
Chapter 179 Hope

Chapter 179 Hope

Bang bang bang.

Bang bang bang.

There was a series of sounds outside the house.

"What's going on outside?"

Shen Die was puzzled.

"It's nothing, Lu Han is practicing!"

Lin Huang explained with a smile.

Shen Die was slightly suspicious, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Listening to the voices outside, the corners of Lin Huang's mouth twitched slightly, and he secretly prayed for Lu Han in his heart.No matter how powerful Lu Han is, the Jun Qingcheng he is facing has the realm of Marquis Wu.

It's useless to have a hundred tricks to leave hatred in the world.

"come out!"

When Lin Huang felt that he had escaped a catastrophe, he suddenly heard Jun Qingcheng's scolding outside the house.

Lin Huang looked relieved, and immediately covered his ears.


Outside the house, Jun Qingcheng stared straight at the door with a pair of clear eyes, with a hint of anger in his brows.

Lin Huang covered his ears with his hands, his eyes wandering.


Jun Qingcheng continued to speak.

Lin Huang snorted twice, thinking that it would be embarrassing to just go out like this. Anyway, he covered his ears and couldn't hear anything.


Before the voice outside the house fell, Lin Huang let go and opened the door abruptly.He straightened his sleeves with a calm face, and looked at the beautiful figure in the courtyard with a smile on his face.

Looking at the anger in Jun Qingcheng's eyebrows, the smile on Lin Huang's face gradually froze, and the posture that was pretending to be elegant just now was instantly beaten back to its original shape.

"I don't know how much she heard about the quarrel with Lu Han just now?"

Lin Huang's heart was up and down, and he was very anxious.Looking at the long sword trembling in Jun Qingcheng's hand, his face trembled involuntarily, and he silently estimated in his heart how far he was thrown from here to Tianpu Cliff.

In the courtyard, the girl looked at Lin Huang in front of her, her restless heart seemed to have calmed down a lot at this moment, and she didn't know whether to throw Lin Huang out or stab him with a sword.

After thinking about it for a long time, Jun Qingcheng uttered two words coldly:

Lin Huang was stunned for half an hour.

When Jun Qingcheng's face was covered with frost again, Lin Huang finally came to his senses, and a flood of joy surged deep in his heart, "It will be ready soon!"

Speaking of Lin Huang, he quickly left the courtyard.

Before leaving, Lin Huang didn't forget to take a look at Lu Han.

It's really miserable!

Lu Han collapsed on the ground, his whole body was in a circle, his face was covered with bruises, his eyes were dulled from the beating, and he wailed lifelessly.

When Lin Huang came back again, Lu Han was still lying there unable to move, his eyes were staring at Lin Huang, full of hatred.

Lin Huang smiled triumphantly, left a bunch of barbecued meat for Lu Han, and entered the house leisurely.

In the room, Murong Fen was still immersed in "The Great Nirvana of the Universe", and seemed to be unable to extricate himself for a while...

"You didn't hear what I told Lu Han just now!"

After Lin Huang handed the fragrant barbecue to Jun Qingcheng, he asked cautiously.

Jun Qingcheng raised his head, squinted his bright eyes, and blinked at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang's heart trembled for a while.

"What did you say?"

Lin Cangxue asked.

"Discussing Xue Piao Ren Shi!"

Lin Huang coughed and said.

"How does this taste?"

Lin Huang asked Jun Qingcheng again.

Jun Qingcheng looked up again, staring at Lin Huang coldly.

Lin Huang looked puzzled, but when he turned his head, he found that Lin Cangxue's expression was even colder, which made Lin Huang even more confused, "Didn't I just ask how it tastes? Is there any problem?"

Little did they know, at this moment Lin Cangxue wished to tear Lin Huang's bones apart...

"Invite someone you like to eat, can you be so casual, just eat barbecue?"

"Others say you're hungry, but you only have barbecue?"

"Nothing else?"

"Fruit is fine!"

Lin Cangxue turned her head away, unable to bear to look at Lin Huang again.She only discovered today that Lin Huang's EQ had dropped to such a point of incompetence.

It's just appalling!
In the room, Lin Huang scratched his head, eyes full of confusion.


At this moment, Murong Fen breathed a sigh of relief, and finally woke up from the great nirvana of the universe.

The latter looked quite tired at the moment, but his eyes were full of excitement, looking at the Musashi in his hand, as if seeing a rare treasure.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Murong, how are you doing?"

"The theory is established! There is hope!"

Murong Fen sighed, "The world of martial arts is indeed as vast as the sea, and this Marquis has been taught."

"If I can really construct the formation and refine the Nirvana Flame, I will be able to become a fifth-level formation master within two years," Murong Fen sighed, with an unprecedented excitement on his face.

In the room, everyone's eyes lit up.

Since Murong Fen said there is hope, then there really is hope.

"However, in this process, there will be great risks, I hope you can understand!"

Murong Fen turned his head and said.

"What risk?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"The formations recorded in the Musashi are already extremely complicated. I need at least two months to practice the formations, and then one month to refine the flames of Nirvana!"

Murong Fen said, "If you fail in the middle, then the materials for extracting the Nirvana Flame will be destroyed!"

