
Chapter 1725 Training in the Northern Territory

Chapter 1725 Training in the Northern Territory
Listening to Lin Huang's words, the giant tree drooped, "There's another gaudy talk!"

"Having said so what's next?"

Jumu still insisted on the original question.

"It's... nothing to say!"

Lin Huang shook his head and walked on the branches of the giant tree, "It's actually very simple, just wait!"

"If you want to maintain the operation of the mountain protection array, you only need to wait for the guardian to appear to catch the pig. Then it will be the pig. As long as we are caught and leave the Northern Territory, we will be free!"

Forest Road.

"I'm afraid you're thinking too much!"

The giant tree shook the branches and shook the forest, "Nowadays, a large number of gods are pouring into the chaos and confusion. During the time of the mountain guard formation, they may be full and don't need other energy at all. Therefore, the guardian will not appear... ...At least it will take a long time to appear!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, as if he had forgotten about this.

According to what Jumu said, then he is likely to stay here for hundreds or even thousands of years.

This is a long time for Lin Huang.

Moreover, entering the Northern Territory...

Even Qin Zheng, the God of the Seven Realms, may not have a way to save himself.

Lin Huang frowned.

He immediately sat cross-legged on Jumu's body, closed his eyes and began to sense...


This is something that is already impossible.

Lin Huang wanted to sense Qin Xuance, whether he could reverse the chaos for him, change the pattern of stars here, and tear a rift for him in the Northern Territory.

But it's a pity.

Not to mention that Lin Huang can't sense at all now, even if he can sense, the sensing distance will have to cross the heavens and worlds and enter the Sky Continent.

And there is also Qin Xuance who can influence the mountain guard formation in the land of chaos.

This seems to be a bit of fantasy.

"Look, the road is blocked again!"

Jumu spread his hands and smiled, "1000 years is nothing to me. But to you, it may be an extremely critical time!"

"Don't worry, there are other ways!"

Lin Huang gave himself confidence, and without much explanation, he sat cross-legged on Jumu's body and began to practice directly.

"It's useless!"

Jumu did not hesitate to splash the cold water on Linhuang, "If it is really possible, the level of force in this northern continent should be more than that!"

"That only shows that they are not smart enough!"

Lin Huang calmly retorted, but did not stop his cultivation path.

"Find a mountain top, where the aura will be much stronger!"

Lin Huang said.

"It's futile!"

The giant tree shook thousands of branches helplessly, but still followed Lin Huang's order, left the ancient big city and headed towards the top of the mountain.


Under the silent night sky, Lin Huang sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain. There was no starry sky above his head, no bright moon, only endless darkness.

Lin Huang sits and forgets like a clock, surrounded by an incomparably thin light.

This made the giant tree on the side scratch its head!

What's going on, it seems to be able to gather breath?


When the light gradually appeared, thick hoarfrost had formed all over Lin Huang's body, which made Jumu's complexion change.

That's not Hoarfrost.

It's the aura that is thick and foggy.


Could this be the legendary Peerless Talent who is unique in all ages?
Jumu couldn't believe it.

You know, the Northern Territory has been around for tens of thousands of years, and the races in it have multiplied from generation to generation.The tens of thousands of years of civilization accumulation and pursuit of descendants of countless races can't compare with Lin Huang's overnight cultivation?

If you really have such great wisdom, it would be simply too terrifying.


While Ju Mu was still thinking, Lin Huang directly performed him vomiting blood.

Then Lin Huang woke up.

"How about it?"

Jumu leaned forward and asked nervously and excitedly.

"The power of the stars... this is the lifeline of my human race!"

Lin Huang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was a flash of starlight on the tip of his index finger.


Jumu was a little confused.

The eyes are more incredible.


In just one night, he cultivated his vitality?

this is too scary!

In a world where martial arts are forbidden, he sought out the way of cultivation.

"Nothing special!"

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves, "It's just that I know the answer in advance!"

"Although there is spiritual energy in the world of the Northern Territory, the spiritual energy is not suitable for these gods or descendants to practice, and of course it is not suitable for the human race!"

"Then how did you cultivate it?"

Giant Wood asked.

"In addition to spiritual energy, there are scattered stars in this world. Although it is difficult to detect, it can be felt!"

"And the power of the stars can only be cultivated by humans!"

Forest Road.

"After we came in, all the power was imprisoned, why can we sense the power of the stars? This is impossible!"

Jumu shook his head.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Lin Huang smiled, "Because this is the territory of the human race! I believe that the ancestors of the human race will give a chance to the newcomers!"

"Because I believe, I choose to practice! Not because I have results, I then believe!"

"You are lucky!"

Jumu said sourly.

When other races came in, they had to wait to die.But after this guy came in, he really felt that this place of chaos and obscurity was his home.

Up to now, the old antiques who have lived in the land of chaos for 3 years are not as familiar with these places as the latter.

"Then let's get out!"

Jumu didn't want to stay here, he didn't have the strength to be close to him, he felt very uncertain.

Lin Huang spread his hands, "How can it be so easy... One night of practice, I can barely condense a star cyclone in my body, reaching the point where I can see inside!"

"Now, there are 29 shackles in my body! It is these 29 shackles that lock our strength!"

"It is not a simple matter to break the shackles one after another!"

"Then hurry up and practice, and I won't bother you!"

Giant wooden road.

Although 1000 is not long, he doesn't want to stay in this place for too long.

"Tell me, it's okay for me to collect the wool of the mountain protection formation?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.

"Have you squeezed less?"

Jumu asked Lin Huang back.

"That's it...then let's go massacre the city!"

Forest Road.

"Boy, are you crazy?!"

Jumu didn't react for a while.

"Massacre the city? Isn't this creating murder? And you can barely condense the star cyclone, can you withstand the siege of those descendants of the gods?"

Jumu hurriedly said.

He was just afraid that he would be beaten to death by the way.

Originally, Lin Huang's body was in it, about the size of a chicken or duck.Even if one cultivates and attains a simple state, it is nothing more than changing from chickens and ducks to pigs and dogs.

If he wanted to challenge the descendants of the gods, Lin Huang would be absolutely crushed in terms of size.


There are only two on my side, but what I have to face is other creatures in the entire Northern Territory.

Not looking for death?

"Support war with war, why be afraid of it!"

Lin Huang smiled, and before Jumu could refute, he jumped on the latter, "Don't worry, you won't die with me here!"

"Based on my current understanding of chaos and obscurity, I am equivalent to the prince here, walk sideways!"

"You run wildly, I control the massacre!"

(End of this chapter)

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