
Chapter 1755

Chapter 1755

In the pitch-black void, dense rays suddenly appeared.

The snow-white light illuminates this dark place...

I saw Lin Huang's body like a rapidly flickering streamer, in a void, with thousands of knives out in the breath, slashing and killing the blood-eyed body.

However, the blood-eyed body was very cunning, and while dancing its tentacles, it blocked Bai Xiaopang from Lin Huang's attack, making Lin Huang throw a mouse attack.

"Depending on you..."

The body with blood eyes spoke, and the voice was full of mockery.

Lin Huang frowned, and wiped Shan Na Dao with both fingers... He dominates the world!
The entire pitch-black void was instantly split into two by a cliff-like knife light.

A loud bang.

One of the tentacles of the blood-eyed body was cut off directly, and Bai Xiaopang flew up in the air, and was thrown by Lin Huang to the place where Lord Grim and the others were behind with a big sleeve.

"There's something!"

The voice of the blood eyes laughed, "You can cut off one arm of my holy demon, you are considered the best in the human race, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the top powerhouse in the human race, but if you can save one person, you can also save another person." How many others?"

Sheng Moye's voice became sharp and crazy, and his huge body trembled, and then several tentacles protruded from the mountain-like body, and several bloody people were hung on some of the tentacles.

Song Changling.

Li Chunfeng.

Bai Shen.

Ye Wushuang.

At this moment, the four of them no longer had the high spirits they once had. They were covered in wounds all over their bodies, and their spirits were depressed. Huge tentacles penetrated their bodies, and they might die from exhaustion at any time.

Lin Huang's expression suddenly became extremely indifferent, he raised his eyes and stared at Sheng Moye, "Thank you for keeping them alive!"

"No thanks!"

Sheng Moye laughed, "I will hang you up too... For 3000 years, the human race has suppressed us in the Langjuxu God Realm for 3000 years! Now that I, the Xieyue God Clan, are born again, I will definitely kill the human race Kill them all!"

The corner of Lin Huang's mouth twitched, and he didn't answer, but just stretched his arms...

In an instant, the Heavenly Emperor possessed his body!

The whole body of Lin Huang began to shine with the light of stars, and each star light was as dazzling as the sun.In the next moment, light rained down, forming phantoms of stars.

In the void intertwined with light in the darkness, a fierce battle ignited in an instant.

Lin Huang surged like a stream of light, under the siege and interception of several tentacles, he moved and jumped, attacking the Holy Demon again and again.

And the holy devil danced around with tentacles, carrying the bodies of Song Changling and others, and came towards Lin Huang... He believed that the human race, who thought it was kind, would not give up the lives of these people.

The exposure of weakness is the starting point for the death of a strong man.


Under the long night, Lin Huang yelled angrily, and thousands of stars, like rain, rustled towards the body of Sheng Moye.

A loud bang!
In the end, Lin Huang's method of killing did not fall on Sheng Moye, it exploded out of thin air.Because... in front of Sheng Moye, Song Changling and the others were blocked in front, making Lin Huang throw a mouse.

" have the power of a strong man, but you don't have the heart of a strong man, so it's hard to become a great weapon!"

Sheng Moye laughed, "More than 3000 years ago, because of this, so many strong people of the human race fell for it. Now, you have to follow their old path! This is the fate of your strong human race, you... always You value other people's lives so much, regardless of the current situation!"

"Is it?"

Lin Huang lowered his voice, like the deep roar of a tiger.

"Isn't it? What I said is so clear, do you have the heart to kill them, so that you don't have any fetters anymore?"

Sheng Moye laughed loudly, as if he was sure about Lin Huang.

"What you said... makes sense!"

Lin Huang raised his head, "However, it is precisely because of your arrogance that for the past 3000 years, you have been confined to the Langjuxu God Realm!"

After saying that, Lin Huang transformed into multiple figures in the void, he raised his palm, and the space and time froze instantly.

In the next moment, dozens of tentacles of Sheng Moye came to kill Lin Huang.

...Hero dominates the world!
The sword in Lin Huang's hand came out in an instant, and slashed towards dozens of tentacles.

"You're nothing more than that!"

Lin Huang spoke coldly, at this moment Song Changling and others had appeared behind him.At the moment when space and time froze just now, several people managed to get out of trouble.

Sheng Moye raised his voice with contempt in his tone.

In the next moment, Lin Huang's face changed drastically, and he raised his hand to suppress Li Chunfeng.



A loud bang.

An explosion.

Lin Huang's left shoulder was directly blasted, bloody and bloody.

But Li Chunfeng disappeared completely.

"Do you think you are very powerful? How many people can you save easily?"

Sheng Moye laughed, looking extraordinarily insolent.

"Cough cough..."

In the pitch-black void, Lin Huang coughed a few times, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Sheng Moye with a gloomy expression, "Just now, I despised you...but then..."

"Shen Cangqiong!"

Lin Huang suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a long howl, the roar of a tiger shook the world.

In an instant, nine days of wind and thunder surged.

A ray of divine light descended from the sky, appearing with a strong original aura.

In an instant, Li Chunfeng's phantom reappeared in the void.

He recovered light and shadow from annihilation, and under the power of Shen Cangqiong, he gradually returned to the present world!

In the darkness, Sheng Moye's extremely dense blood-red eyes froze for a short time.

Unexpectedly... the human race has such great supernatural powers, using Dao Yun to revive the strong...

However, so what?
Sheng Moye shook his head, full of confidence.

The current him is the strongest in 3000 years, and he is also the strongest existence in the entire evil race.When he walked out of the Langjuxu God Realm, the sky would collapse, so what's the point of being resurrected, it's just another kill.

However, Sheng Moye was a little angry.

This young man of the human race seems to be mocking him... performing a resurrection in front of him?


Can kill!

In the vast darkness, a tremor suddenly appeared.

Sheng Moye's body began to move, and the thousands of blood eyes blinked, all staring at Lin Huang, his voice was piercingly cold, "Let you see what is the power comparable to the top emperor of the human race!"

Lin Huang regained his composure. Song Changling, Li Chunfeng and the others were sent directly into Lord Grim's hands while his sleeves were rolled up.

He gently rolled his sleeves, stepped on the void, and rose to the lotus step by step!

There was a sudden tremor in the void.

Then there was a thunderbolt whose void was shattered...

The figure of Lin Huang's stepping is extremely slow and fast, the slow road seems like a moment in an eternity, and it is as fast as a hundred years in a snap of fingers.The power of time... seems to have avoided the forest shortage at this moment, which is why there is such a strange situation.

Nine days of wind and thunder fell, surrounding the forest.

In the pitch-black void, a divine light suddenly appeared, enveloping the forest.

Between breaths, Lin Huang's aura and realm are rising crazily!
"Then let me show you, what is the power to kill the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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