
Chapter 1744 Another Huge Earthquake

Chapter 1744 Another Huge Earthquake
Hearing Qin Zheng's words, God Tianyou was obviously taken aback.

"Qin Zheng, what exactly do you want to do?"

God Tianyou asked, looking at Qin Zheng's eyes as deep as a whirlpool, a trace of panic rose in his heart.

"What are you doing... I'm waiting for a strong man from the Blazing God Clan to appear!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"You actually want to snipe and kill the strong of the Blazing God Clan...Qin Zheng, you are too presumptuous. Although the human race is strong, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the Blazing God Clan. What do you want to do?"

Tianyou God stared at Qin Zheng with a little contempt.

"Is that so... It's fine if the Blazing God Clan doesn't show up. The little brother below is killed, and the big brother doesn't come to the rescue. I don't know what the other little brothers think!"

Qin Zheng shook his head.

"If this is the case, there is no need for you to exist!"

Qin Zheng opened his mouth slowly, and then his figure turned into a pitch-black vortex, which suddenly devoured towards Tianyou God.

"Qin Zheng... don't let him go..."

Before Tianyou God finished speaking, his entire huge body was completely swallowed into the pitch-black vortex.

Afterwards, only screams could be heard from the vortex.

After dozens of breaths, the vortex turned into Qin Zheng. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression became domineering.

"The Chitian God Clan, it is really important to preserve their strength!"

Qin Zheng shook his head, feeling a little regretful.Afterwards, he turned around and walked towards other battlefields.

The battle continues...

However, the peak combat power of Shenyou Shenshen has been exhausted.

The balance of victory began to tilt extremely.

In the void, blood is like rain, and bones are like mountains!
The killing continues.

Death is happening.

The six gods of the human race, like ruthless gods of death, are crushing the entire battlefield.Whether it is the Shenyou clan or the gods watching the battle.

They are all doomed.

The god king Jiang Chen evolved stars and sealed one side of the world.

In the seal, Jiang Chen is the spear, Qin Zheng is the front, followed by the four gods, across the battlefield, slaughtering the Quartet!


long time.

A full half day.

Even God King Jiang Chen and Qin Zheng were injured, dripping with blood.

However, they still stood.

In the entire mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, only the six gods of the human race stand still.


On this day, the heavens and worlds shook again.

The Shenyou clan was destroyed.

First it was the Tianhu clan, followed by the Anemone clan, and now it is the Shenyou clan.

In this short period of time, three clans were wiped out.

And the instigators are all human races.

It's all Qin Zheng!

But today's Heavens and Myriad Worlds can be regarded as a relatively peaceful situation.The human race has risen sharply and wiped out three races in a row. What do they want to do?
Is it really going to provoke a war in the Ten Thousand Realms?

Want to cause chaos?

You must know that the human race is not the strongest among the heavens and worlds.The human race has no potential to become the overlord, so it shouldn't be so hard-edged!

But why do you do this?
and also……

Ember Emperor!
He didn't even die!
He didn't die! !

He is really not dead yet! ! !
This is more shocking than the successive destruction of the three clans.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Emperor Jintian who was hunted down by more than 300 gods, he returned alive, and he was as high-profile as he was back then.

As soon as it appeared, it would be against the eight realms with seven realms!

He casually killed on the bloody battlefield, as free and easy as splashing ink.The gods who died at his hands turned into seas of blood and mountains of bones.

How did he escape that year?

Where has he been for these tens of thousands of years?
Why did you choose to come back today?
Is his return related to Qin Zheng's behavior of destroying the three clans?Is his return the confidence of the human race to show their sharpness?
The two prides of the human race gather, they are no longer the gods of the low or middle realms, but the gods of the seven realms.Will they turn the heavens and worlds upside down again?
For a moment, all the heavens and all races had a headache.

They were surprised that Emperor Jintian returned.

They also don't understand what the human race does.

why exactly...

Together with the Chitian God Clan and the Ming Clan, they couldn't fathom the human race's mind.

Because no matter how strong Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng are, if there is a major outbreak of race war, I believe that the human race will be wiped out soon.

There are probably many top clans that want to destroy the human race, and it is very simple for them to join forces.

Maybe... already doing it.

The leaders of some small clans chose to wait and see... They don't deserve to know too much, and they can't know too much.

They just want to see how those top clans will treat the human race.

Will Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian be allowed to grow up?


When the blood ran out and the bones turned into powder, the six gods of the human race and Lin Huang who woke up also left the world of the Shenyou clan.

Ahead, Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng walked side by side.

Zhantian Shenzun and Yaotian Shenming were fascinated by the sight behind them. In the territory of the human race, they had seen the two return side by side many times, returning with amazing achievements.

From then on, Yao Tian knew that these two people would become the targets of his life.

Zhou Tianshen also showed a sigh of relief, the two figures, one black and one white, were like two streams of light between the sky and the earth, as if they had returned tens of thousands of years ago.

The two rose up at the same time, one from the south and the other from the north, and then gathered together to enter the front line to fight... Together they conquered the darkness and broke ground, and then traversed the heavens and myriad worlds.

At that time, he had three thousand disciples, but these two were not his disciples, and he favored them the most.

Such a picture has been gone for tens of thousands of years.

Ever since Emperor Jintian died in battle, the human race has heard bad news, and thousands of gods have disappeared.

Qin Zheng then guarded Wanshi Mountain, no longer had the temperament of jumping away, no longer went out, and became the giant pillar of the human race.

"My lord, where are you going next?"

Qin Zheng asked.

"... Take a look at the current human world!"

Jiang Chen thought for a while and then said, then turned to look at Qin Zheng: "Is it possible?"


Qin Zheng frowned slightly, then nodded, "Yes, but be careful!"

"Now that I have wiped out the three races in a row, the top clan in the Ten Thousand Realms must ask the human race for an explanation! The few of us have been expelled from the human race in name, and naturally we will not go back in a short time, and bring them to the human race. trouble!"

Qin Zhengdao.

"Is that so..."

Jiang Chen elongated his voice, and then sighed, "Then...forget it! As long as I know that my human blood is still alive, I will be very happy!"

"The top big clan persecutes the human race, nothing will happen!"

Jiang Chen continued.

"No... The reason why I killed the three clans is to catch them off guard before they are ready!"

"It's also to confuse these top clans, tell them! What they want to do, the human race has already done it first. They are not prepared, but the human race is ready! As long as we can deceive ourselves, other races will not dare to take it lightly." move!"

"Besides, when I destroyed the sea anemone tribe, I have already found a way out for the human race. It's just that I have to stay away from my homeland!"

Qin Zheng continued to speak.

"Homeland... don't lose it!"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Where there are people, there are human races!"

Qin Zheng said, "The human race has experienced several tides, but where is the original homeland of the human race? Who knows!"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, "I know, it's beyond the silence of heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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