
Chapter 1747 Sorrowful Battlefield

Chapter 1747 Sorrowful Battlefield

The world is dark.

Mountains and rivers hang upside down.

The entire void is surrounded by a storm of thunder and rain.

It used to be a pure land.

But now, blood is flowing like a river, bones are piled up like a mountain, and wherever the eye can see, it is all red, giving people an infinite sense of oppression.

And at one end of the void, there is a huge crack.

To say it is a crack is somewhat inaccurate.

Because he is more like a canyon as high as ten feet high.

What condensed into cracks in the canyon was the already manifested Nine Emperors Desolate Formation.

Above the formation, bloody and black rays of light are intertwined, constantly attacking the foundation of the formation, making the formation that lasted for more than 3000 years no longer have the power to suppress a large area.

But at this moment, outside the crack in the canyon, there was a figure as tall as a thousand feet sitting cross-legged.

His back was broad, his white clothes were completely stained with blood, even his hair was dripping with blood, and there were countless wounds on his body, and there was no time to recover and heal.

In front of that figure, a blood-red sword with a murderous intent stood guarding the crack in the canyon with the sword in hand.

He blocked the crack with his body, swiping his sword again and again to kill the evil race monsters that rushed out one after another.

However, the whole body of the blood-red sword head was already full of cracks, just like a broken windshield, if it was a little careless, it would fall completely.


This situation cannot be changed.

First there was Xue Qingshan, the warrior leader of the world, and then there were Zhao Tianjia and Ye Canglan... In order to block this gap and prevent the Langjuxu God Realm from invading the mainland, three strong men have been killed in battle.

Now, it's Li Taixuan's turn!
Behind Li Taixuan... Who else is there?

What they are facing now is a situation where they must die or lose.But there is no way, otherwise everyone here will die.

The catastrophe in Sky Continent will be ten times greater than it is now.

Behind Li Taixuan, many holy emperors and kings had no time to be sad. They sat cross-legged and practiced under the rain.

And behind Li Taixuan, there is a beautiful woman in white clothes stained with blood.

He looked up at the figure in the void, with a trace of grief and pity in his eyes.Even though she was also exhausted at this moment, she didn't dare to close her eyes at all.

Don't dare to rest.

Don't dare to be distracted in the slightest.

She is afraid.

I am afraid that if one distracts, the master who once roamed the world and is well-known in the world will die here.




Suddenly, the army of the evil race collided into the crack again, and the huge roar shook the heavens and the earth, waking everyone up instantly.

In the next moment, the monstrous sword energy surged like a vast sea, rolled out of the cracks, and rolled towards the army as dense as locusts.

In the next moment, Li Taixuan vomited blood!

He glanced back at the battlefield where he died, with a smile on his face.

Lin Cangxue couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed straight into the sky, with the phoenix chanting behind her, she walked towards Li Taixuan.

"go back……"

With rare seriousness, Li Taixuan scolded Lin Cangxue.

"You are the future of this continent, don't waste any power on us. Whether it's Xue Qingshan, Zhao Tianjia, Ye Canglan, or me, we will die when we die!"

"Your power of Nirvana can't save me now, don't waste it!"


Lin Cangxue spoke.

"Master, I haven't had a sip of wine these days, so I miss it!"

A smile appeared on Li Taixuan's blood-stained face.

Lin Cangxue was stunned in place, at this moment... She was completely panicked, completely panicked.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from heaven and earth.

The last sword head of the Ten Sword Heads of the Cangsheng was completely shattered!

A steady stream of monsters from the evil clan rushed out in an instant, like a pitch-black sea poisoning the world.

"Hey... the last sip of wine, it seems that I can't drink it!"

Li Taixuan shook his head, and suddenly he stood up, his bloody clothes rustled, and he was full of vigor, "Li Jiangye, Li Chunfeng, the swordsmanship of the human race is in the world, I will rely on you from now on!"

"Qin Xuance...if Lin Huang comes back, beat him up for me!"

Li Taixuan's voice spread across thousands of miles, and he rushed to Zhongzhou Shence Mansion.


Li Baiyi strode forward with a sword in hand.

"Zhao Keman and Hu Ying..."

"Wu Hookshuang Xueming!"

"A silver saddle shines on a white horse."

"It's like a shooting star!"


"Cangxue, Master preached for the last time. This is the turning point for Master to adopt Confucianism and Daoism into the way of swordsmanship... Killing a person in ten steps, never stopping a thousand miles..."

"The sword head is later!"

At this moment, an angry voice resounded between heaven and earth.

I saw a breath suddenly soaring into the sky, and then turned into an afterimage and went towards the army of the evil race in the canyon.

It was a dark shadow.

Lord Grim.

At this moment, his aura was soaring like a rainbow, and he even launched a charge towards the realm of the great emperor, wanting to usher in breathing time for Li Taixuan.


Li Taixuan snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, Pang Ran vigorously threw Lord Grim away, "You are an arrogance, if you forcibly step into the Emperor Realm today, your life will be ruined!"

"If Lin Huang really can't return, you are the leader of this younger generation, and you have a great responsibility on your shoulders, so don't do anything rash!"

"The people of the older generation haven't died yet, so it's not your turn to wield swords and guns here!"

Li Taixuan laughed heartily, and in the thunder and rain all over the sky, he walked towards the army of the evil clan like a blood-stained immortal.

"My Li Taixuan... Since the beginning of sword training, I have possessed a natal sword, which has never been seen in this world. It was originally for him to cut the gate of heaven with a sword! Today, it can be seen that this sword is the glory of death for you and other evil races!"

Before the words were finished, Li Taixuan stood in the air, with sword energy bursting out from his body.

The sword energy filled the air, sweeping across the whole world, turning all the surrounding space into dust... Horrific energy continuously gathered, pointing directly at the army of the evil race.

An ancient divine sword gradually appeared from the top of Li Taixuan's head.

With the appearance of Li Taixuan's natal sword, the latter's hair was frosted and white, and his whole body was like a rapidly withering flower, dying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ahead, the evil army in the canyon stopped suddenly.

They looked at the human sword cultivator standing in the sky like a god in front of them, and suddenly felt strong anxiety and fear.


In an instant, a figure as large as a black cloud suddenly burst out from the canyon, and directly approached Li Taixuan.

"court death!"

Li Taixuan was furious, without waiting for the natal sword to fully appear, he rushed directly towards the black cloud of the evil clan.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the sky and the earth, and the rain splashed all over the sky!

In the rear, everyone in the human race was deeply saddened. When the explosion sounded, they knew the destined ending.

Li Taixuan, the sword leader of the human race, died in battle!

"Sorry, I'm back late!"

Between heaven and earth, a voice full of apology suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked up instantly.

All I saw was a young man in white clothes who was as tall as a thousand feet when the smoke and dust cleared away in the crack of the canyon.

He was holding Li Taixuan with one hand, and the ugly real body of the evil clan's black cloud revealed with the other.

"Senior, hard work!"

Lin Huang turned his head and looked at Li Taixuan who was already extremely old, his expression remained indifferent... Then his arm suddenly extended and he put Li Taixuan on the ground.

"Qingcheng, the years go against the flow!"

Lin Huang glanced at the injured woman in the distance, and his voice was low but resounded like a tiger's hissing:

"Don't worry, gentlemen, here... leave it to me, Lin Huang!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Huang squeezed hard with his five fingers, and directly exploded the real body of the evil clan Heiyun.

Then he stood up with his sleeves waved, holding the Shan Na knife, with overwhelming anger in his eyes, "Ants and the like dare to hurt my human race!"

(End of this chapter)

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