
Chapter 1756 The Battle of the Two Emperors

Chapter 1756 The Battle of the Two Emperors
Between heaven and earth, there is a great sun emerging.

The pitch-black void was illuminated incomparably dazzlingly.

And in the center of that light, a young man in white raised his hands up, like a god lifting up the sky.

In just a few breaths, the young man in white stepped forward...

Enter the Great Emperor Realm again!
Afterwards, Lin Huang rolled up his sleeve robe, and with a wave of his palm, the saber stood in the air in an instant.

He looked at the majestic Sheng Moye in front of him, with a calm and indifferent expression, his fingers bent, and the saber suddenly burst out with an extremely strong light and a murderous aura that swept across the void.

...Hero dominates the world!
With one strike, the void is shattered.

The years seem to be annihilated.

The place where Saint Moye was, seemed to have turned into a land of nothingness.


This is just the beginning.

Dominating the world with one sword can't kill the holy devil, after all, he is a strong man at the emperor level comparable to the top of the human race.

In the next moment, Lin Huang flashed into the void and rushed into the nothingness.

"Seal the wolf and live in Xu!"

Lin Huang raised his head and condensed the will of heaven and earth into a giant. He raised his hand and smashed towards the body of Sheng Moye.

boom boom boom...

Suddenly, there was a violent collision sound in the void.

Countless tentacles danced in the sky, forming an impenetrable net that resisted all attacks from Lin Huang.

That Holy Moye also started to get angry.

His huge mountain body began to shake, trying to pull himself out of the soil.

"God of all living beings!"

Lin Huang's sleeves fluttered, and a terrifying figure appeared behind him.The figure roared, as if it had condensed the hatred and blood of all the clans in the wolf residence for 3000 years, and it seemed extremely violent.

The God of All Living Beings descended from the sky, directly smashed the huge net woven by the tentacles of Sheng Moye, and killed Sheng Moye.

With a loud noise, Sheng Moye finally punched out, defeating the God of All Living Beings with one punch.

That arm, like the ancient magic pillar, contained extremely astonishing power.

Sheng Moye propped his arms on the ground and pulled his body up, revealing his mighty body.

He stood there, exuding a blood-black light, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression.Behind him, there are thousands of tentacles, each with blood-colored eyes staring at Lin Huang, which looks extraordinarily weird.

"You are very good!"

Sheng Moye opened his mouth to praise.

There are only a handful of strong men who can make him stand up!

Lin Huang didn't pay attention to the latter, he put his hands on his chest and leaned back!A breath like an ancient prehistoric one permeated the air...

The surrounding void centered on the deserted forest began to collapse rapidly.

"This is……"

Behind, Lord Grim frowned, he felt the power of heart palpitations.

The figure of the Holy Moye trembled, and the thousands of tentacles behind him rose from the air, full of vigilance, and seemed to sense the aura of danger.

In the next moment, Sheng Moye's figure began to liquefy, like a vast sea standing up.

"See myself..."

Above the nine-day sky, there seemed to be Shen Cangqiong whispering, "And see yourself differently!"

In the collapsed void, Lin Huang suddenly opened his eyes!
In the next moment, a beam of light headed towards Sheng Moye.

It was an indescribable force.

It can only be used as a collective name with the beam...

And the liquefied Holy Moye in the void felt the approach of the light beam, and a terrible vortex power surged all over his body to defend against the light.

In the void, the speed of the light beam is not fast.

But there is a feeling of God's grace burning down everything in the sky, where every inch of powder is crushed, and the power of time is melted...

In the power of that light beam, there seems to be the power to dominate the world, the shadow of Qin Changsheng, the breath of the wind and snow region, and the voice of Xiao Yishan...

Down below, between Lord Grim and the others and the evil army, the battle gradually stopped, and they turned their heads to stare at the void.

Looking at the vortex of the vast sea and the divine light of the sun, the spectators felt a sense of insignificance.

In the end, the monstrous light crashed into the vast vortex.

boom boom boom...

Then, there was a big wave.

In the liquefied Saint Demon Yehao Sea, huge waves surged and swept across the sky, sweeping across the void for thousands of miles...

It seems that in the vast black sea, there are ancient evil dragons making waves.

In the end, the vast sea that covered the sky and the sun unexpectedly turned into a waterfall and rained down with an explosion.

Lin Huang stood in the air, with his hands raised flat, feeling the rain falling from the void, and slightly raised his head...

"Your power is a bit magical!"

Lin Huang said softly, "But..."

The next moment, Lin Huang clenched his palms into fists.

A snow-white vast sea is like an oven of heaven and earth, burning with blazing flames, and begins to burn down the waterfall and rain curtain in the sky and earth.

But the effect doesn't seem to be very good.

The rain curtain of the waterfall falling down from the sky is extremely cold, and it has the tendency to extinguish the sea of ​​snow-white flames.

"Boy... I am not afraid of fire!"

In the void, the voice of Saint Moye resounded.

After that, the rain curtain falling from the sky began to stagnate.

Then go upstream.

In just a few breaths, the torrential rain gathered in one place, once again condensing the figure of Saint Moye.His figure was majestic, looking down at the forest below, he was extremely proud.

"The Dao just now is very powerful, and it is your glory to be able to force out my liquefied form!"

Saint Moye spoke.

"I'll go to your mother's glory!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, he pushed up with both arms, directly propped up the snow-white sea of ​​fire world, and threw it towards Sheng Moye.

"Useless work!"

Sheng Moye laughed, his liquid body collapsed, turned into a vast sea again, and drowned in the sea of ​​flames.

However, in the next moment, Lin Huang waved his hands in the void, pulling the power of heaven and earth into the monstrous sea of ​​flames.


The sea of ​​fire unexpectedly experienced an incomparably strange change.

The flame seemed to be liquefied!

But it still burns.

I don't know if it is a sea of ​​fire or a sea of ​​vastness?
And after entering the sea of ​​flames, the holy demon's vast sea body also experienced abnormalities. He felt that his power was being invaded by the external power of the vast ocean.

At the same time, an incomparably fiery force was burning his aura.

Then, a huge wave appeared in the liquefied sea of ​​flames, and the body of the vast sea of ​​Saint Moye was struggling in it, trying to break free from the shackles...

"Cough cough!"

In the void, Lin Huang coughed slightly, and seemed a little weak.

However, there was a gleam of light in his indifferent eyes.

This is the power of the original rules.

Turn fire into water!

Qi transformation!

This is his first real attempt.


After more than 20 breaths, with a loud noise, Sheng Moye tore apart the prisoner from the sea of ​​flames and killed him.

Before his figure recovered, he didn't dare to have a liquefied body again.

And Lin Huang didn't talk too much nonsense, and continued to kill Sheng Moye.

A sea of ​​fire will certainly not be able to seriously injure Sheng Moye, but it can also cause him some damage... The huge difference in realms makes it impossible for Lin Huang to crush Sheng Moye.

But he can keep attacking, so that Sheng Moye can't breathe.

And the moment the latter escaped from the sea of ​​flames, what greeted him... was Tian Shura.

The possessed Heavenly Asura!
(End of this chapter)

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