
Chapter 1741

Chapter 1741

The killing of gods usually takes only a quarter of an hour.


This time, it was the five great gods of the human race who challenged the entire Shenyou clan.

The fighting has been going on for a day and a night.

In the distance, Zhan Tianzun was drenched in blood, his eyes were red, like a god of death, he fell into a state of madness.

He had a broken arm and a broken body, but he didn't care about it. He killed and marched in the sky full of gods, using his flesh and blood as a sacrifice, and went forward indomitably.

On the other side, the god Yaotian was like lightning, like a streamer, sniping and killing the gods of the Shenyou family.

However, he also had a blood-stained shirt and a broken leg.

In the middle of the battlefield, the Great Desolation Lord was trapped, and the gods from all directions kept killing him.Holding an ancient gun in his hand, with flowing black hair and fierce eyes, he suppressed the gods who killed him time and time again.

However, the fight lasted all day.

Even the gods will be powerless!

He staggered, as if he was a little unsteady.

On the battlefield, there was Zhou Tianshen fighting with the two gods of the eighth realm of the Shenyou clan. His robes were flying, but his chest was covered with dense avenue scars.

However, at this moment, he is still as fierce as a dragon and a tiger, fighting against the two gods of the eight realms alone, and he does not lose the wind.

On the other side of the void, it was Qin Zheng who fought against the four gods of the four and eight realms alone.

After the Shenyou clan fought fiercely for a day, they dispatched the sixth god of the eight realms.

At this moment, Qin Zheng was suppressed by the four gods of the eight realms, but he was rampaging like a dragon in prison.His shirt was stained with blood, and his black hair was stained red.

However, his expression was still aloof and domineering.

Facing the siege of the four great and eight-level powerhouses, even though his body was covered with scars, he was still extremely calm. He used the supernatural powers of life and death in his hands to kill one after another. .

Outside the void on this side, there are still many gods from other races watching the battle.

Looking at the battle here, I can't help but feel frightened.

one day one Night.

The five great gods of the human race can still fight.

This is nothing short of a miracle.

Even more frightening is...

Then Qin Zheng actually used the seven realms to counterattack the eight realms, if it was a simple counterattack, it would be fine.In this world, there will always be people who are astoundingly talented and brilliant, with such great abilities.


Qin Zheng was facing the four gods of the eight realms at the same time, which was tantamount to horror.

That longevity god who has been silent for tens of thousands of years has such terrifying strength!If Qin Zheng stepped into the Eighth Realm, how many gods of the Eighth Realm could stand against him!
"Fighting against the four great gods alone, Qin Zheng, in the past 10 years, no one has surpassed you in terms of talent!"

During the battle, a god from the Shenyou clan spoke.

"That's why you can't do it!"

Qin Zheng smiled coldly, "Do you want to say that the god is still fighting?"

"Is not it?"

The god spoke, his voice full of arrogance, "Look at the gods watching the battle around! They are all here to stop the human race!"

"The human race will not come to save you!"

"I, Qin Zheng, don't need others to save me. Tens of thousands of years ago, I, Qin Zheng, was able to break out of the siege again and again, staining the world with blood. Tens of thousands of years later, I, Qin Zheng, can still do it!"

Qin Zheng snorted coldly as he shot. He was suppressed by the gods at the moment, but he was still calm and composed.

"Based on your current broken body... You are certainly powerful, but this is the territory of the Shenyou clan! Four major and eight realms are above, how do you escape from birth?"

The god sneered.

"Then what if I'm not in the Seven Realms?"

Qin Zheng smiled slightly, looked at the god who was speaking, moved suddenly, and killed him straight away.

And in the process, Qin Zheng's breath soared, and he charged towards the eighth realm.

The god was horrified, and suddenly retreated.


Everything is already too late.

Qin Zheng's punch directly pierced through the latter's mighty body, annihilating half of it together with Dao Yun.

However, that was the God of the Eight Realms after all, and was not instantly killed by Qin Zheng.

