
Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740
On the fifth floor of the Land of Obstacles, Lin Huang stayed away from Jiang Chen and the tall woman.

Between the two, the long river of time has been crossed, and it has been a long time since they saw each other. Lin Huang can't shine as a monk.

He began to peel off the overlord's qi in his body!
Gradually, the base that originally belonged to the statue of the Overlord began to emit light, and with the return of the Overlord's Qi, the sculpture began to gradually recover.

Lin Huang looked at the dozens of sculptures and sighed in his heart.

The human world before the tide was also a glorious era.However, ashes to ashes to sad.

Now the human race seems to have no foreign enemies, but is it really stable?
Under ten thousand races, it is difficult for the human race to contend with enemies from all directions!
I don't know what the human race plans, and what Qin Zheng plans!

However, if someone with outstanding human talent can enter here and get their inheritance, perhaps the human race will have several more powerful gods.

It's just very difficult...

In the past 3 years, they have only stepped out of Chu Ying, and that unremarkable strong man.

It didn't take long for Lin Huang to strip off all the overlord's qi in his body, and in front of him, the overlord sculpture also reappeared.

He is proud of the sky, his back is broad, he doesn't look taller than other sculptures, but he always feels more stalwart than other sculptures.

Afterwards, Lin Huang sat cross-legged on the spot and began to study martial arts.

Jiang Chen had said a lot before, but it was a difficult road for Lin Huang to quickly accept and practice.

After all, all living beings in the world will strengthen their physical bodies when they practice martial arts.But those who can discover Qi and essential elements are very few.

This requires an understanding of power and avenues, as well as broad insight and far-reaching thinking.

Lin Huang turned his palms to condense the flames, constantly changing, just looking at it like a fool.


After an unknown amount of time, Lin Huang was suddenly awakened by a palm.

I saw a young man standing in front of him, shining like the sun, with an extremely fierce fighting posture.

Lin Huang opened his eyes immediately, and then patted his cheek.

it's over...

He fell into the illusion again, and saw Emperor Jintian.

"You don't have such a strong talent yet, you can fall into an epiphany as soon as you study the Dao!"

Emperor Ember opened his mouth.

Lin Huang frowned, "You have appeared, I haven't realized yet... Didn't I enter the Silent River again?"

Lin Huang stopped in the middle of his speech, because he saw a tall woman beside Emperor Jintian.

Jiang Chen's master.

Lin Huang shifted his gaze to Emperor Jintian again.

"Jiang... God King?"

Lin Huang asked tentatively.

Emperor Ember nodded.

The tall woman briefly explained, "Someone once sent the broken and blood-stained body of Emperor Jintian in, saying that it was the boarding body for Dust's obsession to project into the present world!"

"Can the gods really come back with obsession?"

Lin Huang asked.

"The soul contains essential elements, obsession is also an essential element, and the body is also an essential element. Why can't you return?"

"As long as the obsession evolves and absorbs the essential elements between heaven and earth, it will be enough to shine into the present world and turn into a remnant soul, and then the remnant soul absorbs the essential elements and reshape the body, which is not bad! But... this is an extremely long time!"

Jiang Chen spoke.

Lin Huang was startled. Doesn't this mean that if the obsession is not extinguished, he will not die? Should he cultivate his obsession?
"The realm is too low, and the obsession will quickly dissipate!"

Jiang Chen seemed to see through Lin Huang's thoughts.

Lin Huang spread his hands and said nothing more!
However, he did not expect that before Emperor Jintian disappeared, he would send his body here to help Jiang Chen return to the present world.

" you really not go out with your disciples?"

Jiang Chen turned to look at the tall woman.

The woman shook her head gently, and said with a smile: "No... Master's obsession has just condensed into a wisp of remnant soul, and he doesn't have much strength after going out. And..."

The woman paused, and she swept her eyebrows lightly, looking at the group of sculptures in the dark world, "Master has to guard them here, it's a journey to accompany them, and I also have to guard this homeland, not to be raped by foreigners." Those who come in to grab the inheritance!"


Jiang Chen hesitated to speak.

"Okay, you should be satisfied after seeing it, don't be greedy!"

The woman touched Jiang Chen's head, "My Ye Zhaohan's disciple will miss the past, but not indulge in the past! Your path is ahead! Your figure should be at the forefront of the human race!"

Jiang Chen nodded heavily.

Afterwards, he glanced at the group of sculptures in the dark world, and said softly:
"I'm late!"


"I'm leaving to kill the enemy!"

"Masters, please rest in peace!"

As he spoke, Jiang Chen waved his robe!In an instant, a ray of sky broke through, dispelling the darkness and haze of this world.

"Master, the disciple is gone!"

Jiang Chen took one last look at Ye Zhaohan, and his face showed a bright and pure smile like that of a young girl when he first saw a girl.

Afterwards, he carried Lin Huang and flew straight up:

"Under the order of my god king Jiang Chen, open the gate!"

Before the words fell, the light in the dim world was rapidly flowing, and a dark vortex quietly appeared...

"We, send off the God King!"

"Congratulations to God King!"

"Congratulations to God King!"


In the dim world, strands of spirituality seemed to emerge from those remaining obsessions, and the voice of their will resounded throughout the void.

Even the woman cupped her hands slightly, "The Luoshui God will send off the Lord God King, and I hope to congratulate the God King!"


In an instant, the vortex disappeared.

In the dark world, Jiang Chen and Lin Huang were no longer there.

Everything is silent.

Together with Ye Zhaohan, who had revived his remnant soul, they all fell into a deep sleep!

at the same time……

The entire land of chaos was shaking violently, like nine days of wind and thunder, moving quickly, heading towards the direction of the human race.

Now that the God King has returned, it doesn't need to wander around the world to pursue the trace of the God King's return.


Shen Youyu!
Vertical and horizontal eight thousand distances.

Even if they can't compare with the top clans like the Blazing God Clan, they can still be regarded as being in the forefront in the entire heavens and worlds.

There are as many as five of the eight realms on the bright side.


just one day ago.

The Shenyou clan was attacked by the five gods of the human race.

This is simply presumptuous to the extreme.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains...

Originally, the gods of the human race Hongtian had said that these five demons might come to attack the Shenyou clan.Even if Shenyou didn't take this matter to heart, she wasn't completely unprepared.


It's really here!
They thought that the gods of Hongtian were here to make a name for themselves.


Qin Zheng can't be a stupid bird, can he?
The Shenyou clan is a little puzzled, but they are very happy... The five gods of the eight major realms are in command, and they are fighting in the Shenyou world. The five gods of the human race also want to destroy Shenyou.

Arabian Nights!

Either way.

Just kill that Qin Zheng, contribute to the heavens and all races, attract the scattered gods of all realms to join them, and strengthen the Shenyou clan to compete with the Chitian gods!
(End of this chapter)

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