
Chapter 1766 The 3rd Generation God King Division

Chapter 1766

Listening to Xiao Yishan's words, Lin Huang frowned instinctively.

He was about to speak, but no words came out.

Looking at Xiao Yishan's current appearance, it seems that he has come to his senses, and it seems that he no longer remembers what happened just now.

Forget it.

Let's not talk about what happened just now, if Xiao Yishan knew that he was beaten by his apprentice, he would feel a little embarrassed.

I am really a good apprentice!
"It's all right!"

Lin Huang stood up, "Master, has he ever been enchanted?"

"I don't remember, probably never!"

Xiao Yishan shook his head.

Lin Huang spread out his hands, probably Xiao Yishan didn't realize it after being enchanted.

After all, the main body is a magic knife, it can be said that it is truly immortal... even if it is enchanted, it will not die easily.

"The holy demon is dead?"

Xiao Yishan raised his head and looked around Langjuxu's domain, frowning.

"It's natural!"

Lin Huang nodded, and sat on the top of a magic mountain with Xiao Yishan, "Who is Shen Wanfu?"

"Shen Wanfu?"

Xiao Yishan frowned, "It seems that he really entered the Ruthless Heaven before, as Xiao Yishan, he shouldn't know about Shen Wanfu!"


Lin Huang turned his head to look at Xiao Yishan.

"That's one of my disciples in the fifth tidal age!"

Xiao Yishan wrote lightly.

Lin Huang immediately opened his mouth.

"The realm of the great emperor against the three realms of the gods?"

Looking back now, Lin Huang still feels a little unrealistic.

"It wasn't called the Great Emperor Realm at the time, but it is almost the same as the Great Emperor Realm today. More accurately, it should be a demigod!"

Xiao Yishan nodded, "Rebel against the three realms of gods, it can be considered. He is a great clan's Tianjiao, the strength is the second realm god, but this Tianjiao has rebelled against the three realms!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows immediately, and then fell silent.

Invincible strong.

I used to think that it would be terrifying enough for the emperor to rebel against the gods.


Someone will be able to go against the Gods of the Three Realms.

"Times have changed!"

Xiao Yishan patted Lin Huang's shoulder, "In that era of tides, spiritual energy was abundant, and countless magical powers have not been cut off!"

Lin Huang spread his hands, "Then what happened to Shen Wanfu?"


Xiao Yishan frowned, "You don't need to know too much!"

"I already know the silence of heaven!"

Lin Huang said.

"The silence of the heavens..."

Xiao Yishan frowned slightly, and glanced at Lin Huang, "It seems that you had a great fortune when you walked out of the Sky Continent!"

Lin Huang smiled.

"It used to be called 'God'...after the collapse of the sky, the world turned into ruins, and it became the silence of the sky!"

Xiao Yishan spoke.

Lin Huang's eyes widened suddenly.


It turned out that the master in front of him was the real treasure.

He is too ancient, surpassing Qin Changsheng and others, even older than the god king Jiang Chen...

"Some don't remember clearly!"

Xiao Yishan stood up and shook his head, "Wan Fu seems to have entered the heavens and brought back the corpse of the god king from the heavens. He wanted to shape my body, but I refused!"

Lin Huang was shocked again.

What does it mean to bring back the body of the god king...

Lin Huang only felt that there was a turmoil in his heart.

"It's a pity... Later, he died in battle in a catastrophe! I once killed billions, became enchanted, stepped into the highest realm, and went to the heavens to bring back his corpse! Oh, I remembered, I was enchanted Pass!"

"It's just that I can't return after being enchanted. Wan Fu ignited my sleeping memory with the last remnant soul and revived me!"

"His corpse..."

Lin Huang spoke.

"Annihilated in the catastrophe of extinction!"

Xiao Yishan smiled dryly, he stood up, looked back at the Langjuxu Continent, "It turns out that the Sky Continent is so small!"

"I'm not young!"

Above the nine heavens, there was a voice.

Shen Cangqiong was eavesdropping on the two of them.

"It's a pity... the martyrs died in battle, and their souls were buried in other lands!"

Lin Huang sighed, and his brows widened.

"The place where the blood of the human race is spilled is the hometown of the human race!"

Xiao Yishan waved his hand.

"One day, if you have the opportunity to enter the tidal ancestral land of the human race, you can have a glass of wine with him, and just pay him a visit!"

Xiao Yishan Road.

"Master knows the tidal ancestral land?"

Good guy, Lin Huang just learned about the Ancestral Land of Chaos from Shen Cangqiong, and now Xiao Yishan knows about it. It is really a living fossil, and it is an existence that even many gods of the human race do not know about.


Xiao Yishan nodded, "In the Ancestral Land of Chaos, there is a list of the gods of all ages, which is the most powerful person who has made outstanding contributions to the human race since the tides of all generations!"

Lin Huang was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

——According to the extremes of martial arts, the gods of the ages!

He remembered that this was what Xiao Yishan expected of him when he was apprenticed to his teacher.He didn't understand before, but then he felt that he understood.

But now, Lin Huang felt that he understood!
"That... how many people are there?"

Lin Huang asked cautiously.


Xiao Yishan said, "However, I have been away for many years. I don't know if anyone is on the list. I don't know if two or three of the people on the list are still alive!"

Lin Huang scratched his head.

Does Xiao Yishan hope that he will be strong, or does he hope that he will die?
"There are two other disciples of mine on it!"

Xiao Yishan looked back on the past and immersed himself in it.

Lin Huang on the other side was stunned again.

There are two disciples?

With seventeen people, you alone have taught three disciples who are at least in the God King Realm?
But you are not strong now.

Lin Huang felt that he was going crazy, which was too shocking.

"Master, do you think I still have a chance?"

Lin Huang asked.


Xiao Yishan didn't understand what Lin Huang meant.

"Abolish the Dao idea from senior brother, rebuild Master's Dao!"

Lin Huang asked.


Xiao Yishan said indifferently, "None of these rebels follow my way!"

Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I can rest assured!"

"So they all died in battle!"

Xiao Yishan shook his head helplessly, "My Dao is immortal, I don't know how many of them have any remaining obsessions, projected into the present world!"

"Is it really immortal?"

Lin Huang asked tentatively.

"Turn yourself into a weapon first!"

Xiao Yishan Road.

"Different road non-phase plan!"

Lin Huang immediately resolutely determined the Dao in his heart, and would not join forces with Xiao Yishan.

But think about it...

It's really difficult.

The god of the ages!

He really couldn't figure it out, Master didn't seem that powerful, even his other half, although ancient, mysterious and powerful, had gone through countless years.

However, I always feel that the Divine King Realm is already at a very high level.

But Xiao Yishan...

How did he become the teacher of the three great god kings?
It's so incomprehensible!

Didn't dig it out?

For so many years, I have been guarding Baoshan, but I have never found out, chasing the sesame beside me?
Otherwise, he has already stepped into the realm of gods?

Lin Huang's psychology began to become a little unbalanced, it shouldn't be his own's because Xiao Yishan didn't pay attention to teaching, must be like this!
(End of this chapter)

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