
Chapter 1746 Blood stains the sky

Chapter 1746 Blood stains the sky

Sky Continent.

Lin Huang gradually woke up from a huge sinkhole.

Everything is like a spring and autumn dream.

Only when he is in the big pit at this moment can he feel the truth.

Everything I have experienced before is real.

The original world of the human race.

All worlds.

Chaos land.

silent river.

The silence of heaven.

Qin Zheng.

Zhou Tianshen, Yao Tianshenming, Zhan Tianshen Zun, and Great Desolation Lord.

God King Jiang Chen.

Everything is not a dream.

but real.

Lin Huang sat up from the tiankeng, Qin Zheng punched him ruthlessly, and directly sent him back to the Sky Continent from the heavens and worlds.

Lin Huang didn't know whether it was Qin Zheng who had realized the power of space, or the power of time.Or is it the great supernatural power he has researched from the flesh?
But the result is horrible!
Lin Huang looked at his palms and shook his head, suddenly feeling powerless.


All powerful realms turned into smoke and dissipated.

Today, he has fallen back to the realm of the great emperor again.

Moreover, he actually felt the strong pressure of the barriers of this world on him, which tended to be incompatible.

Lin Huang frowned, and with the force of his palms, he shattered his emperor realm and became a quasi-emperor again.

With the ability of Sky Continent today, it is very difficult for him to become the Great Emperor.

If you're not careful, the Sky Continent may burst open.

The gap between the Gods of the Seven Realms and the Emperor Zhun made Lin Huang more or less uncomfortable.You know, not long ago, he slaughtered two gods of the Eight Realms.

But when he turned his head, he might not be able to match even a god.

With one step, Lin Huang flew out of the tiankeng.

However, there is nothing to regret.

At least he himself understands... There won't be too many obstacles on his way to the gods.

Moreover, even in the quasi-emperor realm, he would not be at a disadvantage in the face of the great emperor. This is the precipitation after seeing more.

He is still quasi-emperor.

However, he is no longer the quasi-emperor realm before.

If he meets Emperor Tomb Thunder again, he believes that he can compete against him at the quasi-emperor level.

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves and walked on the mountains, rivers and land.

He didn't know how long this Sky Continent had passed...

Looking at the snow-capped mountains under his feet, Lin Huang roughly understood where he was now, which should be in the northern part of the Sky Continent.

With a leap, Lin Huang headed directly towards Zhongzhou.


The world is in turmoil.

When Lin Huang left, there was a disaster from the evil clan.

But now, the scourge has not subsided.

Looking down at the mountains, rivers and land, Lin Huang still saw a lot of powerful evil clans rampaging in the city of the human race, slaughtering wantonly.

Lin Huang didn't make a move.

It's not that he has become indifferent...but if he is gone, the Sky Continent still needs to strengthen itself.

Not long ago.

Lin Huang's figure paused like thunder and lightning, and stopped in front of a majestic and deep palace.

He went up the stairs...Looking at the ancient mansion in front of him, he smiled slightly, as if he had never been to this place.

... Shence Mansion!


The huge door of the main hall was slowly pushed open, and a ray of light shone into the slightly dim main hall.

The noisy voice inside suddenly quieted down.

Dozens of weak-looking beings turned their heads to look over, then frowned...

At the back of the main hall, a young man who was looking at the map of the world turned around with a frown, looked at the door, and then said suddenly:
"Go to Langjuxu God Realm quickly! Save Li Taixuan!"

Lin Huang frowned, looked at Qin Xuance's white hair on the sideburns, and grabbed the latter with a dodge, then plunged into the void, heading towards the Langjuxu God Realm.

"How long have I been walking!"

"Half a year!"

"Tell me briefly what happened in the past six months!"

"The Qianliu Realm under the seal is destroyed!"

"But Huangfu Tianxia is gone, he is still in the Sky Continent, he should have sneaked into the Langjuxu God Realm!"

