
Chapter 1734

Chapter 1734
Listening to Qin Zheng's words, everyone fell into deep thought.

It seems that they have never really understood the mysteries of the flesh body!

They will understand the cycle of heaven and earth, and study the power of heaven and earth.But ignore some common sights!

It's not that they can't work it out.

But it never occurred to me!
Zhou Tianshen frowned, and then said: "Perhaps it was a wrong decision to put you on the border of the human race. You may be more suitable to open a mountain to ask for my descendants of the human race!"

Qin Zheng smiled, "Tao comes out on its own, and truly powerful gods will not become powerful because of learning!"

"According to what you said, our human race should take another path, maybe there is a wider space?"

The Great Wilderness Lord asked.


Qin Zheng said resolutely: "It takes a long time for the physical body to show terrifying strength, but martial arts supernatural powers can quickly make warriors stronger! If my human race has no worries, then this road is naturally very good! But The current situation does not allow it!"

Everyone nodded slightly, understanding what Qin Zheng said.At the same time, I felt a little emotional in my heart, unknowingly, Qin Zheng had surpassed them by a lot.

Their road, in fact, has almost seen the end.

And Qin Zheng may still have a long way to go!

"The road to the human race is long and difficult!"

Qin Zheng waved his sleeve robe and looked at Zhan Tianshen Zun, "Your potential is amazing, don't mess around every day, you really want to destroy yourself!"

"Don't just talk about me, but also talk about Yaotian!"

Zhantian Shenzun immediately shifted his target.

Yao Tian Shen shook his head, a little helpless.

Among the few people, except Qin Zheng.Zhou Tianshen is an old-fashioned human powerhouse. His current strength may not be worse than that of Qin Zheng, and he has come to an end.

And he is far away from the sky, and he is actually quite satisfactory along the way, not outstanding, and he will not lag behind.

As for the Great Desolate Lord and Zhantian Shenzun, they both have great potential.

The Great Desolate Lord grew up from a barren land, and he has a feeling of being raised by nature, but he has very little communication with Taoism.But even without these, the latter has grown to such a state.Once there is more communication and mutual verification of the Dao, perhaps the strength of the Great Desolation Lord can grow rapidly in a short period of time.

As for Zhan Tianzun...

How should I put it, the proper second generation of gods.

I have been attracting attention since I was a child, but I just like to mess around, and I don't care about many things!He seems to be a jerk every day, but being able to join their team just shows his terrifying talent.

As long as he is more serious, I am afraid that he is truly worthy of the word Zhan Tian.

"So... these years, you have been exploring on this path?"

Zhou Tianshen asked.

"One of them!"

Qin Zheng smiled and didn't give a specific reply.

"Some of the things I just said are just out of feelings. You can listen to them, and it doesn't matter if you don't. Everyone has their own way. What I Qin Zheng said is not the way to reach the sky! It's just my thinking What I think, and what I see, show it to everyone, and confirm each other!"

Qin Zheng rolled his sleeves, "However, the future of the human race is definitely not ours. Even if we are like this, there is no problem. But it is still necessary to guide some children of the human race!"

The remote god nodded.

Zhan Tian Shen Zun is also rare and did not raise the bar, "Let me meet that Lin Huang next time, and see if he can verify some of your Dao theories!"

"Don't belittle or underestimate any younger generation with your own understanding of Dao, they have their own way, we have to choose to believe them first, and then look at their behavior!"

There was a rare gentleness in Qin Zheng's voice.

"In the land of chaos and obscurity... you won't be able to make a move!"

Zhou Tianshen asked suddenly.

"I don't know... Even if there is, it's not related to today's situation in the world, but as a respect for the ancestors of the human race before the tide!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Tianshen frowned.

Qin Zheng smiled, but did not answer, "If the timing is right to destroy the Shenyou clan, maybe you will understand!"

With that said, Qin Zheng had already headed in the direction of the Shenyou clan.


Zhantian Shenzun immediately yelled, "Go to the Shenyou clan... This dog-like big clan, without five gods of the eighth realm, will definitely not be able to take it down! I understand what you just said, why don't you wait for me?" Close it first?"

Zhan Tianzun was cowardly again.

But Qin Zheng ignored it as if he didn't hear it.


The land of chaos and confusion.

On the blood-colored ruined ground, Lin Huang looked ahead with a dazed look in his eyes.

"This is the fifth floor you said?"

"if not?"

"Then tell me? Has anyone who entered the fifth floor ever come out?"

"This... I don't remember, it seems that I don't have one?"

"Be serious!"

" think this place is very familiar, should I go in?"


"I don't know, I remember that I went in. But after seeing it, I am a little uncertain. I don't know if I had a dream in the past 3 years, which caused my memory to go wrong!"

At this moment, what appeared in front of the desolate forest and the giant tree was a black vortex.

It's not quite right to say it's a whirlpool.

It should be a black sky.

Above the sky, there are dark folds that turn into swirls.

And within the distance of the three gods in the radius of the whirlpool sky, there is nothingness!
To say it is nothingness is a bit too much.

Because the dark vortex can be seen, it means that the light still exists.However, Lin Huang could feel that the light was frozen in the space of the three gods.

Time seems to be swallowed by a dark vortex!

Lin Huang didn't dare to move forward...

He could feel the horrific tearing force of the vortex sky curtain on the surroundings.

Even though the current level has been raised to the seventh level, there is still a feeling that it is difficult to compete.

If you go any further, you may be instantly sucked into the vortex sky.

He didn't know what was behind the whirlpool sky?
But he knew that once he entered, it would be difficult to escape the devouring power of the whirlpool sky.

"It seems... this shady vortex has expanded a little!"

Jumu continued to speak, "The secret realm on the fourth floor should have been swallowed and entered the fifth floor!"

"If you don't make it clear what is on the fifth floor, I might not go in!"

Lin Huang turned to look at the giant tree.

"Didn't you say it, the power of the whole spirit!"

The giant tree is speechless, it has come here, this guy still doesn't believe in himself, the human race's eyes are getting more and more.

"Even if I have never experienced such a vortex sky, according to my current perception, it is impossible for the seven or even eighth realm gods to escape from the vortex sky!"

Lin Huang said seriously.

"I'm willing to take risks and even gamble my life, but I'm not stupid!"

Ju Mu frowned tightly, and he seemed to be a little dazed at the moment, "No... I don't know..."

"I don't know what I'm going to do!"

"I just want to go in!"

(End of this chapter)

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