
Chapter 177 Murong Fen

Chapter 177 Murong Fen

The next day, Lin Huang started his crazy pursuit of Jun Qingcheng!
Early in the morning, Lin Huang took two skewers of barbecue and rushed to the small courtyard where Jun Qingcheng lived, and the aroma permeated the whole way.

It made many disciples of Piaoxue Palace salivate.

Then, Lin Huang was thrown out by Jun Qingcheng...

On the third day, Lin Huang took a bottle of letter flower paper cranes that he folded after staying up all night, and ran to Jun Qingcheng's place excitedly.

Then, Lin Huang was thrown out again.

On the fourth day, Lin Huang felt that barbecue and paper cranes were useless, so he used martial arts as an entry point.Lin Huang held the magic-suppressing knife in his hand, and came to Jun Qingcheng's courtyard full of confidence.

The euphemistic name is to learn martial arts.

Then, Lin Huang's screams were heard throughout Piaoxue Palace.

On the fifth day, Lin Huang learned his lesson and took Lin Cangxue to visit Jun Qingcheng together.

Then, Jun Qingcheng ruthlessly threw him to Tianpuya.

Day [-].

Seventh day.


Such days lasted for ten days.

Every day, Lin Huang told himself that chasing the king is like practicing martial arts, as long as you work hard and persevere, you will succeed.Then every time Jun Qingcheng threw it out, it was like a deflated ball.

Then, Lin Huang deceived himself like this again, and mustered up the courage to continue looking for Jun Qingcheng the next day.

A full ten days!

Lin Huang was chasing hotly, but every time he had a face-to-face with Jun Qingcheng, he was thrown out by the latter.

However, Lin Huang didn't know it.

He kept comforting himself, "At least meeting once a day, so that Qingcheng can remember me, is better than not meeting at all!"

But Lin Cangxue was full of helplessness...

She watched Lin Huang helplessly, either going to die or on the way to die, so pitiful!

Lin Huang's reputation was at its peak in Piaoxue Palace for a while.

Every morning, the disciples who practiced in the morning would see Lin Huang flying freely in the sky, and then there would be a bang like an ostrich falling to the ground.

That scene was really horrible.

All the disciples knew that the current head of Piaoxue Palace was frantically pursuing a mysterious girl in red.

That girl has the strength of Marquis Wu realm.

Talent is on par with Lin Cangxue.

The length is overwhelming.

Then, Lin Huang actually wanted to chase her?

Don't look at yourself in the mirror, even if you are the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace, so what?

Is there a realm of Marquis Wu?

Do you have peerless talent?

Although he is imposing, he is not one of the most handsome men.

The gap is no smaller than the gap between species, but Lin Huang doesn't know it.

For the first three days, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace felt that Lin Huang was a little carried away, thinking that being the chief disciple could impress the girl in red.

And the girl in red lived up to everyone's expectations and directly threw Lin Huang out.

In the next few days, all the disciples began to sympathize with Lin Huang.

He was thrown out every time, and this...was too miserable. Every time he heard the sound of Lin Huang falling to the ground, everyone felt pain. That girl in red was too ruthless.

In the last few days, everyone felt that Lin Huang was not worthy of sympathy.

Because they think Lin Huang is really stupid!

Stupid to the bone.

All the disciples didn't understand how Lin Huang became the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace.

It's embarrassing to say it.

The other three sects must not scold my Piaoxue Palace so badly.

The chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace was thrown out countless times by a girl in red.

Lin Huang actually wanted to climb up this girl in red who obviously had a big background, it was really embarrassing to the man.

After being thrown out dozens of times, it's still such a shameless pursuit.


Every time they think of these possible humiliations, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace feel their faces turn red, and feel deeply ashamed that there is such a chief disciple as Lin Huang in Piaoxue Palace.

Can you be like a man!
man a little bit!

Isn't it just that you can't catch up? If you practice hard for a hundred years, one day that girl in red can't afford it!

Or go directly to the overlord!

Lin Huang obviously didn't care about everyone's criticism and blank stares, and was immersed in his own world.In his previous life, in order to be with Jun Qingcheng, he even gave up his life.

What's more, now at most it's just embarrassing!
He has to chase after being thrown out a hundred times.

Chase to death!
Anyway, Lin Huang made up his mind to pay attention, Jun Qingcheng will definitely be with him in the future, so it is nothing to be thrown out countless times now.

Being thrown out by one's own wife, is that called throwing?

Not at all!


In fact, Lin Huang is also worried!
It's so difficult to chase the king all over the city!

It is said that men and women are separated by mountains, but Lin Huang feels that there is only one mountain separated by a mountain, which is separated by [-] mountains, plus [-] galaxies, and [-] days!

