
Chapter 1749

Chapter 1749

Gloomy sky.

The cracked black earth.

The black-brown lightning kept roaring in the void, reflecting the decay of a land of mountains and rivers!

Except for Lin Huang, it was the first time for the others to step into the Langjuxu God Realm.

Looking at the broken mountains, rivers and land, it was like hell, and everyone was extremely shocked.


It was once the territory of the human race.

Its past was also incomparably prosperous, not weaker than Zhongzhou in the slightest.

But now...



Still dilapidated!


And in the entire vast domain, there are many more wandering evil monsters than before.

They are perverse and clamoring.

Some even took their pets out to show off...

In contrast, the Sky Continent, which is also ravaged by war, is like a paradise.

When they saw the Xiezu leading their pets out, they froze in place.

Followed by monstrous anger!
In the Sky Continent, the human race has been passed down for tens of millions of years... but they never thought that such a thing would happen.They were naked, prostrate on the ground, and followed the evil monsters in front of them step by step.

They can't speak, they just howl.

Much like a domesticated animal.

They were puzzled, those standing in the distance...are they of the same kind?

What are they approved of?
How are they able to stand up?

They whined, but couldn't speak at all.Then, under the whipping of the evil race monster, it rushed towards the crowd roaring and screaming.

In the next moment, everyone rushed towards those evil monsters!
In the rear, Lin Huang stood in place, watching all this indifferently.

The way of nature is inhumane, and things are chosen by nature!
Whether it is the Sky Continent, or the Heavens and Myriad Realms, 1000 years, 1 years, 10 years, millions of years... But they all tell a story of the strong being the king.

Only by becoming strong can a tragic ending be avoided.

The people's favor ahead is a lesson for the past, and the tidal era experienced by the human race is also a wake-up call.

Lin Huang doesn't know whether those who have forgotten that they are human can still integrate into the life of the human race...

Will they be ridiculed when they go out?

Will their descendants be able to hold their heads up?
"To kill or not to kill?"

Lin Huang shook his head, he didn't pursue a result in his heart, and let Lin Cangxue and others solve it.


After those evil race monsters were killed, those human pets even frantically attacked everyone.

How ridiculous this is.

How sad it is!
"Let them choose for themselves!"

Lord Grim put away his spear and looked at his fellow clansmen in front of him, "Living may be a kind of hope, and death may also be a kind of relief!"


Lin Cangxue turned her head and glanced at Lord Grim, "The warmth of this world is due to the eternal sunshine of the sun! Living in darkness doesn't mean you can't pursue light!"

Lord Grim doesn't argue with Lin Cangxue.

Jun Qingcheng turned his head and glanced at Lin Huang!
Lin Huang shook his head, and finally said, "Let them go out now... They will also become monsters in the eyes of the human race, and it will be difficult for them to be recognized and accepted by the human race. After the restoration of the Langjuxu God Realm, let Qin Xuance deal with it!"

Jun Qingcheng nodded and said nothing!
"Let's go!"

Lin Huang waved his hand to signal everyone to move forward.

"How long has Bai Xiaopang and the others entered the Langjuxu God Realm?"

Lin Huang asked.

"After Song Hanshan died in battle, he rushed in...your divine sense..."

Jun Mo smiled.

Lin Huang shook his head, "There is a terrifying existence here, which can block my consciousness, but cannot be covered!"

"Then at least they're not in places that aren't covered!"

Wang Xiao spoke.

"Where are Situ Huangfen and Xiao Hanqing?"

Lin Huang suddenly changed the subject.

"At the beginning, when Li Taixuan arrived, Situ Huangfen and Xiao Hanqing had already left... If you can't return, the task they undertake is how the human race can survive after the crack cannot be guarded!"

Jun Qingcheng Road.

"There's not that many retreats!"

Lin Huang smiled lightly, "You have half a month to improve your strength on the periphery... After half a month, I will enter the center of the Langjuxu God Realm!"


Lord Grim frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"When I stepped into the Langjuxu God Realm, those powerful existences inside discovered it. So...they will wait for my appearance!"

"If Bai Xiaopang and the others are still alive, then when I step in, there will be no danger, and the worst situation will only become a bargaining chip to threaten me!"

Lin Huang spoke calmly, his expression even looked a little cold.

"If it's too late, it will change!"

Xie Qinghou spoke.

"Don't let anger and anxiety cloud our sanity!"

Lin Huang looked at Xie Qinghou, "Believe me, I am more anxious than you!"

Everyone frowned slightly, and then said nothing.

always feel...

Today's forest shortage has changed a lot compared to before.

But I couldn't say it for a while.

More indifferent?

Or is it more sane?

Or is there more of a leader's strategy?

"you've changed!"

Lin Cangxue spoke directly.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, "I haven't changed...just more mature!"

As he said that, he looked towards the center of the Langjuxu God Realm, "I'm afraid there is an extremely powerful existence in there! Go are sending them to death, and I may not be able to bring them back!"

"So what's the use of worrying?"

"And... this is a battle for the survival of the human race. As the top powerhouses of the human race, you and I are related to the survival of the entire Sky Continent! This is not fear, it is related to the end of an era and race!"

Lin Huang shook his head. For some reason, he always heard the loneliness of the god king Jiang Chen, and the darkness of the pre-tidal human world.

Others may see that Jiang Chen has never returned, but what Lin Huang saw was that the gods of that era were not strong enough!

The human race has two jades at its origin, and after Emperor Jintian died in battle, Qin Zheng was bound to the human race!This is also because the gods of the human race are not strong enough!
Lin Huang waved his big sleeves, "Don't think too much, what we have to do is to become stronger each. They are so strong that they can break through the siege, and they are also strong enough that after half a month, you can lead them to break through the evil race. Chase and intercept!"

Lin Huang's words were very scattered, and he didn't expect that everyone could understand what he said.

Afterwards, Lin Huang smiled.

Lin Cangxue was right, he has changed...

Become more confident in your own feelings and perceptions, or in other words, unruly!
Seeing that Lin Huang was hard to persuade, everyone shook their heads after thinking about it... Forget it, the wings are hardened, and they are getting more and more able to argue!

In the Wolf Juxu God Realm, killings began to take place.

Blood began to splatter.

In half a month, they only have half a month to improve and settle themselves.In fact, they also understood... Lin Huang didn't make a move immediately, it could only show that the one in Lang Juxu was unimaginably powerful.

And once the big battle starts, Lin Huang will fight alone...the remaining evil army will need them to charge and kill!

On the top of the pitch-black magic mountain, Lin Huang looked at the people who were constantly beheading the evil race in all directions in the void, with a slightly dignified expression. He looked up at the sky, and said slowly:
"In half a month, there will be mountains of corpses and seas of blood here, and countless fortunes will be vacated. In addition to the previous wars, the deaths of seniors... You should have accumulated a lot of strength!"

"After half a month, I will once again become the emperor, at least for a day, I don't care if you can bear my existence!"

(End of this chapter)

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