
Chapter 1770 Future Road

Chapter 1770 Future Road

In the lonely wild, Lin Huang was very helpless.

I haven't seen you for half a year.

What's going on when you quarrel as soon as you meet?
Jun Moxiao, why did you become a member of the Jun family? This is not clear to destroy the relationship between yourself and Qingcheng.

Lin Huang looked at Lord Grim who had just pulled himself out of the mountain in the distance, and secretly chopped off his foot again.


The landslide fell.

Lin Huang felt much better, and then continued to move closer to Jun Qingcheng, "Anyway, one yard is worth one yard! My sister doesn't like him, so what's the use of such a big dowry gift!"

Jun Qingcheng turned to look at Lin Huang, and snorted.

Lin Huang was a little helpless. After touching his head, he began to change the subject: "How did Lord Grim become your big brother?"

"I don't know... Father's arrangement!"

Jun Qingcheng said unkindly, "It may be due to the relationship with the Xuantian God Clan at the beginning... After all, the pressure on the Xuantian God Clan should be less when a woman becomes the Palace Master!"

"And... the eldest brother is extremely talented, and being placed in the clan will make the Xuantian God Clan even more suspicious!"

"High talent..."

Just as Lin Huang was about to turn back, he suddenly shut up and nodded, "It makes a lot of sense!"

He didn't pay much attention to Lord Grim, but the latter's strength and talent were not weaker than Lin Cangxue's.

Even over one head.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about this matter!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, "However, I have fulfilled all the conditions your father put forward!"

Forest Road.

"Let's talk about it after you clean up the Sky Continent!"

Jun Qingcheng was still a little angry, and didn't accept the meaning of Lin Huang's words.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, "This...doesn't conflict!"

"I said conflict is conflict, anyway, I can't run away, what are you looking for!"

Jun Qingcheng stared at Lin Huang, "Wait until my eldest brother gets married one day, this is the tradition of the human race!"

Lin Huang's face turned green immediately.

Where did this tradition come from? It has long since disappeared.

Just to kidnap yourself!
Lin Huang was embarrassed, and didn't know how to continue the chat...

"You go to the colorful world outside, and have fun by yourself!"

Jun Qingcheng began to find fault.

"Where do you dare... there is only one piece of wood! There is no time for cultivation, so how can you have other thoughts!"

Lin Huang spoke immediately.

"The realm is so high, and I can rebel against the strong in the gods. I don't know if I will look down on me in the future... There are so many beautiful girls in the original world of the human race!"

Jun Qingcheng seems to have a sense of uneasiness.

"Those are nothing but pink skulls. They are nothing compared to you! Besides, no matter what level I have reached, I will not let you fall!"

Lin Huang hurriedly opened his mouth to save his own life.

"And... the original world of the human race is not a peaceful and prosperous world!"

Jun Qingcheng frowned, stared at Lin Huang resentfully, and then stopped messing around.

"In the back, how are you going to go?"

Jun Qingcheng snuggled into Lin Huang's arms and asked in a low voice, "Actually, in Li Baiyi's plan, the Mingjiao should go step by step, and what is important is a joint effort, whether it is the night watchman, the three thousand white clothes, the Mingjiao tribe or the Xingtian Temple. , work together, fight steadily, and then gradually suppress the four ancient clans and exterminate the evil clans!"

"However, along the way, you are too aggressive. And other people can't keep up with your pace. In the end, you are fighting alone. If you are strong alone, Mingjiao is strong. If you leave, Mingjiao's strength will be greatly reduced, and it will be suppressed by all parties...will it be tiring?"

"You won't be tired after just one kiss!"

Lin Huang started to tease.

What he got in exchange was a supercilious look from Jun Qingcheng.

"Actually, it's okay... Mingjiao's strength before and after is indeed a bit out of touch. But many things, once there is a perfect plan, the meaning of life will be lost!"

"Mingjiao's current strength is actually not weak. It's just that the evil clan and the four ancient clans have exceeded some of the original expectations, whether it is the Qianliu world or the holy demon!"

"They are strong, but it does not mean that Bai Xiaopang and the others are weak. On the contrary, their progress is much faster than before. However, the enemy is still stronger than them!"

"Given time, they can catch up quickly!"

Lin Huang frowned, "Actually, there are some problems with the strength level of the human race. I walked out of the original world and met a lot of strong people, and there are even existences that surpass gods!"

"Maybe I haven't seen enough, but there is always a feeling that the most powerful people are fighting alone. In this way...they are lonely and heroic. However, once they die in battle, they may be A disaster for the human race!"

"However, this point has changed with Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian! But in my opinion, this is still not enough!"

"Human race, what we have to do is, everyone can survive without it! This means that in a reasonable racial system, we must not be left behind, and there must be a solid force in the middle to support it. Once a crisis occurs, this part of the force can quickly Come on top!"

"Moreover, there must be a large enough foundation to allow outstanding people to grow up and become intermediate forces. In my opinion, such outstanding people will only be born under two circumstances. One is in a prosperous age. , has an extremely perfect system; the other is the coming of disaster, so that everyone has a sense of urgency, and continues to grow stronger under the thirst for survival!"

"And I think that the comrades in the original world of the human race actually lack this sense of urgency. They are protected by the gods of the human race. In my opinion, this is not good. Of course, it may be that I don't see it enough. Thoroughly, I have never stayed in the original world of the human race, and once I go out, I will travel to the world!"

"As for the fact that the evil clan from the Langjuxu God Realm is going to come out, I'm actually not prepared to take care of it. Because the people of the Sky Continent also lack the sense of urgency. Only the nation that has experienced the baptism of blood is truly powerful, not Because our strength represents the strength of the human race!"

"But whether it is the lord of the world or Ye Canglan, they all choose to guard the Langjuxu God Realm. I can also fulfill their wishes...but this is actually contrary to my original heart!"

"But all warriors who have the world in their hearts cannot bear the loss of the common people, so they choose to stand in front of the torrent in the face of disaster! But they can't protect the little chickens, which is not conducive to the long-term plan of the human race... the flowers in the greenhouse, It doesn’t grow up! If our generation of humans doesn’t bleed, the younger generation of humans will bleed!”

In fact, Lin Huang rarely told people these words... Tell Qin Zheng and the others that Lin Huang is not qualified.Tell Li Taixuan and the others that, after all, they are seniors, and it is not easy to change their deep-rooted thoughts.They may eventually listen to Lin Huang, but they may not agree in their hearts.

Talk to Bai Xiaopang, Li Chunfeng and the others, it's nonsense.

You can also talk to Qin Xuance, Jun Qingcheng, and Lin Cangxue.

Qin Xuance should understand, needless to say!
"The road behind, have you thought about it?"

Jun Qingcheng raised his head, stroked Lin Huang's tough cheek, and asked softly, "The four ancient clans are about to raise their heads, and the evil clan on the mainland is not extinct!"

"Of course I want to marry you home first!"

Lin Huang hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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