
Chapter 1743 Fighting and Killing

Chapter 1743 Fighting and Killing

On the void battlefield, a cloud of gray mist, Tianyou God, felt the intruding mysterious power, and immediately collapsed, leaving Qin Zheng's attack area.

Afterwards, the gray mist began to restrain itself, and Tianyou God gradually revealed a ferocious and huge body.

"It turned out to be an ugly guy!"

Qin Zheng sneered, "I don't know how many gods of the eight realms there are in the Shenyou clan?"

"Qin Zheng, do you really think you can challenge this god?"

Tianyou Shenming spoke, his voice was full of arrogance.

"You want to zoom in?"

Qin Zheng smiled.

"Seek your own way!"

The god of Tianyou roared, and then, just as Qin Zheng said, the whole body of the god of Tianyou began to undergo drastic changes, and streaks of dark light appeared from his body, and began to corrode the void.

Gradually, the pitch-black light condensed into a phantom of an ancient demon god, covering the sky and the sun.

"You can actually use the original power of the Shenyou clan!"

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, "So... I am a little too confident. But..."

After all, "I'm afraid you don't know how the Tianhu clan was destroyed!"

As soon as the words fell, the Shenyou World below the Void Battlefield actually trembled slightly.

Along with the original power behind the gods of Tianyou, there have been changes.

Tianyou Shenming's complexion changed drastically.


Everything was as he expected and panicked.

Cracks began to appear continuously in the world of Shenyou, the mountains and rivers died, and the original power of Shenyou hidden in the world was crazily destroyed without any defense.

The original demon god behind Tianyou God has become weak before fighting.

Qin Zheng looked at the Tianyou God and the original God You Demon God in front of him, and the Great Qin Battle Banner in his hand shone fiercely.

"Again, I, Qin Zheng, cultivate the body of all eternity!"

Before the words fell, in the Shenyou World, a figure of a god suddenly penetrated the barriers of the world, and then instantly merged into Qin Zheng's body.


Tianyou was terrified, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Qin Zheng glanced at Jiang Chen, who was wantonly killing, and shook his head, "Everything should be over!"

After saying that, the Great Qin Zhan Banner turned into a long spear across the void, and charged towards Tianyou God, followed closely by Qin Zheng.

The sky and the earth are empty, and the battle is getting more and more intense.


The situation has undergone an astonishing reversal.

It's not just that the Qin coup has become stronger.

It was also because of the appearance of Emperor Ember.

The gods of the eight realms of the Shenyou clan fell into a disadvantage.But at this moment, that Zhou Tianshen had rushed into the battle circle below the eighth realm, and he was undoubtedly a dragon swallowing fish and shrimp.

Qin Zheng and the gods of Tianyou fought together, and within a short period of time, it seemed that the winner was hard to tell.

Lin Huang is alone, fighting against the two gods of the eighth realm alone, and the battle seems to have reached a stalemate.

As for the god king Jiang Chen, he wears the body of Emperor Jintian, but he never cares about the realm of gods. He will kill wherever he goes!
Even if the Gods of the Eight Realms were chasing after him, he didn't care.

It's just about killing. Where I am is where I fight, and I won't be moved by foreign objects.

Zhan Tianshenzun and others, after Zhou Tianshen entered the battlefield, quietly took a few breaths.If they don't take a rest, even if they don't die in battle, they will be exhausted to death.

"Why even Lin Huang has stepped into the seventh realm!"

Yao Tianshen looked at the forest waste in the void, a little unbelievable, and a little puzzled, he didn't know it was because of Jiang Chen.

"It's fake, it looks like a false realm!"

Zhan Tian Shenzun couldn't accept the facts in front of him, so he spoke directly.

"Gods and lords of all races, today Emperor Jintian returns, and the human race has added a giant pillar to support the sky. Back then, Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian ran rampant in the heavens and worlds, harming all races, and they are the devils who poisoned the creatures of all worlds!"

In the void, Tianyou God spoke, and the sound resounded in all directions.

"Today, I, Shenyou, used the power of the whole family as a spear to point directly at the two demons. Do you want to watch from the sidelines? You know, the battle of Shenyou today may be the end of the race of the kings in the future!"

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we should work together to eradicate the twin demons and restore the peace of our people!"

God Tianyou ran and shouted while fighting, at this moment he had already fallen into a disadvantage, and felt that the situation was extremely bad.

"Do you still have time to shout?"

Qin Zheng was furious, Wan Shishan shot directly, and suppressed Tianyou God.


Before the God of Tianyou could speak again, there was already a great battle in the distance, and then the voice of Emperor Jintian sounded:
"You don't need to say, none of them can leave today!"

The battle began to spread to the spectators of this world.

Apart from watching the battle, they came here with the intention of killing Qin Zheng and blocking the powerful human race.

It's just that when Emperor Jin appeared, they hesitated.

But now, they don't have to hesitate anymore, because the god king Jiang Chen has already killed him.

There are endless wars everywhere in the world.


rain curtain.



The collapse of space.

The chill of light.


One side of heaven and earth is like fireworks exploding in a world, intertwined with ever-changing forces, attacking and killing each other.

And all killings will come to an end.

On this side Qin Zheng has not completely suppressed the God of Heaven and You, but on the other side Lin Huang let out a roar. He held the Sha Na Dao, which turned into light and suddenly penetrated the body of an Eighth Realm God.

But at the same time, Lin Huang was chopped into two pieces by another eighth realm god.

"Lin Huang, your time is running out!"

Jiang Chen in the distance opened his mouth to remind.


In the void, Lin Huang's two bodies were pieced together, and he recovered quickly. After he simply replied, phantoms of stars and four images suddenly appeared around him.


Lin Huang's face was fierce, and the four images around him rushed towards the gods of the eight realms one by one...

The complexion of the gods of the eight realms changed, and thousands of pitch-black rocks suddenly appeared around them, forming a strong defense while pressing towards the forest.

"Hero dominates the world!"

In the void, a voice sounded.

In an instant...

The stars and four elephants exploded directly, blasting a hole in the solid defense... A jet-black light immediately penetrated the hole.


Accompanied by the passing of the pitch-black light, there was an explosion sound in the void.

A god of the eight realms was directly turned into powder.

In the sky, Lin Huang's sleeves were rolled up, and a snow-white sea of ​​flames appeared all over his body, starting to burn away the remaining dao accumulations of the two major eighth realms, without giving them the slightest chance of rebirth.

In the distance, Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows and seemed not very happy, "The methods are getting more and more fancy!"

Lin Huang didn't care about these things, he just turned black and fell from the void.

A quarter of an hour has passed, and his strength has long been drained.

Just rest assured and sleep for a while, death should not die, after all, the god king Jiang Chen and Qin Zheng are here, they were killed, they are not ashamed?
"Remote sky!"

Qin Zheng opened his mouth to signal, and then ignored the fainted Lin Huang, and looked at the god Tian You in front of him, "It's already reached this point, why don't you ask the Blazing Gods for help? My patience is limited!"

(End of this chapter)

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