
Chapter 1736 God King Jiang Chen

Chapter 1736 God King Jiang Chen
In the pitch-black space, two figures collided suddenly, and the divine channel collided with each other, making a violent sound.


Whether it was the sound or the light of the divine channeling technique, they were instantly swallowed by the pitch-black space.

In the void, it seemed like two reckless men were fighting.

Forest Desolation Seven Realms.

Blazing Heaven Gods Eight Realms.

With Lin Huang's current strength, he can fight evenly!

In the void, the two figures were in disorder.

On the other side, the soul body after the death of the giant wooden body was still struggling in pain, he was confused and kept roaring.

He raised his head, looked blankly at the eighteen sculptures, and burst into tears.


He still doesn't know who he is!

He is still struggling.

And between the heaven and the earth, the ancient voice is still ringing, the voice seems to come out of those sculptures, they are calling...

"Master God King!"

"Ah Chen!"

"My lord, when will you return?"

"The homeland...needs your protection!"

"The human race is in danger!"

"I hope that one day, Lord God King will return and restore the human race!"

"Ah Chen... the world is going to be extinguished, and the master is leaving... In the future, don't be sad, don't despair!"

"The world has been extinguished, my lord, have you ever seen it, where are you?"

"The world is extinguished, but the human race is endless! Lord God King, I hope you are still fighting!"

"The incense of the human race is cut off, my lord, why haven't you come back!"

"Boy, remember to avenge Lao Tzu, I die with regret!"

"The heavy burden of restoring the human race will be shouldered by Lord God King in the future!"

"Achen, may you be safe outside the territory!"

"Master God King, I just hope to see you again. You are still young, don't be sad about our departure, I believe you will bring a bright future to the human race!"

"Jiang Shenwang, when will you return?"


Countless obsessive voices echoed in the pitch-black space, like densely packed rules of the avenue, pouring into the body of the voice of the soul, causing him incomparable pain.

"Achen... are you back?"

At this moment, there was a different voice in the void.

This made Lin Huang look sideways in the distance.

"I gave birth to the projection in my obsession, and I gave birth to the spiritual wisdom in the projection... Achen, are you back, let the master have a look!"

Lin Huang turned his head, only to see a white light appearing in front of the head of the voice of the soul.

The white light was misty.

There is a hazy figure of a tall woman in the white light.

"Just come back, just come back!"

The hazy tall female god knelt in front of the soul body, and she stretched out her soft palm to stroke the silver hair of the soul body.

"The burden of the world doesn't need to be on you alone, don't blame yourself, don't be sad. Master can see you again, it is the greatest joy in this life!"

The woman gently stroked the soul figure, her eyes were full of tenderness.

The mourning soul body looked up and looked at the woman in front of her with a warm smile, her voice was dry... It seemed that dusty memories were breaking through the cage and began to slowly recover.

"Master... Master..."

"I'm here!"

The woman spoke softly, her voice extremely gentle.

"Little's okay, the human race has gone through several tides, but it never ceases. This time the human race is destroyed, there will still be a future. It's okay...if you blame it, you can blame the master for leading you to this The avenue of sorrow and weeping blood!"

The soul body was still a little dazed, and just repeated: "Master...Master..."

On the other side of the void, the god of the Chitian God Clan sensitively noticed something was wrong, he gave up Lin Huang, and rushed towards the soul body.

Lin Huang bumped headfirst, blocking the body of the soul.

"Little friend..."

The hazy and tall woman suddenly turned her head and glanced at Lin Huang, "Little Chenzi needs the power of that Chiyu Clan to recover completely!"

"The Blazing Feather Clan?"

Lin Huang frowned, and then understood that perhaps the Chitian God Clan in this world is called the Chiyu Clan.

"it is good!"

Lin Huang nodded.

"You have domineering energy and the power of the stars, and you can summon Xing Tian and Xingxuan's obsession...Even if this world has been extinguished, my human gods have the final say!"

The hazy woman spoke again.


Lin Huang nodded, "However... I want to kill him with my own strength! Let the seniors take a look, the human race after the tide has never declined!"

After saying that, Lin Huang roared angrily and killed the Chitian God.

In the void, two figures kept colliding... In fact, it seemed very meaningless, because all the divine channels were quickly swallowed by the darkness.

All he could see was Lin Huang vomiting blood.

The God of the Eight Realms is also vomiting blood!

The hazy woman on the side was not paying attention to the battle in the void, he just looked at the soul body in front of him, with an extremely gentle smile on his face, like a mother looking at her child.

But the sound of obsession in the whole world has not disappeared, but has intensified.

The soul body kept repeating the word "Master", but couldn't think of more. He was in great pain and struggle.

He burst into tears, but he didn't know why he was sad.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lin Huang appeared next to the two of them. He held the head of the god in one hand, and threw a bead of the eight gods to the soul body.

In an instant, the majestic and surging energy was churning in the body of the soul like a raging sea!

Lin Huang sat down at the side, looked at Jumu's soul body, then at the tall woman, and scratched his head.

Co-authoring Qin Zheng is treating himself as a gift-giving mistress.

"Master... Master..."

The soul body seemed to be a little more awake, and the voice was no longer confused.

He raised his head again and looked at the woman in front of him. His wide-eyed eyes became a little dazed for a while, but the tears on his face became more and more turbulent.

Suddenly, the body of the soul straightened its clothes, smoothed its silvery white hair, and respectfully knelt down in front of the tall woman:

"Disciple Jiang Chen pays respects to Master!"

Before the words fell, Jiang Chen burst into tears.

The hazy and tall woman beside her couldn't hold back her suppressed tears, and suddenly burst out of the embankment.

She stepped forward and bent down, holding Jiang Chen in her arms.

"'s useless if it's a disciple, it's useless if it's a disciple. The disciple failed the expectations of the gods! The disciple didn't protect the human race!"

"The disciple died in battle outside the territory, and he didn't have time to help the human race! It was the disciple who was useless. The disciple didn't rescue the master, he didn't rescue Master Xingtian, and he didn't have time... everything..."

"No... Xiaochen, it's not your fault!"

The woman hugged Jiang Chen in her arms, and comforted her while crying, "You are still so young, and I want you to go deep into the battlefield outside the territory alone. You have done a good job! This has nothing to do with you, it is me. The fate of the human race is also the turning point of my human race's reincarnation!"

"Master, as long as he can see Xiaochen, and the gods of the human race can see Chen'er return, they will be satisfied!"

"In an era of tides, tens of millions of years, all the gods of my human race, and hundreds of millions of people, are waiting for your return, waiting for King Jiang!"

"I'm useless, I'm useless... If I had worked harder, been stronger, and been more cautious, maybe everything would have been different!"

"I shouldn't have blocked the millennium's return by refining the Silent River in order to become stronger! I shouldn't have been arrogant enough to go into the depths of the silence of the sky alone, unable to return!"

(End of this chapter)

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