
Chapter 178

Chapter 178
When Lin Cangxue saw everyone appearing, she was obviously a little dazed.

After a few breaths, Shen Diexin also appeared.

"I've seen Master Murong!"

When she saw Murong Fen, Shen Diexin's eyes lit up obviously, and she was even a little excited.Before that, he had also looked for Murong Fen.

But the latter did not see her.

Unexpectedly, Lu Han invited him over.

Murong Fen smiled and said: "Ben Hou was in retreat at that time, so it's no surprise that I couldn't receive Elder Shen!"

Shen Die smiled lightly, "I was the one who was rude before!"

In the small courtyard, Lin Cangxue was also a little surprised. Although he didn't practice formation, he had heard of Murong Fen's name for a long time, and he was one of the few strong formations in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

However, Lin Cangxue still didn't know why everyone came here.

Then Lin Huang led everyone into the house.


"Martial Soul Nirvana?"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Murong Fen frowned tightly, with an unbelievable expression on his face.In the theory he came into contact with, after the martial soul was shattered, it was impossible to regenerate.

At least he had never heard of the rumor of Wuhun Nirvana.

Shen Diexin, who was at the side, asked, "Mr. Murong, do you think that once the martial spirit starts to burn, can it be reversed?"

"Of course it's impossible!"

Murong Fen said firmly.

Shen Diexin smiled slightly, "But I have experienced it!"

"Back in the Great Xia Dynasty, I was besieged and killed, and I had the experience of burning my martial soul, but look at my current appearance, does it look like my martial soul has been turned into ashes?"

"Naturally not!"

Murong Fen frowned deeply, with a suspicious look on his face, "Could it be that someone has reversed the martial soul?"

Shen Diexin nodded with a smile.

Back then in the Great Xia Dynasty, in order to let Lin Huang rush out, she did not hesitate to burn her martial soul. She was already full of despair in life.Unexpectedly, Xiao Yishan appeared at that time.

With just one finger, he reversed his burning martial soul.

"This is too incredible!"

Murong Fen shook his head, still in disbelief.

"This method of martial soul nirvana was taught by the person who reversed my martial soul," Shen Diexin explained.

Then, Lin Huang handed out a volume of Musashi, saying:
"This is the "Nirvana of the Universe" left by my master. Mr. Murong can study it carefully to see if it is feasible?"

Murong Fen frowned, and accepted the Great Nirvana with some doubts...

"Is it really possible?"

In the room, Lin Cangxue's anxious voice suddenly sounded, with a tremor in his tone.

The latter's clear eyes were staring at Lin Huang and Shen Diexin closely, and his heart was already in a mess.

The once high-spirited genius fell from the altar and suffered three years of blind eyes.Deep down in his heart, why didn't he hope that one day he would be able to achieve Nirvana.

Her three-foot green front can once again traverse the world.

Why don't you expect that the original name of Cangxue can shake the world again.

However, for three full years, all her expectations were met with biting despair.

The Wuhou ancestors of Piaoxue Palace have been here many times, but they all shook their heads and left in the end.

She had visited Yanzangfeng before, but what she got in return was still despair.

Even, being proud, she once went to Xuanyuan City alone to ask to meet Xuanyuan Tibing, she thought that the martial arts myth might have a way.

But the final result still made her fall into the abyss.

After three years, she finally accepted a theory: the broken martial soul is irreversible!

Even though she knew that Shen Diexin hadn't given up, before Lin Huang entered Piaoxue Forbidden Land, she had told her that the Wuhun would be nirvana, but Lin Cangxue didn't believe it anymore.

She couldn't believe it.

Only she herself understands how painful and heart-piercing it is to feel hopeful every time but fall into the abyss the next moment.

But just now...

Lin Huang invited Murong Fen, one of the few fourth-level formation masters in the East Spirit Realm.

There are also three jade bottles in the room, exuding a scorching breath.

Industry sea flowers!
Burning Heart Lotus!
Dragon fruit.

She also heard Lin Huang swear that as long as he extracted a trace of Nirvana's flame from the smelting Yehaihua, Burning Heart Lotus, and Yanlong Fruit, he would be able to make his Wuhun Nirvana.

For a moment, Lin Cangxue was in a state of confusion.

In the room, looking at the bewildered Lin Cangxue, Lin Huang's nose was slightly sore, with a bright smile on his face, he said, "This time it will definitely work!"

Shen Diexin also had an expression of encouragement.

Lin Cangxue lowered her eyelids, pinching the corners of her clothes with jade hands, her heart as calm as a lake, finally set off monstrous waves.

But at this moment, Murong Fen stared straight at "The Great Nirvana of the Universe", his tiger eyes shone brightly, his body remained motionless, as if he was addicted to it.


A place in Piaoxue Palace.

The girl in red in the room, with her head resting on her jade arms, looked at the gate of the courtyard through the screen window of the house, and there was a slight chill in her clear eyes.

