
Chapter 1765

Chapter 1765
In the void, a terrifying battle suddenly broke out.

Xiao Yishan and Lin Huang!

It was the aftermath of the two world-destroying demons who struck their hands, causing the void to vibrate and collapse in pieces.Not to mention the vast sea and mountains and rivers below, which can be turned into powder in a few breaths.

In comparison, Xiao Yishan should be stronger.

Because Lin Huang has been completely possessed.

On the other hand, Xiao Yishan is not completely enchanted, his eyes are still bloody, they haven't completely turned into pitch black!
But even so, Xiao Yishan is only slightly inferior to Lin Huang.

Moreover, it was only with the assistance of thousands of Buddhas who became demons at one thought that Lin Huang could gradually suppress Xiao Yishan.

The pitch-black light swept across the entire world, and the demonic thoughts swept across the sky. Every move was like a method of breaking the sky and breaking the earth.


It seems that Lin Huang is slightly better.

When Xiao Yishan had not completely become a demon, he was hit by the demon of Lin Huang and Ten Thousand Buddhas, and fell down into the sky. The gliding figure dug a long river of thousands of miles in the Langjuxu God Realm.

Xiao Yishan passed out immediately!

However... Lin Huang still did not stop his footsteps.

He suppressed a monster, but turned himself into a monster.

He was wearing a magic robe, his pupils were as dark as the peeping eyes of a demon god in the night, standing on top of a huge head of a Buddha and demon, with an army of ten thousand Buddhas behind him.It crushed the void mightily, and headed in the direction of Xiao Yishan.

The next moment, Lin Huang flew into the sky again, looking at the fainted figure below, there was no pity in his eyes, only endless killing intent, he descended from the sky, stomping towards Xiao Yishan with one foot.

"Lin Huang..."

At this moment, a huge cloud palm dragged Lin Huang's falling figure.At the same time, a huge and misty voice sounded in the void, as if wanting to wake up Lin Huang.

Lin Huang raised his head suddenly.

In the pitch-black eyes, two beams of lingering black light appeared, and suddenly swept into the sky of the nine heavens.

Immediately, Lin Huang's killing intent surged like a vast sea.

Above the nine-day sky, Shen Cangqiong suddenly thumped.

This dog is staring at me all day long!
Before Shen Cangqiong could think too much, Lin Huang below jumped up and started to step into the blue sky, killing him.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Shen Cangqiong frowned, his sleeves flew up, and in an instant, dozens of chains lingering with ancient divine light bound towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang drew his sword, and Zhu Tianchangjue rushed out in an instant.

Keng Keng Keng Keng.

In the void, a sound like mountains and rivers colliding suddenly sounded.

Dozens of divine chains began to shatter, and after all the heavenly elders were exhausted, seven of them had been cut off, and only three remained towards Linhuang.

However, Lin Huang ignored the three divine chains at all, and went straight to kill Shen Cangqiong with the fallen ten thousand Buddhas behind him.

In the next moment, Lin Huang was bound by the three god chains.

And the Ten Thousand Buddhas behind him drowned Shen Cangqiong directly.



Suddenly, two voices erupted from above the nine heavens.

A horror.

A super scary one.

In the vast void, Lin Huang's pitch-black body was flowing with terrifying magic power, but after a few struggles, the chains that bound his body were directly broken.

On the other side, with Shen Cangqiong as the center, a violent explosion occurred.

The drama of the explosion directly shattered thousands of Buddhas who had become demons, and the aftermath of the shock swept through thousands of mountains and seas, shaking the entire sky continent. Countless people saw it as if they saw the end of the world.

"Cough cough..."

In the void, Shen Cangqiong coughed twice, looking a little embarrassed.

On the other hand, Lin Huang was still fierce, and the moment Shen Cangqiong appeared, he turned into a dark stream of killing and headed towards him.

"Come on, I've blown up a whole world!"

Shen Cangqiong was furious, and suddenly a long spear appeared in his hand, and he went towards Lin Huang.




In the void, a terrifying battle suddenly broke out.

The demonic energy spread like a sea, and the guns emitting holy brilliance were like a sun, killing Lin Huang time and time again.

However... after becoming a demon, Lin Huang has completely changed.

He no longer has feelings.

No more pain.

In his eyes, there is only fighting, only killing.

As long as you don't die, you can only die as an enemy!
Even though Shen Cangqiong has the upper hand when facing Lin Huang at this moment, he still feels very painful and too difficult to deal with.

"Hey... I'm going to waste years of hard work again!"

Shen Cangqiong let out a long sigh, looking very helpless.

He retracted his spear and his hands began to seal.

In an instant, thousands of auspicious colors evaporated from Shen Cangqiong's body, and the ancient and mysterious power of the Dao rule was entwined in the divine light of the auspicious colors.Those divine lights gathered above Shen Cangqiong's head, emitting an incomparably dazzling light.

Gradually, a great sun appeared above Shen Cangqiong's head.


That's not the big day.

But a world!
Then, the world began to exude a violent atmosphere.

Shen Cangqiong shook his head helplessly, looking at Lin Huang who was rushing towards him, he suddenly exerted his arms, and the world suspended above his head immediately flew towards Lin Huang.

Between heaven and earth, there was another violent explosion.

The Sky Continent is shaking!

In the void, Lin Huang's body seemed to be cracking, and his whole body was blown away by thousands of mountains and seas.


The earthquake that shook the sky continent came and went in a hurry!
The world seems to be calm again.

On the mainland, almost everyone didn't know what happened just now.

The wolf lives in the Xu God Realm... Huangfu Tianxia looked at the big battle just now, touched his chin, as if lost in thought, it seems that the way of heaven is not too strong, why not hunt him down as a gift to the Fusang God Realm?

"Then you have to work hard!"

Shen Cangqiong's voice suddenly sounded in Huangfu Tianxia's ears, "Under the heavens, I know everything. I can see your secrets and your strength! If you want to kill me... do it in my world first." Step into the realm of the gods, try hard and see if you can do it?"

"I'll just think about it!"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned, and immediately realized that Lin Huang was not the only one who knew what he wanted to do. Tiandao has a voyeurism and knows everything!

Shen Cangqiong snorted heavily, and ignored Huangfu Tianxia.


I don't know how long it took.

Under the washing of the rain, a hand suddenly stretched out from the mud.

Then, there was a choked cough.

Suddenly, a figure sat up...

Lin Huang patted his head, feeling the pain and turbidity after a hangover, he shook his head again, barely remembering something.

In order to suppress Xiao Yishan, he became obsessed, and he doesn't remember much about the subsequent events.

Lin Huang frowned suddenly, wouldn't he hammer Master to death?

When Lin Huang turned his head, there was a face facing him, and Lin Huang reacted by punching him.

"Boy... I thought I hammered you to death!"

Xiao Yishan grabbed Lin Huang's fist and said.

(End of this chapter)

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