
Chapter 1721 Awake

Chapter 1721 Awake
In the chaos and confusion, Lin Huang suddenly woke up.

Everything is like a big dream.

However, looking at his body that was gradually recovering, Lin Huang could firmly believe that what he experienced just now was not a dream.

but real.


silent river.

The silence of heaven!

What are these?
Lin Huang was puzzled, only feeling a little terrified.There is no physical existence, but he can easily let his soul sink into it and go to the dark space.

How did it appear?
Lin Huang looked up, feeling more and more puzzled.

At this moment, there is a large mountain protection formation above his head, and that power can invade so easily.What power?It doesn't look like space, but it seems to be more terrifying than space.

And Emperor Ember.

he didn't die...

He is really alive.

But why did he disappear for tens of thousands of years and never appear?

Is he trapped in the dark space, that is, in the silent river?
But he came like a great day, not like being trapped in the Silent River, he crossed the Silent River?
What's at the end of the silent river?
Is it the silence of heaven?

What is the silence of heaven?
Why did Emperor Jintian stay there, unwilling to return to the heavens and worlds?

Does Qin Zheng know?
For a moment, countless doubts appeared in Lin Huang's heart, lingering in his heart.

In front of him, there seemed to be a mysterious veil.

Make him tickle.

Not only for mystical events, but also for mystical powers.


He didn't bring out a drop of river water from the Silent River, otherwise it would definitely be worth studying.

Moreover, the silent river is not the power of the original rules, which makes him a little disappointed.Otherwise, even if Emperor Jintian blasted him out, he would not leave.

Lin Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, he was already awake, but lost in thought again.

Since I was pulled into the silent river because I realized that the power of the original rules should exist in this world!Then... there is no power of original rules in the Silent River.

At the end of the Silent River, there should be one!

Is it the silence of heaven?

If Emperor Jintian came from the silence of the sky, then he has the power of the original rules?
Lin Huang was still in his thoughts, and the next moment he was struck by lightning, and his whole body instantly changed from thinking to stunned.

He suddenly looked up, only to see that there were thousands of thunderbolts outside the mountain protection formation, and they did not disappear because of the retreat of the Silent River.

And a huge hole has appeared on the mountain guard formation.

The guardian of the original hole location has died in battle, completely annihilated.

Lin Huang turned his head and saw the trembling giant tree beside him.

Looking at the thousands of thunderbolts rushing down the hole, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and then suddenly flew up.

In the next moment, Lin Huang's body burst into terrifying light, and the acupuncture points all over his body shone with light...





The entire mountain guard formation unexpectedly let out a roar at this moment, and some guardians began to move towards Lin Huang, as if they were flying towards Lin Huang with power.

Below, Jumu frowned.

He seemed to see a clue... Can Lin Huang control the formation?But it's not like it!

Could it be possible to integrate with the big formation?
Be part of the Great Mountain Guard Formation?

Under the gaze of the giant tree, Lin Huang suddenly rushed out of the mountain guard formation, fighting towards the thousands of thunderbolts.

But the next moment...

Lin Huang was struck by a thunderbolt and fell from the sky, turning into coke.

Leaving the range of the mountain guard formation is equivalent to leaving the land of chaos, and the realm of Lin Huang slipped instantly, losing to Thunder...


Boom boom boom.

Above the void, thunder and thunder swarmed over. It was not their purpose to split the barren forest into charcoal. They would retreat only after the barren forest was completely silenced.

Jumu is hesitating.

Yet he had no time to hesitate.

In the end, a towering canopy rose from the sky, blocking the hole and protecting the forest.

Then there was the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves in the void, and the giant tree was in great pain.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Huang became frightened from the ground, spit out a mouthful of black smoke, and his whole body began to burn with raging flames of Nirvana, gradually recovering his state and heading towards the dead guardian soldier.

Immediately, starlight flickered on Lin Huang's chest, forming an ancient pattern.

The pattern of the pattern is exactly the same as the pattern on the chest of the guardian who died in battle.

In the next moment, Lin Huang actually walked into the guardian.

The guardian who died in battle was suddenly resurrected.

He suddenly opened his eyes, drew his sword, and walked towards the hole.

"Fuck, that's fine too!"

Ju Mu was crying and was shocked, he never expected that this boy could activate the withered body of a soldier and turn it into a moving pawn in the mountain guard formation.

And as the guardian Lin Huang passed through the hole, the incomplete formation under him also gradually recovered because of his appearance.

However, thunder from heaven and earth still fell like rain.

Lin Huang filled the hole, but the entire mountain protection formation was no longer stable, and there was a risk of defeat at any time.


Within a few breaths, the power of heaven and earth seemed not as strong as before.

They can't seem to find a target.

Green blood flowed from the giant tree, but a smile appeared on the bark-covered face.Never expected that the body of a soldier has the ability to shield heaven's secrets.

This is a terrifying ability.

If he hides among the soldiers, can he control the power of time?
In less than a quarter of an hour, the heaven and earth thunder gradually receded.

And the mountain protection formation also disappeared, hidden in the invisible.Only a lot of servants returned to their positions, and Lin Huang also fell from the void.

At this moment, a sword came to the west, as fast as lightning!

The surging sword light went directly towards Lin Huang's neck, and the terrifying air wave directly lifted the giant tree, the god of the four realms, into the air.

"Six Realms!"

The giant tree roared in horror, and watched helplessly as the sword glow slashed towards Lin Huang's neck.

The six realms are shot, the world is hopeless!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the void, and a violent explosion occurred.

Then a bead fell from the sky.

Jumu's eyes were terrified, and the battle was over before he was knocked into the air.And what horrified him was...

Lin Huang was actually intact.

He held Wanshi Mountain in one hand, and the body of a soldier in the other, and walked towards the six-level pearl lightly.

The giant tree fell to the ground with a bang, and then ran towards Lin Huang like a wild dog, "What happened just now? You didn't die!"

"Seven realms kill six realms, isn't it an instant kill?"

Lin Huang turned his head and stared at the giant tree in doubt.


Jumu was dumbfounded.

Lin Huang smiled, and shook the Wanshi Mountain in his hand, "There is a power of the seventh realm hidden in it!"

"If you didn't say it earlier, it would make me worry for a while!"

Jumu seems to have become very concerned about the safety of the forest.

"If you want to steal my chicken, you will die!"

Lin Huang smiled, and picked up the six-level bead, "It's a pity to waste a piece of seven-level power!"

"It's a lot of money. This will allow you to step into at least the fifth realm and conquer the sixth realm. You should be able to walk sideways on the fourth floor of the maze!"

Jumu began to cultivate the nature of licking dogs.

Lin Huang looked at Jumu, "Do you want this servant?"

"of course not!"

Jumu hid his thoughts.

"It's useless to want!"

Lin Huang said, "The power inside this servant is the power of the stars. If you don't know how, once you enter, this servant will be your prison."

"Besides, after entering the military mercenary, all Taoist magical powers will be blocked. If you want to cultivate the power of time, it is impossible for the military mercenary to block the heavenly secrets!"

"My family can only gaze at the years, and I don't know how to cultivate the power of the years!"

Jumu waved his hand.

"What are you afraid of... I have found a more essential power than the power of time, don't worry!"

Lin Huang smiled confidently, "This land of chaos is very interesting... It's a pity that a dilapidated world and civilization now looks like a mountain guard formation!"

(End of this chapter)

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