
Chapter 1724 Obstructing the Northern Territory

Chapter 1724 Obstructing the Northern Territory
Lin Huang quickly pinched the Yin Jue, sensing the power of the stars in the fourth layer of the entire maze.


For a moment, the expressions of Lin Huang and Ju Mu became extraordinarily exciting.


Can't get out.

I accidentally didn't pay attention, and I was trapped in this.

"Has a god walked out from here?"

Lin Huang asked Jumu.

"It seems to be there, but I don't remember clearly! Or maybe not!"

Jumu's answer is equivalent to no answer.

"Let's go one step at a time!"

Lin Huang shook his head helplessly, and he waved his fist in the air, "Fortunately, the original power of the physical body is not completely stripped!"

In this way, at least the forest and the giant tree will not be directly beaten to death by the mortal creatures inside.

"I was led into a ditch by you!"

Jumu wants to cry but has no tears.

Lin Huang didn't respond, just walking in the ancient city.

What made it difficult for the two of them was that there was actually some simple folk customs in it.

It seems that they are living in a peach garden in another world, without top-notch military power, only ordinary life.Although there are bullies running rampant, there is a power system.

But at most, it is the same as the ancient tribe.

It is slightly more evolved than the tribal civilization, but it is not as good as the level of the secular dynasty.At least in terms of living standards, it is much worse.

It's just that when Lin Huang and Jumu walked in, it still felt very strange.

These people do not understand soul communication, and their language is too incomprehensible.Fortunately, Jumu is knowledgeable and has lived for too long to be proficient in the languages ​​of many races.

"What do they think?"

Lin Huang asked.

"I don't think much of it. They only think of this as a living continent, and there is no concept of a cage. Moreover, although they look very different, the central area has once been unified. These areas already have the concept of racial unity. The race is divided by region!"

Jumu explained.

"Also, don't look at the peace talks between these races, you will find that many creatures who come out of the peace have powerful talents, and it is not an exaggeration to call them geniuses outside!"

"If there are no major changes, they will not be able to go out. Moreover, they may not be able to adapt to the outside world. They have formed a unified concept of race, so if they go out... they will be other races, without the family and family. concept!"

Lin Huang expressed his opinion.

Jumu nodded in agreement, "The imprisoned gods here have not inherited the civilization of their own race, and I am afraid that after being imprisoned, there is nothing they can do!"

"If there are ancestors of my human race, the civilization of the human race will definitely not be cut off!"

Lin Huang spoke confidently, he believed in the human race extremely.

"There are fewer human races trapped here... and the concept of human race has never been mentioned!"

Jumu shook his head, "Look at the difference in size between the human race and these creatures, maybe the human race is in this... it's just chicken and duck-like food in your human race's eyes!"

Lin Huang frowned sensitively, but then nodded without refuting anything.

The law of the jungle is the law of survival!

It is a disordered but rational order.

If it wasn't for Lin Huang sitting on the giant wooden shoulders at this moment, perhaps with Lin Huang's figure, he would have been targeted by some 'strong men' inside.

"There's something interesting in here, let's find a way to get out!"

Giant wooden road.

"If you want to go out, you must first understand the rules of the cage. It's useless to worry!"

Lin Huang spoke calmly.

"And, I don't believe that there is no powerful existence in this!"

Lin Huang said, "This place is different from the other three domains. It has mountains, rocks, vegetation, birds and animals... These existences show that there is 'Qi' in it!"

Since there is 'Qi', there should be a way to cultivate and become powerful.

Lin Huang explained, "Besides, what we need to know is... Although those gods have been imprisoned, they are still immortal. They will always think of ways to get out of this land, and they will also think of ways to break through their own shackles! "

"Then what do you say now?"

Ju Mu didn't bother to listen to Lin Huang's reasoning, he just wanted the result.

"Maybe you know, but if you don't tell, then you don't know!"

Lin Huang looked at the giant tree and said.

Jumu was speechless, and came again.

Say something you don't understand.

"You said...will it drop beads if you kill the creatures inside?"

Lin Huang asked.

"I'm afraid I can't, I haven't practiced much. Even if I can really fall, I'm afraid the energy contained in it is just a drop in the ocean!"

Jumu said, "And... even if the races are different, there is no need to kill them all. In their eyes, there is no hatred, only life. There is no cage, only a living home!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, but shook his head with a sigh.

"It's a pity... your kindness is destined to be shattered!"

Forest Road.

"What do you mean?"

Jumu asked, a little puzzled.

"Where do you say this is?"

"Baffling the Northern Territory!"

"Then why do you think there are cages?"

"Naturally, it is to imprison the power of the gods and protect the fifth floor!"

Jumu said confidently.

"Since you can imprison them, why not kill them directly?"


Jumu suddenly realized.

"Then what do you mean?"

Jumu then asked.

"In the countryside of our hometown, pigs are generally raised. After a year and a half of feeding, you have to go to the mountains to collect medicine when you get sick. Why do you say?"

Lin Huang smiled, "Isn't it just to fatten up for the New Year, or to buy a good price!"

"You said that in the eyes of the races in this world, I am like a chicken or a dog. But isn't their existence meant to be kept in captivity, waiting to be fattened up?"

"Sometimes, the world is so cruel!"

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves, "You said that the descendants of these gods were born here. This is their homeland and homeland... But once someone invades, they may swear to protect and resist the invaders!"

"But here, it wasn't their territory in the first place!"

"Tell me...who is right and who is wrong?"

Lin Huang shook his head, "It's just a matter of position!"

As he spoke, Lin Huang spread his palms out, sensing the aura between the heavens and the earth, "If this is a pig farm with a large formation protecting the mountain, then there must be top-notch force!"

"Perhaps those top fighters are hidden, or maybe every creature here is a strong one, but they don't know it! And all their power is fused into flesh and blood, imprisoned invisible Already!"

Jumu shook his head, "But since it is imprisoned and cannot look inside the body, it is impossible to crack it!"

Lin Huang smiled, "Why do you have to crack it?"

"Once the pigs are white and fat, the owner will always appear in the pigsty... If you don't believe me, you can ask them if there is a regularity!"

"You're just guessing!"

Jumu didn't understand.

"Once you grasp the essence of the matter, it's not just guessing!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "The operation of the mountain protection formation requires a steady stream of energy. You know, after a god enters the land of chaos and dies, it will provide energy!"

"But if the land of chaos is silent for too long, will the mountain protection formation be abandoned? In order to avoid abandonment, it needs a steady stream of running water!"

"Therefore, the prison cage in the Northern Territory is the main source of maintaining the stability of the mountain protection formation. All the creatures inside are nothing but nutrients!"

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves and saw through the essence, then turned his head to look at the giant tree, "You are deeply trapped in the obscurity of time... If you can see the essence clearly, you can wake up and become your true self!"

(End of this chapter)

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