
Chapter 1726 One person wants to slaughter the city

Chapter 1726 One Man Wants to Slaughter the City
Hearing Lin Huang's words, Ju Mu almost went crazy.

What kind of human language is this talking about?
Really want to single out a city alone?
However, Lin Huang had already started urging him to leave.

The giant trees are dying.

but no way...

Now, it seems that he has been coerced by Lin Huang.

Without Lin Huang, he realized that he might not be able to get out.

One person and one tree charged towards the nearest city.

"I'm a little panicked, what level are you in now? How many can you fight?"

Jumu still asked worriedly.

"Less than a hundred!"

Lin Huang replied perfunctorily.

The giant tree was furious and threw Lin Huang off the tree.

Lin Huang smiled, flew up, and squatted on Jumu's body again, "I broke the two shackles in my body, and now it is equivalent to Tianyuan and Marquis Wu of the human race!"

"Is this level very capable?"

Jumu didn't have much understanding of the division of realms of the human race.

Under the gods, each ethnic group has its own division, which can be said to be very different.Only after reaching the realm of gods can there be a relatively unified concept of realm.

However, generally for those below the realm of gods, the number of wings of the Chitian God Clan will be used as a division mark.

From a certain level, being able to become a standard of measurement also demonstrates the strength of the Chitian God Clan.

Lin Huang didn't explain the system of Tianyuan and Marquis Wu in detail, but just reminded Jumu, "Don't worry, I won't let myself die in the confusion!"

Not long after, the giant tree rushed out of the previous ancient city with Lin Huang.

Lin Huang flew up from the giant tree and punched the burly soldier at the gate of the city.

However... Lin Huang was immediately blown away.

The soldiers at the gate of the city also stared wide-eyed, even chickens and ducks dared to wield knives and guns at him.

The giant tree on the side was about to run away immediately.

However, Lin Huang had already rushed over again, hitting the knees of the soldiers at the city gate with dozens of punches.


With a crisp sound, the monster soldier's knee shattered, and his huge body half-kneeled down immediately.

With a leap, Lin Huang stepped on the latter's waist and stood on his shoulders.A knife pierced through the head directly from top to bottom.

The next moment, an extremely pure blue bead landed on the ground.

Lin Huang suddenly laughed, he turned his head to look at the giant tree, and said, "If it's really just a common thing, it won't drop beads of this color."

"They have been growing stronger, but their power has been sealed and they cannot use it. Otherwise... relying on the beads after death in a mortal body will not be able to support the operation of the mountain protection formation at all!"

As he spoke, Lin Huang swallowed the beads in one gulp, and used them to break the chains of detention in his body.

But when Lin Huang looked up, he found that dozens of huge bodies had rushed out of the ancient city.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows immediately, before he could respond, his whole body was tied up by the branches of the giant tree.

The giant tree ran wildly, like flying a kite, letting Lin Huang fly in the sky.

"That's it... you still come out to slaughter the city?"

Jumu roared, he didn't expect Lin Huang to be so unreliable.

Lin Huang laughed loudly, "Slaughter the dozens of guys chasing after me, and I will be able to slaughter the city!"

"I believe in your evil!"

Jumu was furious.

But Lin Huang was very calm. He looked at the dozens of 'monsters' of other races who were chasing behind the giant tree, and with his fingers together, he slowly wiped Shan Na Dao.

After more than 30 breaths, Lin Huang suddenly jumped off the giant tree.

"Kill God with a knife!"

In the void, there was a faint voice.

I saw Lin Huang killing the frontmost monster extremely quickly.

The monster roared, completely ignoring Shan Na Dao, and came towards Lin Huang with a palm.

Keng Keng grinding sound sounded.

Shan Na Dao was successfully grasped by the monster, making an ear-piercing grinding sound.

In an instant, Lin Huang took the saber out of his hand.

The whole person went directly towards the latter's face.


Lin Huang's knees directly hit the latter's eyes, which made the monster groan in pain.

Lin Huang snatched Shan Na Dao from the latter's hand and wiped his neck with it.

Afterwards, Lin Huang caught the bead that the latter had turned into after his death with one hand, and flew towards the giant tree at the same time.

"Brother, don't do it anymore! I can't run anymore!"

The giant tree is now gnashing its teeth at Linhuang.

"Don't worry, if I break another chain of restraint, I will be able to break through to the realm of the Martial King of the Human Race. At that time, killing these nine monsters will be like chopping melons and vegetables!"

Lin Huang's tone was sonorous and forceful, which gave Jumu great confidence.

"Then when will you break?"

Jumu seemed to see hope again.

"Kill all the monsters chasing you, and the power you should get is almost the same!"

Jumu's eyes widened immediately.

He wished he could kill Lin Huang directly and whip the corpse again.

At this moment, Lin Huang didn't care about the life or death of the giant tree.In his eyes, the potential of Jumu is far more than that!
Along the way, the remaining monsters kept chasing after them.

But... Apart from their huge size and hard flesh, those monsters have no realm, no supernatural powers, and even pitiful little combat experience.

Not long after, the next few were directly defeated by Lin Huang one by one.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that Jumu stopped panting, and finally didn't have to run.

He almost suspected that he was a horse!
"I beg you... Next time, can you feel that you have grasped it before you make a move? Isn't it good to crush me non-stop, so that I must be exhausted to death?"

The giant tree is now gnashing its teeth at Linhuang.

He feels that he is now an old scalper who has been working and not giving grass to eat.

"It does not matter!"

Lin Huang didn't care what Ju Mu said, "Look, I've broken through to the realm of the Human Martial King!"

"Now even if the dozen or so monsters go up together, we don't have to run away!"

Lin Huang comforted Jumu.

"It's almost..."

Ju Mu nodded tiredly, but soon after, he found something was wrong... He worked hard for a long time, but he got nothing.

Being prostituted for nothing by Lin Huang.

"Okay, it's almost time to rest! Let's go to the ancient city and strive to raise my realm to Martial Saint today!"

"When you reach the realm of Martial Saints, you should be invincible! Slaughtering the city is no joke!"

Lin Huang was cheering up the giant tree again.

"Anyway, I won't go, you have to go by yourself!"

Jumu directly performed a strike for Lin Huang.

"Are you going to part ways with me?"

Lin Huang made a big shot.

Ju Mu suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Huang, and opened his mouth...but he didn't say anything, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Is this a fucking negotiation?
I just want to take a rest, and you are going to force me to part ways?

Jumu stood up and complained, "I'm not in a hurry to go out for a day or two, do you want to reincarnate?"

"It's not particularly urgent!"

Lin Huang smiled and said, "But I seem to have forgotten a question before!"

"I don't want to hear it anymore, don't tell me!"

Jumu feels that as long as he talks to Lin Huang now, there will be pitfalls everywhere.

Lin Huang didn't care about this, "When I entered the land of chaos and obscurity, a god of the eight realms should have rushed in!"

"Perhaps, the latter has already begun to try to enter the fifth floor!"

"If the fifth floor is really important to you, you have to work harder!"

(End of this chapter)

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