"Although the sealed evil clan has been wiped out, the evil clan that stayed outside has gradually become unified. A new emperor and powerhouse has been born among the evil clan, known as the holy evil king!"

"It should be very strong. It made a move three months ago and killed two great emperors of the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom!"

Qin Xuance spoke simply and quickly, letting Lin Huang know what happened in the past six months as quickly as possible.

"Three months ago, the Langjuxu God Realm changed, and the evil tribes inside should be integrated into one. They want to get out of the Langjuxu God Realm and invade the human world!"

"The Zuo Jiaming sect sent twelve holy emperors to investigate, but none of them returned!"

"Where's my master?"

Lin Huang frowned for a moment, and there was an incomparably serious look in his eyes.

Back then, the Langjuxu God Realm had been suppressed by the Nine Emperors Formation, and Xiao Yishan was one of them.

Under Xiao Yishan's suppression, Lang Juxu shouldn't be in turmoil so soon!

But now that it is in turmoil, I am afraid that something will happen to Xiao Yishan.

"Your master..."

Qin Xuance frowned.

Lin Huang immediately stared at Qin Xuance with frowning eyebrows, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"In order to guard the Langjuxu God Realm, Lord Xiao Yishan started killing in it and became a demon one and a half months ago..."

"Now, he is in the Langjuxu God Realm, slaughtering regardless of the enemy or himself, the emperor dare not rob him of his edge!"

Qin Xuance said.

Lin Huang's brows suddenly frowned layer after layer, "Killing... Bewitched... Ruthless Heaven..."

Lin Huang suddenly understood.

Master Xiao Yishan still reached that step.

Killing will make him stronger and stronger, but the more blood and hatred, the more his sanity will be annihilated gradually, and he will eventually become a killing monster.

In the vast expanse of sky, Lin Huang sped up his speed again and headed towards the Langjuxu God Realm.

"Where is the lord of the soldiers?"

Lin Huang lowered his figure and asked.

"Fight to the death!"

Qin Xuance spoke coldly.

"Li Taixuan?"

"When the catastrophe of Langjuxu broke out, Zhao Tianjia, Ye Canglan, Song Hanshan and 36 holy emperors rushed to the Godland of Langjuxu to resist the crack!"

"Among the 24 holy emperors, your father, mother, Huang Xuanzhi, Lin Cangxue, Lord Grim, Ye Wushuang, Bai Chen, Bai Xiaopang, and Song Changling are among them!"

"And Jun Qingcheng!"

Lin Huang frowned suddenly, but didn't say anything.

In the catastrophe of the common people, who can not fight, who can not die!

In the past, there was Li Shasheng, the Buddha king of cutting karma.

Later, there was Xue Qingshan, a soldier in the world.

"and also……"

Qin Xuance lowered his voice, and shook his head with a sigh, "Senior Zhao Tianjia stole the sky and changed the sun many times, and died outside the crack!"

"Senior Li Canglan, a hidden sword mountain blocked the crack for seven days, and finally... the mountain was destroyed!"

"Is there any more..."

Lin Huang lowered his voice like the roar of a tiger, and gritted his teeth.

"Song Hanshan, to save Lin Cangxue, die in battle!"

"In order to save your mother, Huang Xuanzhi's life and death are unknown now. If he cannot survive Nirvana, he will never be reborn!"

"In order to avenge the seniors, Bai Xiaopang joined forces with Li Chunfeng, Song Changling, and Ye Wushuang to cross the crack and enter the Langjuxu God Realm. His whereabouts are unknown now!"

"The rest also killed dozens of Holy Emperors!"

Qin Xuance used the most emotionless words to quickly let Lin Huang understand the current situation.

"Where is Senior Li Taixuan?"

"After Zhao Tianjia, Ye Canglan, and Song Hanshan died in battle, Li Taixuan forcibly entered the Great Emperor Realm, defended the crack with his own strength, and fought the evil clan to the death for 32 days... There is only one leader of the ten swords of the common people, and I am afraid it is the end of his battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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