
Chapter 1742 Return of the Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 1742 Return of the Heavenly Emperor
In the void, when that figure appeared, all the gods watching the battle were stunned.

Even if some people have never seen Emperor Jintian, they reacted immediately.

"Then... is that... Emperor Jintian?"

Some gods exclaimed, and the voice was full of astonishment.

Didn't it mean that Emperor Jintian was dead?
Why did he suddenly appear after tens of thousands of years of ending his official career?Moreover, that is not the remnant soul, but the real Emperor Jintian.

At this moment, not only the faces of other gods changed drastically.

Even the gods of the human race were full of astonishment and shock...

Zhou Tianshen, Great Desolate Lord, Yao Tian Shenming, and Zhan Tianshen Zun all looked in disbelief at the figure that was as dazzling as a great sun above the sky.

"Emperor Ember!"

"It's you!"


The sudden appearance of a character made the entire battlefield silent for a moment!
He is not dead.

He is not dead!
He is not dead! !

That Emperor Jintian, who was intercepted and killed by more than 300 gods, returned after tens of thousands of years?

This is a disgrace to the heavens and all races!

"It seems that he still has some fame!"

When Jiang Chen opened his mouth, he instantly understood why all the gods looked at him like this.

"Lord God King..."

Lin Huang opened his mouth, he was a little puzzled.

Jiang Chen pointed to the dark vortex, "I have maintained your strength, and it can last for a quarter of an hour!"

Lin Huang's figure disappeared in an instant, and he went to kill an eight-level god in the battlefield.

He has a seven-level god state for a quarter of an hour, and can fight for [-] rounds.

And Jiang Chen, who was wearing the body of Emperor Jintian, also moved, and he appeared in front of the cloud of gray mist in a blink of an eye...

Without saying a word, he directly pressed down with his palm.

"Emperor Ember!"

There was a sound of shock and anger in the gray mist, and the billowing gray mist surged towards Emperor Jintian.However, halfway through the surge of the gray mist, it immediately retreated.

It seemed to sense the extremely powerful aura of Emperor Jintian.

The next moment, Qin Zheng revealed his figure.

He glanced at Emperor Jintian in front of him, frowned slightly, then smiled helplessly, and stopped patting the latter's shoulder:

"I guessed right, I don't know who you are!"

"God King Jiang Chen!"

Emperor Jintian said bluntly, "It seems that you know my existence!"

"I know there must be such a person, but I don't know who you are... I can only send Lin Huang in, and see if the key to the Heavenly Emperor's body can solve the doubt in my heart!"

Qin Zheng spoke softly.

"If you and I live in an era, you will not lag behind me!"

God King Jiang Chen opened his mouth, and then looked at Qin Zheng again, "Your physical body is very strong, do you know the origin of the physical body? So you should cross the Silent River and enter the silence of the heavens! Oh... no, the current you, Not you! The real you should be stronger!"

At a glance, God King Jiang Chen seemed to see Qin Zheng clearly.

"So you call it the source of the body!"

Qin Zheng nodded, as if he had solved the doubts in his heart.

"You shouldn't be trapped here, don't tell are waiting for me, this is just the exit of the sky from the Land of Chaos!"

God King Jiang Chen frowned.

"I'm betting... on whether you really exist, on whether Linhuang can bring you to the fifth floor, on whether you can really return, and on whether you will look back at the human race!"

Qin Zheng smiled heartily.

"When I died in battle, I would not be much older than you. I am still young, and the blood in my heart has never been extinguished!"

Jiang Chen snorted coldly.

"Is he all right?"

Qin Zheng suddenly changed the subject.

"I don't know... I have been wandering in the next world for too long, and that place... is too lonely and terrifying!"

Jiang Chen said.


Qin Zheng nodded, "Then please ask God King Jiang Chen to strengthen our human race in the name of Emperor Jintian! Our human race needs the banner of Emperor Jintian!"