Looking at the shadows of the tree trunks in the courtyard, the girl frowned slightly for some reason, guessing in her heart that it was almost midday.

For some reason, when the girl frowned, she seemed a little irritable, and the brilliance in her eyes became even colder.


The girl said as if angry, sitting cross-legged on the futon, slowly closed her star-like eyes, and began to absorb the vitality of the world.

Less than half a quarter of an hour later, the girl opened her eyes again, glanced at the gate of the courtyard without a trace, and then closed her eyes again.

Another half a quarter of an hour later, the girl opened her eyes again, snorted heavily, and walked out of the small courtyard with the three-foot Qingfeng in her hand.


"I heard that you are chasing that evildoer?"

In Lin Cangxue's small courtyard, Lu Han suddenly asked.

"That's not a monster!"

Lin Huang corrected.

"That's a monster!"

Lu Han resolutely said, "I told you when I came out of King Wu's tomb, you can't touch that evildoer, you don't believe me! After returning to Piaoxue Palace, I told you again, but you still didn't listen!"

Lin Huang turned his back and didn't want to talk about this topic with Lu Han.

However, Lu Han got excited, with a bitter expression on his face:

"Less than two months after I left Piaoxue Palace, you were seduced by that evildoer. I heard that you were thrown around every day, and every time you ran over!"

"To shut up!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly.

Lu Han pouted and sneered, "I'm telling you this very seriously! I believe in your talent, and I also believe in your hard work, but you must see yourself clearly!"

"Even if one day, you can catch up with Jun Qingcheng, you can be with her?"

"Wu Hou, who is less than 17 years old, what kind of background is it, don't you know? If you want to be with her, then you will struggle in pain for the rest of your life!"

"I told you to shut up!"

Lin Huang said angrily, staring straight at Lu Han.

"I'm going to wake you up!"

Lu Han met Lin Huang's gaze, his dark face was equally cold, "Love is human nature, and dreams are always beautiful! But the reality is that your name is Lin Huang, and she is Jun Qingcheng! Others are phoenixes flying in the sky, and you But it has no wings!"

"You are angry, which means you agree with what I said! You also think that you are far away from her, so why don't you want to admit it?"

"Besides, you must have not practiced in the past half a month!"

In the small courtyard, Lu Han stared with both eyes, and the exit was a sharp sword stabbing Lin Huang's chest, where he was still stiff and cautious before.

"Are you finished?"

Lin Huang stared at Lu Han coldly.

"It's over!"

Lu Han hummed.

"Then shut up!"

After Lin Huang stared at Lu Han coldly, he said slowly: "No one knows better than me the gap between me and her, but so what?"

"You think she is a phoenix in the sky, but I have no wings, so what?"

"What do you think I'll spend my whole life struggling to be with her?"

"It's true that I haven't practiced for half a month, so what?"

"I have experienced pain and struggle. It is indeed bitter, but I am willing! Even if I have no wings, I will learn to fly. The sky is high and the earth is [-] miles wide, even if I am an ant on the ground, I can climb step by step and climb thousands of miles. For tens of thousands of years, I can touch the edge of the sky!"

"If you are good for me, you will shut up in the future!"

Lin Huang said admonishingly.

Lu Han looked at Lin Huang's serious face, and shook his head in admiration. He really didn't understand why Lin Huang fell in love with Jun Qingcheng at a glance.

It's stuck so deep that I can't pull it out.

"But you have to be qualified to be with her!"

Finally, Lu Han couldn't help sighing.

"I know!"

Lin Huang smiled indifferently, but his dark eyes were full of fighting spirit.In Lin Huang's mind, he has never forgotten that figure as powerful as a god.

At that time, Lin Huang had just entered the Martial King Realm.

The man who enforced the law on behalf of the sky only said one sentence to himself: "If you enter the holy realm within ten years, I will allow you to be with Qingcheng!"

And after that, it was the ten years when Lin Huang was hunted down by Liu Cangsheng crazily.

In the end, Lin Huang was one step too late after all!
But this time, if Lin Huang wanted to be with Jun Qingcheng, he would still face Jun Qingcheng's father.

"You do it yourself, I don't bother to care about you!"

Lu Han patted Lin Huang's shoulder helplessly.

As a friend, he has the duty of persuasion.But how to choose in the end is Lin Huang's own business.

"But I still want to say that she is really a monster!"

Lu Han said in a still unfinished way.

Lin Huang grinned, thinking that he was indeed a good-looking evildoer.Thinking about it, Lin Huang suddenly saw a crimson figure appearing at the entrance of the small courtyard.

The girl was holding a three-foot green blade in her hand, and was staring at herself and Lu Han coldly.


Lin Huang pretended to be calm and coughed twice, patted Lu Han on the shoulder, and said calmly: "'d better ask for blessings, I'll go first!"

Before the words were finished, Lin Huang ran fiercely and rushed into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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