
Chapter 1748 The human race is stained with blood, the evil race is stained with hatred

Chapter 1748 The human race is stained with blood, the evil race is stained with hatred

In the void of the storm and thunder, Lin Huang stood proudly under the sky, blood-red anger swirled around his body, dyeing half of the sky red.

Surrounding him, there is a monstrous murderous aura condensed like a sea, blocking the evil army in front.

But the army of the evil clan looked at the young man in white clothes who were rustling in front of him, but with a fierce aura, a sense of fear rose in his heart.

At the back of the canyon, everyone looked at the young man's back, but suddenly there was a touch of resentment and sourness...

came back.

He is back!

No matter where he came back from, and no matter what state he is in now, at least... this is a hope.

A hope that he has never failed since the evil race officially started to invade the mainland.

That young man, without any unnecessary nonsense, held the Shan Na knife, turned into a thunder and lightning, and rushed into the canyon.



Knife light.

Magic Roar.


dead body.




That person rushed into the army of the evil race, and under the overwhelming anger, he had the courage to be invincible.

His manic and perverted killing is like a butcher among thousands of armies.

He moved forward gracefully, like a dancer walking on the sea of ​​blood.

He raised his hand, and the evil clans in all directions were wiped out.

He turned his head and beheaded the general of the evil race.

He raised his hands and feet, killing all directions, blood rained with him as he walked forward, and the corpses fell down, piled up like a mountain.

Now, he is no more than the quasi-emperor.

But...he was slaughtering the quasi-emperor of the evil clan.

He is an uncrowned emperor!
As he walked forward, there were corpses lying in front of him and behind him!

Just like a huge net, it wiped out all the evil army that kept rushing out.


Among the locust-like evil army, a black light suddenly shot out, as fast as lightning and thunder, and pointed directly at Lin Huang's head.


Lin Huang snorted coldly and opened his mouth, clasped his five fingers in the air, and immediately pushed the palm out.


The killing light turned into dust before revealing its true body.

That is a great emperor of the evil race.

He didn't have a chance to show his face until he died.

In the rear, everyone in the human race was overjoyed.

Killing the Great Emperor in an instant with the Zhundi...

This is the great fortune of the human race!
The next moment, Lin Huang's figure flashed into the canyon, and he said in a low voice, "At the beginning, I wanted to keep this crack, so that the evil race in the Langjuxu God Realm could be born and train my human soldiers!"

"Since the seniors sacrificed their blood, they must also guard this rift and protect the common people of our human race... Lin Huang promises that the evil race will never take a step out of the Langjuxu God Realm!"

As he said that, Lin Huangwu commanded and sprinkled, and the whole body emitted an incomparably sacred light, just like the great sun that shines on the world.

He opened his arms, and the acupoints in his body began to activate, and a series of mysterious and mysterious powers began to wrap around his body, spilling out into the void.

Within a few breaths, there was the sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring between heaven and earth.

In the monstrous rain, the stars took shape, as if they had fallen into the world, and condensed into the ancient four-element deity of the star field.


White Tiger.



Xuanwu acted as the imperial guard, directly blocking the cracks in the canyon, turning it into a huge star cage.

Suzaku made a long cry and burned the void with raging fire.

The white tiger's slaying is like the ancient god of killing, rampant and killing without limit.

The green dragon is in the air, suppressing the army of the evil clan with its arrogance and supernatural power.

As soon as the four elephant gods came out, they turned into an ancient killing battle formation, crushing the battlefield... Many evil clan powerhouses were fed by the white tiger.

Countless evil races were burned out by the raging fire.

Lin Huang walked in the vast blood-colored void, his expression indifferent like a heaven-defying Shura.

He suddenly looked back, "Human race, kill my enemy!"

In an instant, the human army behind the canyon rushed into the crack of the canyon like a madman...

A full three months.

Zhao Tianjia died in battle.

Xue Qingshan died in battle.

Song Hanshan died in battle.

Li Taixuan is dying!

The human race died too much. They suffered for three months, resented for three months, and struggled in blood and tears for three months.

Just because the enemy is strong and we are weak.

And now...

All their emotions must be released and exploded... Only ruthless killing and the blood of the enemy can soothe their inner anger.

Above the canyon, Lin Huang stood in the air. With his hands raised, the power of Nirvana poured into the battle formation of the Four Elephants like a long river to heal the wounded humans.

Surrounded by the Shan Na Dao, Xiong Ba Tian came out in battles one after another, shaking the world and strangling several leaders of the evil clan's army here.

The crack in the canyon has completely turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!
In the rainy sky full of thunder and lightning, the battle lasted for an entire hour...

An hour later, the human race was stained with blood, and the evil race was stained with hatred!
The corpses of the evil race were scattered all over the place, building up mountains one after another, directly blocking the cracks in the canyon.

Above the void, Lin Huang looked at the human race covered in mud and blood below, and sighed in his heart.

The human race is suffering.

The Sky Continent... also lacked the giant pillar of the sky.

He waved his big sleeve, landed on the ground, and looked at everyone...

Lord Grim.

Lin Cangxue.

Jun Qingcheng.

Xie Qinghou.

Li Taixuan.

Huang Xuanzhi.


A trace of sadness and panic inevitably rose in my heart.

If I come back a little later, maybe it will be forever.

Heaven is ruthless.

No one will always keep up with his own pace. When the end of the years comes, he will be alone, and no one will watch over him.


Lin Huang didn't want that day to come.

Just like the god king Jiang Chen.

He doesn't want or allow what he cherishes to disappear.His parents, brothers, mentors and friends can die of old age!

But never die before him!
"Don't worry everyone... As long as it is not eternal death, there is still a chance of resurrection!"

"Senior Li Taixuan, cut yourself off, otherwise the emperor will only be your peak!"

"Jun Moxiao, suppress the realm to the Saint Emperor realm, from the quasi emperor to the great emperor, the realm is too vain..."

Lin Huang opened his mouth and looked at the crowd.

"Mingjiao, first retreat to the Langjuxu God Realm and heal your wounds! After one month, follow me on an expedition to the Langjuxu God Realm! Those whose injuries have not healed are not allowed to participate in the battle!"

Lin Huang spoke.

Afterwards, he glanced at Qin Xuance and said, "Take the army back first, and I'll go to the Langjuxu God Realm!"

Qin Xuance nodded and said nothing.

However, the expressions of the people at the scene were a little strange, and they were unwilling to leave.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "Anger and impulsiveness will not change the outcome. The way to march is to make a decision before acting! Also, the Langjuxu God Realm is not as simple as you think!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Huang handed over the matter to Qin Xuance.

What is the state of Lang Juxu's interior now, it is not clear at all.If you just rush into it like this, you don't know what you will face.

"Be careful... I suspect that there is a very strong existence in the Langjuxu God Realm!"

Qin Xuance reminded.

"Under the gods, I am invincible!"

Lin Huang patted Qin Xuance on the shoulder, signaling the latter to rest assured.

Afterwards, Lin Huang glanced at everyone:

"Jun Moxiao, Lin Cangxue, Jun Qingcheng, Xie Qinghou, Wang Xiao, follow me into the Langjuxu God Realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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