
Chapter 1750 Confronting Shen Cangqiong

Chapter 1750 Dialogue with Shen Cangqiong

Like the Langjuxu God Realm shrouded in the twilight of the doomsday, without knowing it, a corner of the storm has been raised.

Jun Moxiao and the others only have a few people, but in terms of strength, they are not considered weak.

In the half a year since Lin Huang left, except for Wang Xiao and Xie Qinghou, they all approached the realm of quasi-emperor.

Of course, Lord Grim's realm was forcibly suppressed.

Among the vast and dim mountains and rivers, Lin Huang did not make a move.

He just quietly looked at the people who were constantly marching forward in the void in all directions.He didn't have time to speak, telling his views on martial arts.

Especially the star treasure technique of the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body.

Jun Qingcheng is making rapid progress!

And Lin Cangxue is even more amazing, she doesn't need too much guidance from Lin Huang, even without the ten sword heads of the common people, she is still powerful.

And it is even more powerful.

She didn't want to face the situation where Li Taixuan guarded the crack alone, but she was helpless.

She is already proud.

She is even more arrogant, except for Lin Huang, she is unwilling to lag behind anyone.Even Lord Grim could never suppress her.

On the other hand, Lord Grim didn't listen too much to what Lin Huang said, he always had his own way.

And extremely firm.

On the contrary, Xie Qinghou and Wang Xiao are slightly behind. They are actually not weak, but they have not yet found a way to reach the sky.

Sitting on the pitch-black magic mountain, Lin Huang sighed.

I don't know what happened to Bai Xiaopang and his realm...

And Lu Han, who led the Ming Cult army alone to fight against the evil race on the Sky Continent, would he be able to deal with it calmly?

Afterwards, Lin Huang shook his head again.

The path he wants to take is different from that of Qin Zheng and God King Jiang Chen.

What he wants is not a person's strength.

He hopes that whether it is Lin Cangxue, Jun Qingcheng, or Bai Xiaopang, Situ Huangfen, they can be completely strong and become the giant pillars of the human race.

In this way, the human race can retract freely and respond in an orderly manner.

And this... requires them to find their own way!
Lin Huang suddenly stood up again, and looked in the direction of Lang Juxu's center...

I don't know, what happened to the world of Huangfu?
Qianliujie was destroyed!
This was beyond Lin Huang's expectations, and the human race would be obviously suppressed if they entered it.It is almost impossible to destroy Qianliujie!

Then it is very possible that Huangfu Tianxia did it alone!
And if he kills Qianliu Realm by himself, what step has he reached in his realm...?
Qin Xuance said that he might have entered the Langjuxu God Realm.

What does he want to do?
What kind of identity does he want to go to the evil clan's stronghold in Fusang God Realm?
Lin Huang was a little puzzled.

Time goes by day by day...

The entire periphery of the Langjuxu God Realm is a battlefield where Jun Moxiao and others are fighting.

Lin Huang didn't give them time to rest at all, which left them scarred and even on the verge of extinction many times.

If Lin Huang hadn't made a move at the last moment, I'm afraid he would have hated this place.

Half a month is too short!

Everyone can't make any progress at all...

However, their realm is obviously improving.

After watching it for a few days, Lin Huang suddenly understood... Perhaps this is the so-called theory of luck.

This world's luck is like a sea.

There are hundreds of millions of people, and only one drop of water falls on each of them.

And there is only one person, and he sits on a vast sea.

The existence of the evil race... is also distributing the resources of a sea.

Suppress and kill the evil clan, and luck will return to heaven and earth.

Part of it should be taken away by Shen Cangqiong.The other part... should feed back to the warriors of this era.

In more than ten days, a few people killed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood here, which can be regarded as a great opportunity.


There is also the luck left by Xue Qingshan, Zhao Tianjia, Song Hanshan, and Ye Canglan after the curtain call.

They died heroically, but also simply... Maybe they had the same thoughts before they died!

With their lives, open the way for the younger generation.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang shook his head again, "Since one sea is not enough, we should find another sea!"

Shen Cangqiong didn't work hard.

If he can step into the realm of the gods, the Sky Continent will grow stronger and be able to accommodate more powerful people.

Lin Huang suddenly understood that this was a world promotion.

He raised his head again, condensed his supernatural powers to see the heavens and the earth while waving his hands, and summoned the will from the sky continent.

"What do you want me to do?"

Through the body of will, Lin Huang wanted to talk to Shen Cangqiong.

"You are not Emperor Jintian, don't try to ride on my head!"

Shen Cangqiong's unwillingness to talk to him rang in Lin Huang's ears.


Lin Huang suddenly frowned.

I found that I missed a very important question.

He wanted to turn the Sky Continent into a fishing platform to fish the gods of the heavens and the world, and Qin Zheng also agreed.

But there is a premise...

If the Sky Continent wants to become a Diaoyutai, to catch the powerhouses of the heavens, it needs bait.

Before, he himself was the bait.

Because he is the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian.

But now...

The god king Jiang Chen was dressed in the body of Emperor Jintian, and he played the role of Emperor Jintian who had returned.

Then he... is a confirmed impostor.

In this way, it should be difficult for the heavens and all races to pay attention to themselves, and it is difficult to pay attention to the Sky Continent.Even if the construction of Diaoyutai is completed, it is only a result of few people.

Is he being swayed by Emperor Jintian or Jiang Chen?
Lin Huang smiled helplessly, then raised his head, "I didn't want to ride on your head, but you really have some skills... Gods and gods are everywhere, but you... are the disciple of Emperor Jintian after all!"

Lin Huang swelled and dared to talk to the Lord of the World like that.

"I'm a dead person, I'm not alive, I'm just a will... What else do you want from me?"

"You are powerful, you are lofty... If it weren't for the Martial Soul born from all realms, you would have died [-] times already!"

Shen Cangqiong felt that Lin Huang was rebellious and wanted to replace him.

"Back then...did you want to incarnate into the Sky Continent, or did Emperor Jintian ask you to do so?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Boy, you are asking too much!"

Shen Cangqiong snorted coldly, not wanting to answer Lin Huang's question.He is the noble master of the world, what are you, Lin Huang... just a creature born in my world.No matter what, they are all your ancestors eight hundred generations ago!

You are not polite at all, what kind of attitude!

Lin Huang didn't care about it, "If you insist on turning into a world, then you have to work hard too. Emperor Jintian I's famous name, you can't lose his face!"

"And if it was arranged by Emperor Jintian... I'm thinking, shouldn't the appearance of his layout of the Sky Continent be just to give birth to me, Emperor Jintian's reincarnation? It's a cover to deceive the heavens and worlds!"

"You are not qualified to know these things!"

Shen Cangqiong said angrily.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and then spread his hands, "Before I came back, I had already made an agreement with Qin Zheng... I will take care of the Sky Continent! I don't mind replacing you, anyway, Emperor Jin Tian will not be able to come back for a while in the silence of the sky! "

"you try!"

Shen Cangqiong was furious.

"I think that if I slaughter all the evil races in the mainland, I will hope to reach the godly realm... You may not be able to bear my emperor's realm. If I step into the godly realm..."

Lin Huang spoke calmly, but every sentence was a threat.

(End of this chapter)

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