
Chapter 1738

Chapter 1738

Listening to Emperor Jintian's words, Lin Huang only felt a little helpless.

There are also some who look down on themselves.

It seems that he has calculated a lot of things in this way.

He understood that if he really appeared on the fifth floor, he might comprehend the profound meaning of the power of the original rules, thus underestimating the power of the physical body and embarking on a wrong path.

Lin Huang did have such thoughts, even now.

However, he will not give up the power of the stars and the power of the original rules just because Emperor Jintian said so.

Because it is sometimes very important to quickly step into the realm of the gods.

As for the physical body, when he was in the seal of the cave in the Sky Continent, he had already established a prototype, and although he separated a lot of power later, it did not prevent him from wanting to take the road of the physical body.

Jiang Chen on the side also took a look, and then said: "It seems that you still don't know how to fuse!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, then clasped his fists together, "I also ask God King Jiang to enlighten me!"

"Teaching is not worth it!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand, "Actually, I don't have a deep understanding of Dao. The reason why I stepped into the road of God King back then is because of the inheritance of the predecessors of the human race, which allowed me to smelt several spirit bodies into one body. I know more , is the power of the original rules!"

"Whether it's water spirit body or fire spirit body... it's a kind of basic qi! When qi is complicated and fused, it forms the foundation of today's martial arts vitality!"

"Today's martial arts vitality can be understood as a fusion of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Of course, there are more than these qi in this fusion! But the current warriors will not go back to the essence of vitality, but choose to use vitality, and then Use the circulation of vitality to form supernatural power!"

"And the world where Master and I live is the so-called qi, which is a more essential existence!"

"If a basin is filled with stones, sand, and water, then there is only pure water, which is not enough for a basin. When the magical powers used by warriors are only relying on water to display their power, there is no basin of water. Yes, this is the disadvantage of the current martial arts!"

"And if there is only water in the basin, then a basin of water is a basin of water. The power it exerts is naturally stronger than half a basin of water!"

"That's why, the all-spirited gods of the same realm you know are much stronger than ordinary gods!"

"Martial arts need to be pure!"

Jiang Chen's example is very plain, Lin Huang is easy to understand, he frowned slightly, "But is this kind of change too little?"

Jiang Chen shook his head, "It's already quite a lot. You must know that the power of a drop of water can pierce a stone, the power of a vast sea can suppress a god, water can condense into ice, and water can also evaporate into gas..."

"The so-called way of transformation does not lie in the amount of qi you have mastered, but in how deep your research on qi is!"

"Of course... the art of change is indeed less than the number of changes in vitality. But even such changes are enough for ordinary warriors to pursue for a lifetime!"

Jiang Chen nodded, "Back then, I first fused the five qi of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and then the four qi of light and darkness, life and death, and finally fused another twelve qi, and finally stepped into the realm of the god king with 21 qi!"

"21 Qi!"

Lin Huang repeated, shocked in his heart.

In other words, from the current perspective, Jiang Chen has 21 full spirit gods, is this a bit too scary.

"However, when I entered the silence of the heavens and fought for tens of thousands of years, I gradually gave up 21 energy!"

"Why is this?"

The woman suddenly asked.

Lin Huang also cast a puzzled look.

"Because of the power of the original rules!"

Jiang Chen said, "I found that 21 qi can be well integrated with the power of the original rule! This shows that the power of the original rule is very likely to be a fusion state of complete qi!"

"So, I started to study the power of the original rules!"

"Master God King succeeded?"

Lin Huang asked quickly.

Jiang Chen shook his head, "It doesn't matter whether you are successful or not. The power of the original rules is too complex, because he fuses countless qi, and there will be countless reactions between different qi... So the original rules are difficult to analyze, and we can only continue to analyze them." Deduce the whole from the part!"

Listening to Jiang Chen's explanation, Lin Huang frowned slightly.

"According to the saying, the power of the original rules is an extremely difficult road?"

Forest Road.

Jiang Chen nodded, "Even if I have retreated for millions of years, I may not be able to fully understand it!"

"But... there is another way!"

Jiang Chen changed the topic, and then said: "This is the consensus of most of the sages of the human race, and it is to study the essence of Qi!"

"The essence of Qi?"

Lin Huang repeated.

Jiang Chen nodded, "Why is there any difference between water and fire? Why can water condense into ice, and is water still water after it turns into ice?"

"If water turns into ice, is the qi still the same qi? Why does it turn into ice? Is there a more essential existence under the qi?"

"We call the essence under this qi an element!"

"Is it because of the change of the essential elements, which caused the water to turn into ice?"

"Then, do the essential elements of the Qi that make up water contain all the essential elements, but only some of them have played a role, and the other part has been silent? As for the state of Qi that turns from water to ice, is the essential element changed, or is it because of the essence? Has the state and structure of the elements changed? Then, does the decrease in temperature affect the activity of the essential elements, or does it affect the structure of the essential elements?"

"If you understand this, can the state of water be turned into fire?"

Between the words, Jiang Chen stretched out his finger, only to see that a drop of water on his fingertip turned into a flame in an instant, and then turned into a wisp of sword energy.

"I only give you thoughts, not the answers!"

Jiang Chen looked at Lin Huang and said.

Lin Huang nodded, feeling that he had benefited a lot. He had thought about this after seeing the power of the original rules before.

In his subconscious mind, he directly regards the power of the original rules as the essential element.Perhaps this is a bit of his talent.

But he didn't have time to think deeply.

What Jiang Chen said could indeed arouse his thinking.

"I have a question!"

Forest Road.

Jiang Chen raised his head, motioning for Lin Huang to continue.

"Among the essential elements of qi, is it related to the physical body of the human body? The Dao of the world is unified, and it is transformed into a myriad of ways! The physical body actually has such abilities. In addition to relying on the power of heaven and earth, the cultivation of warriors is to strengthen the physical body ability. From being afraid of fire to not being afraid, is it because of cultivation, which affects the change of the essential elements in Qi?"

"And I completely dismantled the physical body, maybe all the elements that are laid out are all the elements that make up 'Qi'?As long as I constantly activate the potential of the physical body and play with the changes of the essential elements, can the physical body manifest different physical powers?Is this the essence of the difference between the gods and bodies of the human race?And the essence of the so-called divine body is to activate the power of Qi in the physical body? "

Lin Huang expressed the doubt in his heart.

Jiang Chen looked at Lin Huang, frowned slightly, and then said slowly:
"you still can!"

Afterwards, Jiang Chen rolled his sleeves and said: "The doubt you mentioned, among a group of gods guarding the silence of the sky, is known as the origin of the body!"

(End of this chapter)

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