For half a month, there was no progress!
Lin Huang felt that he was about to be thrown down by Jun Qingcheng.


In the room, Lin Huang let out a long sigh, feeling that his hair was turning gray.

But Lin Huang couldn't stop, and had to turn on the lights to fight at night, thinking hard about how, what reason, and what kind of clothes he should go to find Jun Qingcheng tomorrow.

What is the first thing you say when you meet.

How to praise Jun Qingcheng.

How could there be a one in ten thousand chance that she would not throw herself out.

The next morning, Lin Huang got up early.

After a night of contemplation and with two panda eyes, he has full confidence this time that Jun Qingcheng will not throw himself out.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang's footsteps became much lighter, and there were smiles on his brows and eyes.

"Lin Huang!"

When passing Qilin Peak, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Lin Huang was slightly puzzled, then turned around and stared at the two figures in front of him:
One of them was Lu Han.

The other person was a somewhat burly middle-aged man, dressed in a flaming red robe, with red eyebrows and beards.A pair of eyes were shining brightly, as if burning with fire.

Lin Huang's eyes fell on the latter, the burly middle-aged man stood there, Lin Huang could feel the scorching heat hidden in the air.

And the burly middle-aged man stood behind Lu Han without taking a step beyond.

"You are finally back!"

Lin Huang looked at Lu Han's dark face and showed a full smile.

Lu Han pursed his lips and smiled, "After being forced to learn a martial art move, I just returned to the mountain. So it was a little later, I heard that you have become the chief disciple?"

"In a few days, I will be able to beat you!"

Lin Huang laughed.

If there was anyone Lin Huangruo couldn't beat in this Piaoxue palace, apart from Xie Qinghou who had never met before, Lu Han was the only one.

Lu Han chuckled, and couldn't help but show a smug look on his face, "The martial art I learned is called Liren in the World! It's no worse than Killing the God with a Sword and Xuepiao Renjian."

"The world is free from hatred!"

Lin Huang frowned, Lu Han learned this martial art as soon as he heard about it from Yan Zangfeng.This recruiting of Xuanyuan to raise troops is based on Tianyuan's killing of Marquis Wu's hatred in the world.

"Let's compete when we have time!"

Lin Huang said.

Lu Han nodded. In fact, he wanted to learn from Xuepiaorenjian, because he thought Xuepiaorenjian was very beautiful.

"I don't know who this is?"

Lin Huang then shifted his gaze to the middle-aged man in the red robe.

"This Marquis Murong Fen!"

The burly middle-aged clasped his fists and said.

cough cough.

Hearing the word 'Murong Fen' suddenly, Lin Huang choked up and coughed twice.

did not expect……

Lu Han actually invited this great god over.

Murong Fen, Wuhou Second Heaven!
In the realm of martial arts, he is not too outstanding, so on the Wuhou list, this person can only be ranked at the bottom.

But this person is strong because of his identity as a formation master.

In the entire Eastern Spirit Realm, in terms of the Dao Dao realm, those who can surpass this person are only a handful of palms away.

His fire-type formations can be described as superb. He once controlled three fire-type formations at the same time, and burned a strong man of the sixth heaven of Marquis Wu into coke.

It is said that this person can control more than 200 formation seals in one hand, and he is only one step away from a fifth-level formation master!
"I've seen Senior Murong!"

Lin Huang respectfully bowed to the latter, and said, "This time senior can come to Piaoxue Palace to help, I thank you in advance!"

"You're welcome!"

Murong Fen smiled slightly, "I heard that you are also a formation master, I don't know how many formation seals you can control at the same time now!"

"54 pieces!"

Forest Road.

"Secondary formation master?"

Murong Fen exclaimed, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, he just asked casually, but he found a second-level formation master.

The standard for a third-level formation master is to control 64 formation marks at the same time.

Murong Fen did not expect that Lin Huang would almost touch the edge of the third-level formation master.

"If there is an opportunity in the future, I hope that Mr. Murong will not hesitate to teach me!"

Lin Huang said sincerely, without the slightest hint of hypocrisy.Together with the formation master, he really lacks too much experience.


Murong Fen said with a smile, his expression was much gentler than before.

"I still don't know what I need to do when I come to Piaoxue Palace!"

Murong Fen continued to ask, not forgetting to glance at Lu Han while speaking.Ever since he was invited by Xuanyuan Tibing to follow Lu Han out of the city, he asked all the way.

Lu Han's mouth couldn't be pried open.

"Mr. Murong, come with me!"

Lin Huang smiled and led Murong Fen towards Lin Cangxue's courtyard with a smile on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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