"Okay, today in this world, there is no one alive except my human race! Let me see your strength!"

Jiang Chen is very crisp.

He was already impatient with the gods who kept coming to test the attack during the conversation between the two of them. When he raised his hand, the three gods of the five realms killed in front turned into fly ash in the void.

Qin Zheng's dark robes were rolled up, looking at Lin Huang who was surrounded by two great and eight realms, he said in a low voice, "Wan Shi Shan, Great Qin Sword!"

Before the words fell, the Wanshi Mountain and the ancient sword in Lin Huang's hands were directly released and flew towards Qin Zheng.

Lin Huang was furious all of a sudden, and he could only use his fists to forcefully shake the offensive of the two gods of the eighth realm.

The battlefield once again fell into a boil.

Above the void, Tian Youshen and the three Eight Realms came to kill Jiang Chen and Qin Zheng.

Behind the four major and eight realms, there are dozens of gods of the seven realms, and more than 50 gods of the six realms...

On the side, Zhou Tianshen was a little embarrassed.

Now, the stinky boy who came out of nowhere is fighting the two major eight realms alone, and the other four major eight realms are all heading towards Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng.

Whose bowl should he grab food from!

"You don't reach the Eighth Realm?"

As soon as Jiang Chen made a move, Qin Zheng frowned.

"A trace of obsession is just projected into the world and turned into a remnant soul. The seventh realm is already the current peak. But... is it difficult to kill the eighth realm?"

Before the words fell, Jiang Chen disappeared in place.

"Great Star Tribulation!"

In the void, a mysterious and profound voice sounded.

As the voice fell, thousands of stars seemed to explode directly in the sky and earth, and a terrifying aura burst out... It even directly killed an eighth-level god in the center of the thousands of stars.

For a moment, the gods were amazed.

Star Treasure Technique!

It was Emperor Jintian, indeed it was Emperor Jintian!As soon as he made a move, he was even more terrifying than tens of thousands of years ago. He raised his hand and attacked the eight realms with seven realms.

It can almost be said to be a spike.

On the side, Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, even though the person in front of him was Jiang Chen, but he was wearing the skin of Emperor Jintian, and he didn't want to lag behind others.

I saw Qin Zheng punching out with a very simple and ordinary punch.

In an instant, there was a dragon chant between the heaven and the earth.

In the next moment, a black dragon compiled by the rules of the Dao appeared in the world, swallowing a god of the eight realms in one bite!
"Your understanding of the physical body is terrifying, and it does not lag behind the human gods who guard the silence of the sky!"

Jiang Chen praised.

"Kill first and then talk!"

"it is good!"

In the void, the two stopped talking, but killed the enemy silently.

Emperor Ember turned to the left.

Qin Zheng was on the right.

Emperor Ember moved forward.

Qin Zheng went back.

Two people, rampage in the battlefield!At this moment, they didn't pay attention to the other God of the Eight Realms and the God of Tianyou at all.

Their purpose is not to exterminate the Eight Realms, but to exterminate the clan.

However, the gray fog quickly entangled Qin Zheng.

"Is this god easy to bully?"

Qin Zheng frowned, and a trace of anger rose in his heart. He looked at the gray mist that was killing him, and with his sleeves rolled up, his whole body was covered with frost, like a god of frost.

The cloud of gray mist tended to solidify in an instant.

The flames are steaming within the gray mist, trying to melt the frost...

Qin Zheng punched out directly, hitting the air.

However, in the next breath, the flames that emerged from the gray mist turned into steaming mist in an instant!
Tianyou was dumbfounded.

The flame instantly turned into a stream of water?
Is there such a way between heaven and earth?

However, Qin Zheng let out a cold snort. He made a tactic with both hands and began to dismantle the existence of the gray mist, "The gray mist on your body should be the source of Shenyou flowing dare to come out and kill me, Shenyou There is no more mystery about the source, and the Shenyou clan will be destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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