
Chapter 1735 The Broken World

Chapter 1735 The Broken World

Outside the fifth floor of the chaotic barrier, Lin Huang frowned slightly as he saw the giant tree in a daze.

He can't tell.

Is the giant tree pretending, or is it really like this.

In fact, all the thoughts in his mind are based on speculation.There is no evidence of the origin of the giant tree.

Except for the fourth layer of Northern Territory, which can be easily walked out, Lin Huang has no other information.

And ahead, the vortex canopy must have extremely terrifying power.It is very likely that it was the terrifying power formed after the collapse of the world before the tide of the human race.

Once in, you may be trapped in it forever.

"You go first!"

Lin Huang finally spoke.

Jumu turned his head to look at Lin Huang, and there was some hesitation in his eyes.

But in the end, he still moved forward tentatively.

When the giant tree touched the edge, suddenly, an extremely powerful tearing force directly tore the giant tree into pieces.

Right in front of Lin Huang's eyes, he watched the giant tree being torn into powder and pulled into the whirlpool sky.

Lin Huang frowned.

At that moment just now, when the giant tree was torn apart, he seemed to see the original thing.

The giant tree was not torn apart by a powerful force, but was transformed by the power of rules into another state.

This made him even more suspicious.

Afterwards, Lin Huang stepped forward tentatively, becoming more and more cautious.

Finally, he approached the range touched by the power of the vortex sky curtain, and in an instant, a mysterious force penetrated his whole body.

In an instant, Lin Huang felt that his power was assimilated and his physical body was disintegrated.

His completely defeated energy body flew towards the vortex sky.


When Lin Huang was conscious, he felt that the world was spinning.

Immediately is unbelievable.

The power of the swirling sky just now was too mysterious and too terrifying. He only had the consciousness before his body was completely disintegrated.

That power, in fact, does not have a particularly terrifying devouring power, but it seems to be able to disintegrate everything and then devour energy.

But now... he's conscious.

This shows that after he transformed into energy, he was combined again to form himself.

This feels too mysterious!
He seemed to have died once, but not completely.

In the Sky Continent, he felt the power of time... But here, he also has a feeling of time travel.

However, controlling the years is not the same as truly traveling through the years.

With Lin Huang's current understanding of Dao, he is somewhat confused.

In front of him, Jumu also recovered his body, and he still felt a little dazed at the moment... he didn't know what he had just experienced.

Lin Huang looked around...

Then there was shock on his face.

In front of him is a decadent and dilapidated world. The space is actually not that big, but it gives Lin Huang a sense of vastness and antiquity.

This feeling is inexplicable.

can not explain.

Dark and ruined ancient mountains.

The cracked and broken earth does not have the slightest breath of life.

In the void, there is a black light.

But he can see things in the dark...

And the only white is the paper money floating in the void.

The paper money is still a little yellowed.

Lin Huang raised his hand and caught a piece of paper money, but the paper money instantly melted in Lin Huang's hands, Lin Huang frowned slightly:


That's not paper money, but the power of floating rules, just like paper money.

This made Lin Huang feel a trace of sadness for no reason.

It seems that the way of heaven is paying homage to this lost world.

Lin Huang was walking on the dilapidated land, his expression a little depressed... In the entire dilapidated and dark space, there are many majestic sculptures.

Indomitable sculpture.

Some of the surrounding waves are rolling and surging.

Some held up torches and looked up at the sky.

Some have three thousand swords behind their backs, looking down on the world from the clouds.

Some sculptures... only the base is left, and it is impossible to tell where the gods are!
Lin Huang had a feeling in his heart, he probably understood what kind of human world this is.

A world full of spirits and gods!

Perhaps more accurately, the power cultivated in this human world is very pure!They have screened and sorted out the power, so that warriors have more pure power to fit the heaven and earth avenue.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Light and darkness.

life and death.

Domineering and killing!
Changfeng and Thunder.

These are extremely pure powers, and the common people of the human race practice these powers so that they can control the single energy of the entire world, and eventually become the all-spirited god.


In this human world, perhaps there is no such thing as a god of all spirits, but a god of water, god of fire, god of sword...

The birth of each god represents the ultimate highlight of the avenue between heaven and earth.

However, it is a pity.

Tens of thousands of years later, all ashes return to ashes.

Only latecomers enter here to pay their respects to their former existence, but they can only find clues of their existence from the ruins.


Suddenly, a crack appeared on a sculpture of the water spirit god in front of Lin Huang.

Lin Huang backed away abruptly in shock!


Immediately afterwards, cracks appeared in the second sculpture.


The third one.

The fourth one.


In the entire pitch-black space, there are eighteen sculptures with cracks appearing one after another.


The giant tree beside Lin Huang suddenly knelt down flexibly.

He stretched out his wooden hands to hold his head, his face was grim and painful, and he kept patting with his hands, as if there was a memory to be revived.


"Master God King!"

"Ah Chen!"


In the void, there was an ancient and intermittent voice.

Those voices seemed to be unconscious, but more like the voices left by obsessions remaining in the world after the gods were completely extinguished.

Lin Huang turned his head, his eyes fell on the giant tree.

I saw him hugging his head fiercely, and the giant wooden body began to melt, replaced by a wisp of struggling remnant soul.

The remnant soul of man.

He looked up and looked at the sculptures of the eighteen gods in front of him, with pain and bewilderment on his face.

His soul and body were weeping, his white hair fluttering... It seemed that he was filled with great sorrow.However, Lin Huang could tell that the latter hadn't awakened his memory yet.

He mourns with sorrow.

Just when the giant tree fell into painful memories, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows suddenly, and looked at the sculpture at the back.

There, a figure stood up slowly.

And that figure also noticed the changes in the entire space, and at the same time saw the deserted forest and the giant tree.

Eight realms!

The God of the Eight Realms who was chased by the Blazing Gods into the chaos and confusion...

He has already entered the fifth floor of the maze.

Afterwards, Lin Huang squinted his eyes and looked up, only to find that there were countless mottled cracks on the sculpture behind the blazing god.

Lin Huang immediately reacted.

Here is inheritance!
Those who have no sculptures, only the base...maybe the inheritance that has walked out of the land of chaos.

For example, Chu Ying's domineering and all-spirited spirit.

Perhaps before Chu Ying entered here, in the dilapidated world where only the base was left, there was a domineering sculpture of the Overlord!

At this moment, the sculpture behind Chi Tian Shen is full of cracks, I am afraid that the latter has accepted the inheritance, nine out of ten!

The next moment...

The Chitian God and Lin Huang moved suddenly, without needing to talk nonsense, they directly killed each other!
(End of this chapter)

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