
Chapter 180 The High Priest of Piaoxue Palace

Chapter 180 The High Priest of Piaoxue Palace
"Legendary attribute?"

In the room, everyone's eyes fell on Jun Qingcheng, a little suspicious.

Murong Fen looked at Jun Qingcheng, and then shrank his pupils. Only now did he realize that the latter had the aura of Marquis Wu, and it made him feel extremely dangerous.

"Are you a formation master?"

Murong Fen asked.


Jun Qingcheng shook his head, "But I know! Thousands of years ago, there was a formation master named Luohetu on the mainland, who was legendary!"

"Luohe map?"

This time, it was Lin Huang who was surprised.

The name Luohetu was mentioned by Xiao Yishan when he was in the Great Xia Dynasty. This person split his soul and became a formation master, and finally died of the soul split.

Lin Huang did not expect that this person was such a legend.

"Legendary attribute, among the formation masters, there is no one in a million!"

Jun Qingcheng continued.

In the room, Murong Fen and Shen Diexin frowned, and stared at Jun Qingcheng suspiciously, "All attributes have reached absolute balance? Legendary attributes?"

They never knew there was such a saying.

If this is the case, Lin Huang is a genius who is unique among the formations?
Lu Han, who just climbed into the room, looked jealous!

At this moment, Jun Qingcheng was also staring sideways at Lin Huang, but he never thought that Lin Huang was actually a formation master with legendary attributes.

The second legendary attribute that appeared in this continent after the Luohe map for thousands of years.

And Luohe Tu's achievement...

In the room, Lin Huang smiled complacently, looking at Lu Han who was full of jealousy, with a smug expression on his face.

"Would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

Murong Fen finally came to his senses, his eyes glowed with excitement, if he had a legendary disciple, it would be a lifetime of glory.


Before Lin Huang could speak, Jun Qingcheng said coldly.

Murong Fen immediately showed embarrassment, and figured out the reason.

If Lin Huang is really a legendary attribute, then it has terrifying potential.Although I am a fourth-level formation master, I am not enough to guide a formation master with legendary attributes.

At this moment, Murong Fen was very ashamed.The status of the fourth-level formation master that he was proud of was actually hit at this moment.

"Registered disciples are also fine!"

Murong Fen said unwillingly.

Lin Huang looked at Murong Fen, hugged him, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Murong, for falling in love with me wrongly, but I already have a master, and I won't ask anyone else to be my teacher. I hope Mr. Murong will forgive me!"

"That's just your Martial Dao master, you can still have a Zhen Dao master!"

Murong burned.

Lin Huang shook his head, "A master is a master, regardless of martial arts."

Murong Fen frowned, staring at Lin Huang unwillingly.That look, as if seeing something... I don't want to move my eyes away.

Lin Huang's heart trembled again.

"That's it!"

After a long time, Murong Fen let out a long sigh, and then walked out of the room with Qian Kun Da Nie in his hand, and said, "During the time that Ben Hou is in Piaoxue Palace, you can come to see Ben Hou at any time!"

Lin Huang was stunned for a moment, and then he showed joy, "Thank you, Mr. Murong!"

In the next few days, Lin Huang didn't show the slightest courtesy, and lived directly in Murong Fen's small courtyard, always asking the latter for his knowledge about formations.

Originally, Lin Huang didn't pay special attention to the cultivation of array.

On the one hand, Lin Huang didn't have much time to practice when he was practicing martial arts.

The second is that Lin Huang's understanding of the Dao of Formation is far behind even the entry level.If you want to be successful in cultivation, it must be an extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming path.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Huang had no other means besides controlling more than 50 formation seals and arranging sword formations on the formation path.

But now it seems something is different.

Lin Huang knew what a legendary attribute was, so he felt that he was a genius...

A genius who can reach the sky.

In the small courtyard, Murong Fen looked at Lin Huang's bewildered expression, his guts turned green with regret, he never expected that Lin Huang's understanding of formations was almost to the point of ignorance.

Although Lin Huang has high comprehension.

But... Even the simplest and most basic formation theory, I don't know anything.Every time I talked about a slightly advanced theory, I would see Lin Huang's blank expression.

Murong Fen had no choice but to explain the simplest, lowest and most basic theory to Lin Huang.

And these theories, Murong Fen has already memorized them thoroughly, it is really tasteless to talk about them.

But Lin Huang really didn't know anything.

Murong Fen really didn't understand, how did Lin Huang become a second-level formation master?
As a last resort, Murong Fen had no choice but to shape a theoretical system for Lin Huang.

Simply, half a month later, Lin Huang was captured by Nan Yunlie...

"I heard that you are now in Piaoxue Palace, and your reputation is greatly shaken?"

In Qilin Peak, Nan Yunlie asked, flicking his braids at the temples.

Lin Huang curled his lips. He naturally understood what Nan Yunlie meant. How could he not be famous after being thrown by Jun Qingcheng for half a month?

"The old man supports you!"

Nan Yunlie laughed loudly, "Then Jun Qingcheng must have a great background, if you succeed, you will definitely give Piaoxue Palace a face!"

