
Chapter 1757

Chapter 1757
In the void where light and darkness are intertwined, Lin Huang turned into Shura and killed the holy devil in the void.

Lin Huang's body turned into a sword light with evil spirit, condensing into a sea of ​​blood, surging to cover the sky.

And that holy demon frowned slightly, and the thousands of tentacles behind him stood up like ancient giant pythons.

The bloody eyes on the giant python's tentacles began to glow with mysterious power.

Then, the blood eyes condensed light, penetrating the void.





Thousands of blood-red rays intersected in the void, forming a huge silkworm chrysalis around Sheng Moye.

Tian Shura invaded the space of the silkworm chrysalis.

The sound of clang clang continued.

Those blood-red rays of light began to break, but Tian Shura's power was also being cut.

Sheng Moye flew in the void, and the bloody eyes of the tentacles behind him continuously emitted light, attacking Lin Huang.

"Do you really think that I only have the emperor realm of the human race?"

Sheng Moye spoke with an unusually haughty voice.

Lin Huang raised his eyes and looked at the holy devil, the evil spirit around him became thicker and thicker, and began to liquefy and wrap Lin Huang.


Like a silkworm chrysalis formed by a sharp sword piercing through thousands of rays of light, Lin Huang killed the holy demon.

However, Sheng Moye is as stable as Mount Tai, and hundreds of tentacles directly cover it... You must know that Lin Huang's rampage against the silkworm chrysalis did not break this power.

Instead, cross with the flesh.

After passing through the barrier of silkworm chrysalis, Lin Huang's whole body was also riddled with holes and seriously injured.

Why retreat!
A loud bang.

Lin Huang was directly shot down from the sky by hundreds of tentacles.

However, the next moment, the screams of Saint Moye resounded in the void.

His head was directly cut off.

Then, a ray of light passed through the void, fell into Lin Huang's hands, and turned into a moment knife.

Lin Huang immediately stabilized his body and volleyed up, "If you were only a great emperor comparable to the human race, you would have died a long time ago!"

"But if you don't reach the Divine Realm, it's nothing more than that, even if you are comparable to a demigod!"

When Lin Huang opened his mouth, Tian Shura's state remained undiminished, and he went to kill the Holy Devil again.

Above the void, Sheng Moye's tentacles fluttered and connected his head to his neck. Looking at the murdered Lin Huang, his figure suddenly became ethereal.


Lin Huang killed Kong directly.

Turning around, I only found that the huge body of Sheng Moye had turned into a shadow, and the real attack was useless to him.

"You know nothing about the magical powers of my evil race!"

Sheng Moye sneered.


Lin Huang opened his mouth and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Suddenly, a big sun appeared behind him, dispelling the surrounding haze, making it impossible for Sheng Moye to survive.


Under the general illumination of the light, Sheng Moye actually maintained a phantom state.

"Do you really believe that my Evil Moon God Clan's magical powers are so low-level?"

Sheng Moye laughed, and he charged towards Lin Huang in a shadow state at an extremely fast speed.

"Is it really advanced?"

Lin Huang lifted the saber, avoided the holy demon, and then, like lightning, headed towards a place in the void.

A bang.

In the void, there seemed to be the sound of weapons cutting into the mountain.

And the shadow of the holy devil who was rushing towards Lin Huang also froze, and before the smile on his face fully bloomed, he had completely disappeared.

Afterwards, there was Dali coming from the place where Shan Na Dao extended.

Standing in front of his chest with a knife in his hand, Lin Huang stepped back a hundred miles.

"A shadow that can't be dispelled by even the light can only mean that your shadow is not your body. Are you very smart?"

Lin Huang stopped his retreating figure and stepped into the void again.

"You are really nice!"

Sheng Moye, who was slashed by Lin Huang just now, spoke with anger in his voice.

He didn't expect that all his means would be resolved by Lin Huang one by one.

It's not even Lin Huang who is resolving his method, but he is resolving Lin Huang's...

In the void, feeling the change of the holy demon's aura, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows slightly, ending the state of being possessed by Tian Shura.

The next moment, the acupoints all over Lin Huang's body ignited with the light of stars.

He withdrew the Instant Knife, raised his arms flat, and began to condense the star treasure behind his back.

In the next moment, Lin Huang didn't give Sheng Moye a chance to gain momentum, and killed the latter.

Boom boom boom.

A shocking sound suddenly sounded in the void.

I saw that Sheng Moye's whole body was wrapped in a mirror, and all of Lin Huang's star treasures were reflected by the mirror, letting Lin Huang attack himself!

"It's this again..."

Lin Huang whispered, frowning slightly.

"The stronger you are, the stronger the mirror magic power will be, and you will never be able to defeat your own power!"

Sheng Moye said.

"Silly batch!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, "Snow floats in the world!"

Lin Huang slashed out with a knife, and the entire void was suddenly covered with heavy snow, and the extreme cold infected the entire space.

Frost began to cover the mountains and rivers.

Frost began to condense on the mirror.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Sheng Moye snorted coldly, he didn't need to care about the mere chill and the murderous intent under the snowflakes, he could easily block it with his physical body.

However, at the next moment, Lin Huang flipped his arms up, and a sea of ​​flames condensed all over his body.

The sea of ​​fire moved and immediately moved towards the mirror.

Sheng Moye frowned.


Before he had time to react, a crack appeared on the mirror under the fusion of ice and fire.

Then the cracks spread rapidly...

"Heavenly Dipper!"

The light of Lin Huang's orifice frantically gathered, and the Big Dipper shone behind him, and then turned into a star sword, taking advantage of the moment when the mirror surface was broken, it killed Sheng Moxie.

Sheng Moye's complexion changed drastically, and his figure retreated abruptly in the sky.

However, the Big Dipper shines for thousands of miles... It seems to fall from the sky, carrying the mighty wind and thunder through the sky.

Cut off the latter's neck once.

Lin Huang's figure flashed, and Shan Moye shot again, heading towards Sheng Moye's broken head.

"You are presumptuous!"

Sheng Moye roared angrily, and thousands of tentacles sensed and killed towards the direction of Lin Huang.

Lin Huang brandished the Shan Na knife and strangled him, while grabbing the mountain-like head of the Holy Demon Lord in his hands.

"You forced me!"

Sheng Moye, who was caught in Lin Huang's palm, opened his head.


Suddenly, the head exploded directly, blowing Lin Huang away.

And in Sheng Moye's neck, the divine light condensed, and a new head began to grow.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Huang flew back from a distance, coughed twice, and had dozens of scars on his body.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Moye was so decisive that he didn't even want the original head, which was ruining his own future.

"Nandou fell to the world, kill!"

Lin Huang gathers the Six Stars of the Southern Dipper behind his back, and once again beheads towards Sheng Moye.


Sheng Moye looked at Lin Huang who came to attack again, frowned and roared.

In an instant.

A magical force fell, and the stars in front of him turned out to be shining, forming a line one after another, turning into a long spear and killing him...

Saint Moye's Southern Dipper.

He copied Lin Huang's power.

With a loud noise, the two stars of the Southern Dipper collided with each other, causing a violent explosion, and Lin Huang was directly blown away.

"Your supernatural power is my supernatural power!"

Sheng Moye said coldly, "And my realm is higher than yours!"

"Then try another copy!"

Lin Huang flew back from the void, with his arms raised flat, a terrifying black and white light glowed all over his body...

(End of this chapter)

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