
Chapter 1733 The Power of the Flesh

Chapter 1733 The Power of the Flesh
Unlike Zhantian Shenzun, Yaotian Shenming was also a little taken aback.

The Great Desolate Lord fell into deep thought.

Zhou Tianshen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Qin Zheng turned his head, took the first look at Zhan Tianshen Zun, and then swept over the crowd, "It's useless to talk too much, it's [-] gods away from here, and there are Hanjia people, why don't you just go and try it!"

Saying that, Qin Zheng took the lead to cut through the sky and headed towards the Hanjia clan.

"Do you just want to attack the Hanjia clan, not the Shenyou clan!"

Zhan Tianzun asked.

"You really have no brains!"

Qin Zheng laughed loudly in front of him.

"The Hanjia clan is famous for its physical defense. Without any supernatural powers, the adult state can be as high as eight thousand feet...Qin Zheng, we just watch you!"

Zhantian Shenzun opened his mouth, feeling that he was not sure about his sword and did not have such a strong attack ability.

"No need!"

Qin Zheng flapped his sleeves, "Just watch it!"

As he said that, Qin Zheng let out a long howl, disturbing the void, "Human Qin Zheng, please fight the Hanjia clan!"

After a roar, Qin Zheng didn't give the opponent the slightest chance to react, his body suddenly grew larger in the void, and the height reached hundreds of thousands of feet between breaths.

In the next moment, Qin Zheng slashed out with a fist, intending to crush the big world in front of him.


There was a loud noise between heaven and earth.

I saw the figure of an ancient mountain appearing.

That figure was too tall, even more majestic than Qin Zheng, it was as high as 30 feet, three times longer than Qin Zheng.

His skin is ancient, like an ancient Great Wall stained with the copper rust of the years, surging all over his body, giving people an indestructible feeling.

Do not……

It is no longer indestructible.

Standing there, the gods of the Hanjia clan acted as a terrifying line of defense, seemingly able to withstand the attacks of the gods all over the sky.

Moreover, behind the god, there are densely packed figures of the Hanjia tribe, although they are not as tall as the one in the front.

But they are usually seven to eighty thousand feet tall, and the entire Void World seems to be unable to fit them.

Looking into the distance, Zhan Tian Shenzun frowned fiercely, he always had the feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city... The oppressive power of the Hanjia clan is simply too strong.

It actually made me feel like I met a whole gang when I was a child.

And Qin Zheng is that kid!
"Human Qin Zheng... how dare you provoke my Hanjia clan!"

The gods headed by the Hanjia tribe spoke.

"I remember back then, when you participated in the interception and killing of Emperor Jintian, you were the one who blocked his way, Hanyuan God!"

Qin Zheng spoke.

"So what?"

The Han Yuan God said, "This god can control the eight realms in seven realms, but how can you be an enemy of my Hanjia clan if you are only in the seven realms!"

"Is it?"

Qin Zheng laughed, "Then I will kill Qijing with my body!"

After saying that, Qin Zheng let out a long roar, and the whole body suddenly burst into the sky, and his whole body was like a huge sun walking!



Between heaven and earth, the sound of rumbling is endless, like the constant collision between the ancient magic mountains.

However, Qin Zheng did not use martial arts supernatural powers.

Every move is the power of the flesh.

However, it shocked everyone even more. Every punch was like a thunderbolt, and every turn over was like a vast ocean surging.

The eyes gathered light, and a terrifying force of tearing penetrated out.

Three thousand black silks are like three thousand swords!
A punch and an elbow are extreme attacking weapons.

Under Qin Zheng's powerful physical strength, the body of Hanyuan God, who can control the eight realms, began to crack, and blood began to vomit from his mouth.

The Hanyuan god roared, and thousands of Hanjia clan gods behind him swarmed to surround Qin Zhengtuan.

In the distance, Zhantian Shenzun didn't think about saving people, but asked in shock:

"What kind of divine body is this?"

Zhou Tianshen frowned.

He also didn't see what kind of divine body it was.

They knew about Qin Zheng's physique.But what Qin Zheng is showing now is not the power of the immortal body.

but physical strength.

The ultimate physical strength!
This is completely beyond their imagination...

"Don't you want to save me?"

The remote god asked.


Zhantian Shenzun saw that Qin Zheng was no longer on the battlefield, "Should we still run?"

The Great Wilderness shook his head.

It's not to refute Zhantian Shenzun's statement, but he didn't want to save Qin Zheng.

"You underestimated him too much!"

Zhou Tianshen was very calm, "Why do you think Emperor Jintian died, but Qin Zheng didn't die? Or do you think that Emperor Jintian was more popular than Qin Zheng?"

"He's so powerful, he still wants to pretend to be a grandson?"

Zhan Tianzun was puzzled.

Zhou Tianshen shook his head and chuckled, "This is not the strongest immortal god!"

"Then let's sit down and watch slowly!"

Zhan Tianzun said.

On the battlefield, the figure of Qin Zheng reappeared.

It is true that the gods of the Hanjia clan are too tall, and Qin Zheng's body is as tall as a child in front of them.

But Qin Zheng was killed from the Hanjia clan with his weak body of one hundred thousand feet.

He punched out punch by punch, and his figure appeared in the void. Accompanied by his killing path, he was surrounded by thunder, ice, wind and frost, sword energy, life and death breath, the power of reincarnation, and the power of the five elements...

"This...isn't it the power of the physical body!"

Zhan Tian Shen Zun turned his head, he felt that Qin Zheng was cheating.

"That's what he's going to tell us!"

Zhou Tianshen saw the truth at a glance, "The supernatural powers around him are not supernatural powers, but the original power of his physical body! He discovered the true potential of his physical body, he created the world with his physical body, and made rules with his physical body! What you see Supernatural powers are all his physical strength!"

"Space freezes!"

Yao Tianshen exclaimed, his eyes widened.

Just now, when he saw Qin Zheng punch out, the space froze for a moment.

The thunder calamity above the nine heavens couldn't find its target before it fell.

That is, at the moment when the space froze, Hanyuan Shenming was directly smashed in the head by Qin Zheng's punch.

Once the Hanyuan god died, it seemed that there was nothing that could stop Qin Zheng. He walked all over the battlefield, like a murderous butcher, crushing all directions with the most tyrannical posture.

"Such a strong physical body is suitable for placing on the border of our human race as a defensive city!"

Zhan Tianzun sighed.

"Okay, there's nothing to see, let's do it!"

Zhou Tianshen took the lead and stepped into the battlefield, followed by the Great Desolate Lord and others.

In just two hours, the five gods of the human race were all stained with blood... However, on the battlefield where they were, there were mountains of bones!
Qin Zheng wiped the blood from his hands with his sleeve, and glanced at the four of them, "This is the power of the physical body!"

"But what's the difference between this and the divine body?"

Zhantian Shenzun is indeed the most stupid, he doesn't understand anything.

"The divine body is the way for others to come out, but this one can study the divine body. This is the biggest difference!"

Qin Zheng glanced at Zhantian Shenzun, and reluctantly explained:

"Why do mortals live for only a hundred years, but why do gods live forever? How did the ancient human race have supernatural powers born, and why did they disappear?"

"Why does the human body have eight extraordinary meridians, why are there three souls and seven souls, why are there flesh and bones, why are there five viscera orifices? Why do you become stronger when you absorb vitality? Why do you become weak when you get sick? Why are ordinary people afraid of fire but not water? Eyes can see things, ears can hear sound?"

(End of this chapter)

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