is too weak to fight against the countercurrent.Even if his Dao heart is clear at this moment, his physical body can't bear it.


It was an indescribable land.

No figure.

Only the ancient voice sounded faintly.

"Someone has shaken the silence of the heavens, it is fluctuating! Be my human descendants!"

"Who is it? Qin Zheng?"

"It shouldn't be him. He has passed the silence of the heavens three times without entering, and he wants to stay there to defend the human race! But that junior seems to... have your breath!"

"My breath? Take it back! He turned over the sky and now he is only in the second realm of gods and gods. His Taoist heart can glimpse the silence of the sky, but his physical body is not enough to turn into a ferry and cross the silent river!"

"It's not a good thing that Dao Xin walks ahead of the physical body, it's easy to go crazy!"

"What kind of old-fashioned thinking, if the rules are constant, you must need a physical body? The road is boundless, so don't lie!"

"You like that person very much?"

"The layout I made is the tree I planted. I don't know what kind of fruit it will grow."

"But that breath is not deeply related to your cause and effect!"

"You talk too much!"

"I'm busy now, so I have to go by yourself. Anyway, dying in the Silent River has nothing to do with me! But I really want to see how far he can go in the Silent River!"

"Walking in the Silent River now is just counterproductive, you know what a fart!"

"Anyway, I am also your senior, can you respect the old and love the young!"

"Oh... Senior, times have changed, you can have deeper thoughts!"

"Go away, that kid is going to die in the Silent River!"


In the vast darkness, Lin Huang walked forward. There was nothing around him, but he encountered an invisible countercurrent, washing away his body and hindering his progress.

He bears the responsibility of Tian Shura.

The Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven.

Immortal body.

Emperor Grave Thunder.

Buddhist golden body.

Lots of flesh...but so what?They simply couldn't resist the terrifying invisible countercurrent existence, and they were even vulnerable to a single blow.

Lin Huang didn't walk very far in the upstream, and his body was rapidly disintegrating.

What's even more frightening is that the mysterious power of Niu Liu fused his Taoist aggregates with his physical body, making them inseparable.When his physical body collapsed, Dao Yun collapsed.

Once extinguished, it is eternal extinction.

In the countercurrent, Lin Huang frowned.He was unwilling to leave here, he was not reconciled, even though there was darkness ahead of him, but he knew that once he stepped through the darkness, he would have the qualification to look down upon the gods.


Breeding in madness, just like the seductive eyes of the world's most beautiful, people can't get rid of it.

Lin Huang didn't move forward, which was already the greatest restraint on his desire.

However, he was still not reconciled, and sat cross-legged in the countercurrent, wanting to use the countercurrent to wash away his body and temper it.


His physical body was vulnerable in the countercurrent, and there was no room for tempering at all.

Lin Huang frowned deeply.

His whole body is like a broken window, but he still hasn't left.He looked at the still dark front, filled with depression in his heart.

There is no chance.

If he doesn't retreat, he will surely die.

However, even though Lin Huang understood this, he still remained unmoved.

Suddenly, one after another magical powers bloomed all over his body, like a child waving his fist at the air, seemingly useless at all.

However, Lin Huang seemed to be enjoying it all the time, completely ignoring himself, leaving only a dilapidated skeleton.

"Get out!"

At this moment, the countercurrent was raging, and a shout suddenly sounded in front of the darkness.

Lin Huang was taken aback.

Then he stood up suddenly and looked forward.


In this darkness, he actually saw the light.

Even though it is as far away as a candle, Lin Huang is extremely excited, as if... the loneliness of thousands of years has found sustenance and destination at this moment.

And... that voice, he is familiar with it.

The light of the candle flames rapidly magnified, and the time of a countercurrent wash came like a monstrous sun.

It was a majestic figure.

Standing quietly in front of the forest, it seems very close, but also seems extremely far away, spanning the years and the sky.

Standing there, he seemed to have covered the ages and overwhelmed the years.

"Emperor Ember!"

He didn't see the real appearance of that figure clearly, but he had seen the past of Emperor Jintian.

He has already died in battle for tens of thousands of years.


Today he appeared in this endless darkness.

"I... you... where is this..."

Lin Huang was excited for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Emperor Ember didn't die.

He really didn't die.

All the heavens and all races hope that Emperor Jintian will be completely annihilated!

But he still exists... Maybe he is in this dark cage, but he is not dead.Even in this dark cage, Lin Huang felt that he had surpassed Qin Zheng.

"The soul is the guide, the avenue is the sail, and the body is the boat! The Silent River, you can't cross it! It is your great fortune to step into the silence of the heavens!"

Emperor Ember opened his mouth.

"I have a lot of questions!"

Lin Huang shouted.

"Hold it!"

Emperor Jintian didn't give Lin Huang room to speak at all.

"Then do me a favor, I want to intercept a ray of darkness and take it out!"

Lin Huang spoke quickly, wanting to gather wool.

"The darkness here is not the power of the original rules... You have seen the direction, but there are thousands of roads under your feet, and you must always think about whether the road is correct. If you have any questions, ask Qin Zheng!"

Emperor Jintian opened his mouth to give Lin Huang some advice.


Before Lin Huang could continue speaking, Emperor Jin Tian waved his hand, and directly fanned Lin Huang out of the dark space!
(End of this chapter)

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