
Chapter 1732 Human Potential

Chapter 1732 Human Potential
When he said this, he and Yaotian God turned their heads to look at Qin Zheng.

He didn't know either, but he was too embarrassed to ask.

If this is asked, wouldn't it appear that he is the same as Zhan Tianzun?

The Great Desolate Lord at the side also raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was more reserved, and instead of turning his head to look at Qin Zheng, he pricked up his ears.

But Zhou Tianshen didn't show any expression.

Qin Zheng glanced at the crowd, then frowned, "What are you doing when you become gods, don't you think about these problems?"

"Hey, aren't you busy chopping monsters?"

Zhan Tianzun explained for himself.

"My master died early in battle, no one taught me to think!"

Yaotian god dumped a pot.

Qin Zheng shook his head and began to explain, "Because of the potential of the human race!"

"Among all the races in the heavens, the human race is actually a very weak existence. The height of all living beings is no more than eight feet, and the fist strength of ordinary people is no more than a few hundred!"

"And among the thousands of races, if you pick them up casually, they may all be born with a hundred feet of physique. Their physical bodies can collapse mountains and seas! Once they are born, they may be able to reach the realm of martial saints!"

"Even if a person's physical body has supernatural powers, or a sacramental body, it can change the physical body to a height of ten feet. But facing all races, it is still far behind!"

"This is the inherent disadvantage of my human race!"

Qin Zheng sighed.


Qin Zheng changed the subject, turned his head and glanced at the crowd, "Although our human race is weak, it has potential that the heavens and all races can't match!"

"This potential, I don't know where Qiyuan is, but it has been proved by several tides, which is enough to prove it!"

"In the ancient and vast years, our human race has not had a glorious era, but has had an extremely glorious era!"

"The human race once ruled the heavens and worlds. It was also the only bright existence under this eternal starry sky!"

"At that time, the word Renhuang surpassed the title of a god!"

Qin Zheng shook his head, "It's a pity that those years have passed away, and the glory of the human race has been annihilated in the long river of time!"

"And the human race can rule the heavens because of the terrifying potential of our human race, thus giving birth to an extremely strong man who truly overwhelms the ages. With his peerless power, he swept the heavens and suppressed the world! Let the word emperor be contaminated. Great glory!"

"This is why all the heavens and all races fear my human race!"

"And the several tides that the human race has experienced are almost all because of the appearance of a person who is worthy of the pinnacle in the human race, which made all races jealous and was wiped out!"

Qin Zheng rolled his sleeves, and sighed in his voice, "All the races in the sky, but the human race is weak! We are not as good as they were born, our cultivation speed is not as fast as theirs, and our speed of stepping into the realm of gods is not as good as them!"

"Even in the same realm, we are not as strong as them because of the limitations of our physical bodies!"

"The number of our gods is not as good as those big clans!"


There was a hint of arrogance in Qin Zheng's voice, "If there is any god in the heavens and worlds that can step into the Nine Realms first, it must be my human race!"

"Where is the potential and wisdom of our human race!"

"At the beginning of the origin of myriad worlds, there were my ancient ancestors of the human race who searched under the vast starry sky! When the creatures of the myriad worlds first opened, our ancestors of the human race had already established order! When other races gradually formed, our human race I have already begun to seek the Tao! When other races began to seek the Tao, our race has already begun to think about the boring question of who I am!"

Qin Zheng waved his sleeves in high spirits, appearing particularly confident and flamboyant.

"So, I'm pretty good?"

Zhan Tianzun's eyes showed surprise, the human race has great potential, and he is a member of the human race, so he is equal to the human race, so he has great potential.

A complete set of logic, Zhan Tianshen Zun thinks it is very reasonable.

Qin Zheng glanced at Zhan Tianshen Zun, "You are really shameless!"

Zhan Tian Shenzun snorted coldly, and didn't pay attention to Qin Zheng. You have a high level and everything you say makes sense. When my level rises one day, scolding you is like scolding my grandson!
"So... that's why you didn't enter the Eighth Realm?"

Zhou Tianshen looked at Qin Zhengdao.

Qin Zheng smiled, but did not answer directly, "It is already very dangerous for the gods of the human race to step into the eighth realm. Not to mention other races, just the old people of the Ming clan, it is very difficult to deal with!"

"So... as long as the human race doesn't have top combat power, there is still a lot of room for survival. But if there is a strong man who can threaten the big clan, it will be very dangerous!"

Zhou Tian Shendao.

"Otherwise, why Emperor Jintian was intercepted back then, isn't it because it was too high-profile?"

Qin Zheng scolded Emperor Jintian, forgetting that he was the same as Emperor Jintian back then, but Emperor Jintian was less lucky.

"The topic has gone too far!"

Qin Zheng turned his head and looked at the crowd, "So, don't worship the power bestowed by the heaven and earth!"

"During the mighty years of my human race, there have been many powers, such as the ancient power of gods and demons, the power of sacrifices from countless tribes, the power of witchcraft, the power of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, the power to seduce the stars, and There are extremely pure sword cultivators in an era!"

"The development of martial arts in the human race is a competition among various schools of thought. It is not an exaggeration to say that I will be on stage after you sing!"

"Aren't the supernatural powers of the Blazing Gods powerful? Powerful! And the human race has studied it thoroughly in the seventh tide, but why didn't it pass down the power that it can obtain in a short period of time, so what? Because talent can Supernatural powers, it is difficult to help the Blazing God Clan reach the peak of the world!"

"What else is the fate family... My human race knew divination and gossip as early as the beginning of the world, and then there were theories about stars and constellations, and about Ziwei, and then evolved into various schools, such as Qimen, priests, prophets, etc. Kanyu, stealing strategies..."

"But there are not so many Huamen passed down by the human race. It's not that the human race doesn't care, but that they don't need to care, because this is not the root of the human race, but the Ming clan regards it as the root!"

"Many things, the human race has surpassed the heavens and all races for more than a tidal period, but they discarded them casually. It's not because they can't see the treasure mountain... but because the human race can clearly see the real treasure mountain!"

Qin Zhengyue said more mysteriously, Zhan Tianshenzun, Yaotian, and Great Desolation Lord all felt a little guilty, even Zhou Tianshen jumped their eyelids...

So, what is the treasure mountain of the human race?
They weren't sure either.

"That... this... can you explain more clearly?"

Zhan Tian Shen Zun asked the most irresistible first.

Qin Zheng was taken aback.

Still don't understand?

This is too stupid!
How did you step into the realm of gods?
What he and Emperor Jin had thoroughly researched when they stepped into the third realm, this guy still still doesn't understand?
Qin Zheng had no choice but to continue speaking:
"From ancient times to the present, there is only one human race whose power has not been lost!"

Qin Zhengyue said more mysteriously, and everyone looked forward to it.

"The original power of the flesh!"

Hearing the answer, everyone was obviously taken aback.


Zhantian Shenzun waved his hand, and Qin Zheng was playing tricks again, thinking it was some kind of great power.

The strength of the body, as if no one has it, so what to pretend!

(End of this chapter)

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