Lin Huang suddenly fell into silence, he spent a lot of effort to get the Yehai Flower, Burning Heart Lotus, and Yanlong Fruit, only this one.If it fails, Lin Cangxue's Nirvana will be delayed infinitely.

"This is just one part of it!"

Murong Fen continued, "Even if the Flame of Nirvana is refined, it still needs to be formed in Cang Xue's body to cultivate the Flame of Nirvana. If there is a little carelessness, the Flame of Nirvana will also be annihilated."

"Only when the flame of Nirvana continues to breed and become the God of Nirvana, can the martial soul be Nirvana in the mysterious sea!"

"And the power of Nirvana God Flame is beyond the reach of ordinary people. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"What consequences?"

Lin Huang asked.

Murong Fen turned his head to look at Lin Cangxue, and then slowly said: "Warriors are burned to ashes!"

Lin Huang's complexion changed instantly.

He only knew that extracting the Flame of Nirvana could make the Wuhun Nirvana.But he didn't expect that there would be such twists and turns in the process, and he wanted to cultivate the flame of Nirvana into the flame of Nirvana in his body.

What's more, he didn't expect that there was a possibility of burning the warriors to ashes.

In the room, there was a moment of silence.

Lin Cangxue stood up, took the Musashi from Murong Fen's hand, and asked calmly, "How likely is it to succeed?"

"This Marquis is [-]% sure of extracting the Flame of Nirvana!"

"With [-]% certainty, cultivate Nirvana Flame into Nirvana God Flame!"

Murong Fen said to Lin Cangxue, "As for the last critical step, it depends on yourself. If you can't bear the power of the Nirvana God Flame, you will lose your soul!"

"I guess less than [-]%!"

Murong Fen said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Lin Cangxue closed the Musashi, looked up at Murong Fen, with a smile on her snow-white face, and said to herself:

"Ten percent!"

Murong Fen frowned, "Even if you are the legend of Dongling, you can't be so conceited. You know, the power of Nirvana Shenyan after maturity is enough to wipe out all the vitality of Dongling Realm."

Lin Cangxue shook her head, and said with a faint smile:
"It's not conceit, it's just because my name is Lin Cangxue!"

Murong Fen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Since you are so confident, this Marquis will definitely extract the flame of Nirvana, and it will also open my eyes to the existence of the former legend of Dong Ling."

"During this time, adjust the strength of the realm to the best state!"

Murong Fen said again.

Lin Cangxue nodded with a smile.

"Two months later, this Marquis will start extracting the Flame of Nirvana, I need a helper!"

Murong Fen turned his head and looked at the people in the room.

"I come!"

Shen Die thought to herself, besides Murong Fen in Piaoxue Palace, she is the only one who belongs to the third-level formation master, so naturally she is the most qualified to assist Murong Fen.

But Murong Fen shook his head, "The attribute of your formation is water, which is incompatible with raging fire!"

Speaking of this, Shen Diexin's complexion darkened slightly.

"Mr. Murong, do you think I can do it?"

Lin Huang asked anxiously, extracting the flame of Nirvana must be extremely difficult, but he is only a second-level formation master.

"Does your array have attribute bias?"

Murong Fen asked.

"This... I don't know yet!"

Lin Huang shook his head.

His experience of becoming a formation master is different from others...

Others are born with the conditions to become formation masters, so most of them have attribute bias in their souls.

Shen Diexin's water attribute.

Murong Fen's fire attribute.

The metallic nature of Han Qixiu of Tian Leizong.

As for Lin Huang's ability to become a formation master, it was only after Xiao Yishan crushed his soul and turned ice into water that he had the qualifications for a formation master.

Therefore, Lin Huang didn't know his own Dao attributes.

"Gather a formation seal and show it to Ben Hou!"

Murong burned.

Then, Lin Huang's fingertips danced with bright light, outlined by countless vitality, and finally formed a formation seal.

"Is this... no attribute?"

Looking at the seal in Lin Huang's hand, Murong Fen was full of doubts.In Lin Huang's seal, he didn't feel any attribute breath.

Shen Die was also puzzled, perceiving the seal in Lin Huang's hand.

"Really not?!"

Shen Diexin murmured, her face was a little pale, but she didn't believe it, "A formation master has no attributes, so he can't practice formations, but Lin Huang has successfully set up formations several times."

On the mainland, the attributes of the array are: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

These five attributes are the cornerstones for the formation of thousands of formations.

Any formation has its own attributes.

If a formation master wants to practice, he must have attributes that fit the formation, so that he can practice.

And if it has no attributes, no matter how talented the formation master is, it's useless.Because, there is no non-attribute formation for him to practice.

In the room, Shen Diexin stared at Lin Huang with an unbelievable expression on her face. She had clearly seen Lin Huang use a sword formation, and the sword formation was metallic.

If Lin Huang had no attributes, how could he control the sword array?

But Lin Huang has a metallic nature, so why does the condensed array seal not have the slightest attribute breath.

Just when everyone was wondering, a clear voice suddenly sounded in the room:

"It's not that there are no attributes, but that all attributes have reached an absolute balance, which is called a legendary attribute!"

(End of this chapter)

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