
Chapter 1737 Story... Story

Chapter 1737 Story... Story
Jiang Chen said one sentence after another, his face full of tears was still mixed with pain and regret.

On the other hand, Lin Huang was distracted and shocked.

silent river.

The silence of heaven.

The person in front of him... actually directly refined Silent River!That's where he nearly died in it.

And the silence of the heavens, what kind of place is that?
Why did Emperor Ember appear there?
Why did God King Jiang Chen also mention the silence of the heavens.This is a place that still exists after crossing a tidal age!
In the depths of the silence of the heavens, what exists?
Lin Huang didn't dare to imagine.

And what kind of state is this god king in front of him?Compared with today's Nine Realms of Gods, how strong is it?

For a moment, Jiang Chen in front of him was full of mystery.

"Everything is in the past... The past cannot be changed! Even if Xiaochen has the ability to defy the sky, he still cannot overcome the barrier of the tide!"

The hazy and tall woman caressed Jiang Chen, "Master taught you everything, but he didn't teach you a heart of mortals. You are too young, so you can't understand and bear the ruthlessness of the years!"

"But everything needs to look forward. This will make you uncomfortable, make you very painful, make you recall the past, make you regret the past, and make you out of tune with this world! But..."

The woman raised her voice, "Raise your head!"

"Xiaochen, you are my most proud disciple, and you are also the most respected King Jiang in the entire human world! All suffering and sorrow should not knock you down, and dwelling on the past is just an escape for the cowardly! You are destined to be a strong man! A real strong man must be lonely! It must be full of blood and scars, and only by obliterating and accepting the sufferings of the past can we reach the true peak!"

"The disciple understands..."

Jiang Chen wiped the tears on his face, "But after all, this disciple is reluctant to part with Master and this place! The disciple has no homeland, no place to come from, I tried my best, just want to come back and take a look, even if it is to bid farewell to this homeland That's good too!"

The woman smiled, "Remember what Master said, the real strong is not to enjoy the respect of the world and the common people, but to endure and accept the suffering on the road full of blood!"

Jiang Chen nodded, with a smile on his face, "I can see my master again and return to my homeland again, my heart is at ease. Rest assured, my master, I will cross the Silent River again and enter the silence of heaven, for my sake. The people of the human race will fight!"

The woman's hand stroking Jiang Chen stopped in the air, her nose was sore, and there was a hint of pity in her voice, "Is it bitter?"

"A little!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "But it's okay... I'm not alone there. I'm not facing the cold world alone, enduring the loneliness of endless years!"

"In the projection of the years, I have seen many strong men before and after the tidal years! There is the God of Desolation, the Emperor of Immortality, Tuoba Tathagata, the Ancient God of Taiyang, and Emperor Jintian that I met when I died in battle. He went up the Silent River, entered the silence of the heavens, and desperately sent out my obsession after death! Some of them died in battle, and some are still sticking to it, but they are always there, and their will will never fade away!"

"That's it, that's great! Xiaochen has his own world, his own world, and he is not fighting alone!"

The woman smiled softly, "It's a lot better than Master!"

"The projection of a trace of obsession is now the same as Master! Not great!"

Jiang Chen smiled.


Lin Huang was at the side, and couldn't help but speak.

There are thousands of doubts in his heart.

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at the latter carefully, "It turns out that you are my obsessive seducer!"

Lin Huang was even more confused.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and after stabilizing his emotions a little, he said:

"Back then, after Emperor Jintian sent out my obsession, he attached me to the giant tree with the gaze of time! In order to preserve my obsession, my obsession was put to sleep by Emperor Jintian!"

"After the giant tree came here, it has been reincarnated in it. Every time it is just a big dream, what I think is actually the traction of the power here, let me enter here!"

"Then why didn't the [-] reincarnations succeed?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Because the recovery of obsession requires power, and the projection into reality and turning into remnant souls also requires power. This world is already ruined. To reshape the star array and open the vortex sky, you need power!"

The woman on the side nodded, "You have entered it several times, but you couldn't recover because of insufficient strength, and couldn't be like the present world, so I can only send you out!"

Jiang Chen nodded, "Leaving here, my memory will continue to be disturbed and become disordered!"

"Then why, what kind of obsessive guide am I?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Because of the star technique you practiced, Emperor Jintian called him the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body. This kind of power... should come from the nine-day star secret technique of Lord Xingxuan in this world! And for this kind of power, I feel close, Let us meet in the dark!"

"It is also this kind of power that allows you to easily cross the fourth floor and send me to the fifth floor!"

Jiang Chen explained.

"But there is still a concept of time!"

Lin Huang frowned.

Jiang Chen nodded, "If you show up too early, the star formation doesn't have enough power to save up enough power to light up this broken world, and I won't be able to recover... Maybe in this world, besides Emperor Jin, there are people who know my identity. exist!"

"Perhaps the time of your rise was determined by Emperor Jintian! Push forward 1000 years, and I can be revived anytime you appear!"

Lin Huang frowned, and didn't have an answer in his mind. He didn't know whether it was Qin Zheng who brought in the God of the Eight Realms to provide Jiang Chen with the power to recover, or whether Emperor Jintian had really calculated the time.

"I have seen Emperor Ember..."

The woman suddenly said, "He broke in twice."

"The first time they broke in, there were two people. One was him, and the other was a little guy named Qin Zheng! Back then, they were relatively young!"

"The second time he broke in, he was alone. He was covered in blood and was seriously injured! But he left in a hurry after leaving a few words!"

Jiang Chen and Lin Huang looked sideways at the same time.

The woman first looked at Jiang Chen, "He said, I have followed the Silent River, strayed into the silence of heaven and discovered your existence! I will cross the barriers of time to intercept your obsession when you died in battle, and put it Sending you back to your homeland, this is the respect for you as a descendant of the human race! But when the projection of the king of the gods passes through the heavens and worlds, you can take a look at the current human race!"

"I've seen him, but only my obsession perceives him!"

Jiang Chen sighed, "Perhaps, I can fight side by side with him after returning!"

Afterwards, the woman turned her head and looked at Lin Huang, "The other sentence is for you!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and sat up straight.

"Being able to hear this passage means that you are not much different from what I expected. At least you have controlled the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor. If your talent is good, you should have realized the power of the original rules on the fourth floor, but you have to listen carefully to the next words! "

"The Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven is very strong, and can quickly make you among the strong. But this is an outdated existence, and it cannot make you the pinnacle. Don't listen to the nonsense that I want to fuse the Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven with Tai Asura, I am fooling you Those old clappers!"

"As early as the beginning of the gods, Qin Zheng and I have firmly established a path! The most precious wealth of the human race, no matter how many tides it has experienced, is only the flesh!"

"If you only want to become a strong man, practicing and studying the power of the original rules can make you a giant pillar of the human race. If you want to truly step into the top, the power of the original rules is not the end, the human body is!"

"Ask Qin Zheng if you have any questions. If Qin Zheng ignores you, just practice honestly. Wherever you go, don't be so ambitious if you don't have enough qualifications!"

(End of this chapter)

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