"If you don't get thrown out, everything will be fine!"

Lin Huang sighed.

Nan Yunlie squinted and taught Lin Huang with full experience, "So you have to work hard. To deal with such a little monster, you have to be more monster than her!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, "More monstrous than Jun Qingcheng? I'm afraid you won't find ten of them in this Sky Continent!"

"Do you still remember Xingchen Pavilion?"

Nan Yunlie squinted at Lin Huang.

"Star Pavilion?"

Lin Huang wondered, then remembered.When I became the chief, in addition to getting Tianyuan Pill and Yanlong Fruit, I also had the qualification to go to the mountain behind the peak.

In addition, it is the Xingchen Pavilion.

But when he came out of the back mountain that day, Lin Huang met Jun Qingcheng.Afterwards, he ran every day and was thrown away by Jun Qingcheng, and later met Murong Fen, but he forgot about Xingchen Pavilion.

"Where is the Star Pavilion?"

Lin Huang scratched his head and asked.

"you guess!"

Nan Yunlie pretended to be profound.

Lin Huang waved his hands, too lazy to play such a childish game with Nan Yunlie.

Not long after, the two came to a place...

"Isn't this the Sutra Pavilion?"

Looking at the seven-storey palace in front of him, Lin Huang asked suspiciously.

"Could it be that the Xingchen Pavilion is the Sutra Pavilion?"

Lin Huang said with an ugly expression, if this is the case, he might be fooled by Yan Nangui again.

When he first entered the inner sect, he had been to the Buddhist scripture pavilion. Although there were many rare and rare books inside, was useless to Lin Huang!

"Have you been to the seventh floor?"

Nan Yunlie hummed and stared at Lin Huang pretending to be mysterious, and then said:

"The seventh floor is the Xingchen Pavilion!"

"The seventh floor?"

Lin Huang was surprised. He had heard that the seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion was a forbidden area. Even if the Palace Master Yan Nangui did not get permission, he would not be allowed to enter it.

Because there is a person living in the seventh floor, who is the high priest of Piaoxue Palace.

The so-called sacrificial priests are commanding masters.

Proficient in wind and water, numerology, Qimen, stars, celestial phenomena...

Ordinary commanding masters can deduce the fate of warriors, find dragons and acupuncture points.

A powerful commanding teacher can help people eliminate disasters and solve difficulties, and deduce the situation in the world.

And those top commanding masters can spy on the secrets of the sky, disrupt the luck of the universe, and even go against the sky.

On the Qiankun Continent, the Commander is extremely mysterious.

Nan Yunlie said that the seventh floor is the Xingchen Pavilion, and the high priest is also on the seventh floor, which made Lin Huang a little curious...

The two of them stopped at the entrance of the seventh floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion one after the other.

Looking at the closed door, Nan Yunlie showed respect, and then said loudly: "Nan Yunlie, the head of Qilin Peak, and his chief disciple Lin Huang, meet the high priest!"

For half an hour, there was no movement at the door.

Nan Yunlie showed no sign of fear, and continued, "High Priest, Master Zang Feng asked me to come here!"

The door remained silent.

Nan Yunlie hesitated a little, and then said:

"High priest, Lin Huang is the son of Lin Changtian!"

"Come in!"

In the room, there was an extremely hoarse voice suddenly.

Nan Yunlie looked happy, and immediately led Lin Huang into the Xingchen Pavilion.

Lin Huang was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why the door suddenly opened when Nan Yunlie mentioned Lin Changtian.

"Is the high priest related to Lin Changtian?"

Entering Xingchen Pavilion, Lin Huang only felt his eyes light up.The entire seventh floor is a hundred feet long, and the entire space is shimmering with bright starlight, emitting radiant star lines. .

The extension of the star line is to connect countless stars to form a large array of stars, which is quite mysterious.

Being in it is like being in the ancient world of stars.

And in the center of the multiple star formations, sat a decayed old man cross-legged, wearing a snow-white robe outlined with stars, and a scepter engraved with the Big Dipper was suspended beside him.

The old man's face was dry and wrinkled, but there seemed to be endless light in those shriveled eyes, full of mystery.

"I have seen the High Priest!"

Nan Yunlie and Lin Huang hand in hand.

The high priest's expression didn't change at all, he just glanced at Nan Yunlie and then fixed his eyes on Lin Huang.

Suddenly, Lin Huang felt a mysterious aura piercing through him, as if all his secrets were invisible.

"Are you Lin Changtian's son?"

In the air, the hoarse voice of the high priest sounded.

Lin Huang nodded calmly.

"Do you have doubts in your heart?"

The high priest continued, his eyes were shining, as if he could see through everything.

Lin Huang's expression was slightly condensed, feeling the strength of the old man in front of him, and he said, "I hope the high priest can clarify the confusion!"

"Ha ha……"

The high priest sat cross-legged on the star array, and suddenly let out a self-deprecating laugh, followed by a hoarse voice:
"This old man has lived for 180 years, and has deduced the fate of 340 two people, but Lin Changtian is the only one who miscalculated!"

(End of this chapter)

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