The god stabilized his body and looked at Qin Zheng who jumped out of this area, his expression became extremely cold.

"You forcibly stepped into the Eighth Realm!"

"No... you're wrong..."

Qin Zheng said with a hearty smile as he made a move, "It's only a false eighth level at most, and I can hold on to two breaths at most...but with my current spare strength, I can use it three times!"

"You said that I stepped into the false eight realms three times, can I kill you?"

Qin Zheng turned his head, his eyes were like tigers and wolves, staring quietly at the gods of the Shenyou clan.

"Your strength is once again beyond the imagination of this god!"

The god spoke, and there seemed to be a hint of praise in his voice, "However, you still forgot that this is the home of the Shenyou clan. Do you really think that my Shenyou clan only has six members and eight realms?"

After saying that, the god made seals with his hands, and his voice roared to the world: "Disciple Xuanye, respectfully invite Master Tianyou God to come out of the mountain and kill the powerful enemy!"

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying aura erupted from the Shenyou world below, which shocked the gods watching the battle.

"Your master? It seems to be a more powerful eighth realm!"

Qin Zheng spoke.

"It is your honor, Qin Zheng, to die in the hands of my master!"

The Xuanye god spoke, his voice full of excitement.With his master coming out of the mountain, without the need of the four great gods, the God of Tianyou can easily suppress and kill Qin Zheng with a single effort.

"You are very confident!"

Qin Zheng lowered his eyes and his voice became cold.

While making a move, he looked at the situation of the Great Desolate Lord and the others, frowning slightly.Afterwards, his eyes glanced at the void again, and he couldn't help pinching his palms, as if he was hesitating about the decision in his heart.

While Qin Zheng was thinking, an ancient aura suddenly rose into the battlefield...

It was a cloud of gray mist.

In the mist, there is an astonishing aura, which makes the gods watching the battle fearful, and inspires the gods of the Shenyou clan.

Tianyou gods.

But the giant pillar of the Shenyou clan, when he became famous, Qin Zhengdu had not yet been born.When he retired, Qin Zheng had not yet risen.

If he made a move, Qin Zheng would definitely die.

"Human race kid, if you offend my divine territory, you will be beheaded!"

In the cloud of gray mist, a calm and relaxed voice came out.Before the words fell, the gray mist suddenly rose and moved towards Qin Zheng, enveloping him directly.

In the next moment, there was a muffled hum in the gray mist.

The gods of the Shenyou clan were overjoyed.As long as Qin Zheng is dead, even if the other gods are difficult to deal with, it will not be too difficult to kill them.

But now, Qin Zheng was clearly no match for Tianyou God.

"Xiaowa has a good physical body, but she can actually possess the supernatural powers of the Imperial God!"

A voice came out of the gray mist again, "But the Eight Realms of Rebellion is not the Eight Realms after all. You... don't understand the mystery of the Eight Realms!"

"never mind……"

In the gray mist, Qin Zheng's voice suddenly came out. There seemed to be helplessness and sighs in that voice.

Afterwards, the gray mist surged violently, as if a powerful force was rising and recovering inside, making the gray mist unbearable.

However at this time...

On the void battlefield, a dark vortex appeared.

next moment.

Two rays of light emerged from the vortex.

The next moment, there was an explosion in the void.

It was the Xuanye god who exploded directly!

Those who watch the battle from all directions are all gods.As early as the moment the vortex appeared, they reacted and paid attention.

However... they really didn't think of it!
In just two moments, the eighth-level Xuanye God of the Shenyou clan was instantly killed.

They stared at the two rays of light coming out of the vortex, and the next moment...a god exclaimed in horror:

"Emperor Ember!"

And where the light landed, Emperor Jintian rolled up his sleeves, and directly wiped out the powder after Xuanye exploded.His battle robe is white, his black hair is flowing, his eyes are full of divine light, overlooking the void battlefield, his voice is full of the mighty years:
"Ants and the like, dare to bully our human race!"

(End of this chapter)

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