
Chapter 1771 The Way of the Desolate Forest

Chapter 1771 The Way of the Desolate Forest
Listening to Lin Huang's words, Jun Qingcheng grinned, and then straightened his face.

She was still angry and couldn't laugh.

"So, the follow-up is going to face the four ancient clans?"

Jun Qingcheng asked.


Lin Huang nodded, "We have to face it anyway, the thousand-year hatred of blood doesn't mean it's gone if it's gone!"

Lin Huang held Jun Qingcheng's hand, "It's just that, more or less, my mentality has changed!"

Jun Qingcheng turned to look at Lin Huang.

"I didn't think much about it before. I just wanted to get out of the Great Xia Dynasty, out of the East Spirit Realm, and fight Liu Cangsheng to the death, so that this high-ranking fellow from the Eastern Heaven Sect would kneel at my feet!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, with a smile of reminiscence on his face, and a hint of amusedness, as if he felt that he was a little childish.

"Later, after suppressing Liu Cangsheng, I met Beilin Weiyang, also known as Huangfu Tianxia, ​​and thought about how to kill him!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "Later, I learned a lot of things, Pei Xiufu died in battle, Qingtian Martial House was destroyed, and I got more and more in contact with Zuojia Mingjiao, thinking that the four ancient clans are inseparable Enemy!"

"Looking back now, in fact, Liu Cangsheng is nothing more than that. He just has a better background than me, and his talent is higher than mine! Once in a high position, it is very likely that he will be domineering and arrogant, which is normal!"

"But this time when I stepped out of the Sky Continent and traveled across the heavens and worlds, I saw more!"

"The heavens and all races are above, the human race is not weak, but it is far from being strong. In the vast years, the human race has experienced several tidal ages. Compared with the hatred of the entire human race, the internal fighting is nothing but brotherhood. It’s nothing more than a dispute. What is it compared to the hatred of the Tidal Age?”

Lin Huang frowned, "So, I used to think about destroying the four ancient clans first, and then deal with the evil ones. Now, I am much more firm in my thinking. First destroy the evil ones, and then deal with the four ancient ones!"

"Mingjiao members cannot let go of their hatred!"

Jun Qingcheng said, "Even my Xingtian Temple can't let go of this hatred!"

Lin Huang nodded, "I didn't think about letting go either!"

"I'm just a little sad. The catastrophe of all races may come suddenly, but the human race is still fighting among themselves! Could it be that only when a real crisis strikes, can we let go of everything and return to the unity of the human race?"

"Some things are human nature, don't try to change it, and I don't want you to become a saint either!"

Jun Qingcheng frowned.

Lin Huang patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry... Since I can't let go of this hatred, and there is no possibility of turning hostility into friendship, I will wipe it out with the speed of thunder. Let the blood of the four ancient clans be a warning to the people of Sky Continent." !
"I am not merciful, on the contrary... I am more rational and have learned to choose and make decisions!"


Jun Qingcheng opened his mouth, not knowing what to ask.

"I didn't intend to do it myself!"

Lin Huang knew what Jun Qingcheng was going to ask, and immediately said, "I said before, the most powerful people of the human race give me a feeling of loneliness. They are heroes, but they are fighting alone. And I don't like this feeling. , this is not the basis for guaranteeing the longevity of the human race!"

"So, what I want is not that I am strong alone, but that everyone is strong!"

Lin Huang stood up, with a strong light shining in his eyes, "I hope whether it is you, Lord Grim, my sister, Li Chunfeng, Bai Xiaopang...everyone of their names, when they appear, can Let the heavens and all races be in turmoil! My human race never relies on any one of them, but a group of people, strong enough!"

"It may not be easy!"

Jun Qingcheng Road.

"Do not……"

Lin Huang turned around, with a cold gleam in his eyes, "It's very difficult, otherwise the human race would not always stand out from the crowd in the long run of time. It wouldn't count that 10 years have passed, and the human race would only have the Shuangbi Qin Zhenghe Ember Heaven Emperor!"

"But... I want to try!"

Lin Huang's words were sonorous and powerful.

He turned his head and looked at the people in the distance, "On the Sky Continent, they can be said to be extremely talented. But looking at the entire original world of the human race or the heavens and all races, they are actually nothing. But, I still want to give it a try !"

"Someone once said that if you don't reach the realm of Martial King, you don't need to fight for talent. Later, some people say that you don't need to fight for talent if you don't reach the realm of Saint Emperor... But is this upper limit really just Saint Emperor realm?"

Lin Huang's voice raised a lot, "I want to take them into the realm of gods together and become the giant pillars of the human race!"

"I don't want to fight alone, even if that sounds magnificent, but that's also the tragedy of my human race!"

On the side, Jun Qingcheng looked at Lin Huang's high-spirited look, and was suddenly stunned.

In fact, she didn't understand how difficult the road Lin Huang said was.

But she rarely saw Lin Huang showing his sharpness like this.

Even when facing Sheng Moye, Lin Huang was not like this.Because... no matter how difficult that battle was, it was just a battle.

At this moment, Lin Huang is exploring a road.

A human road.

This road... maybe the human race has never walked it!

Lin Huang may not be able to succeed, maybe it is destined not to succeed.Because in the vast time and river, the human race may have never seen the picture depicted by Lin Huang.


Isn't this way more meaningful?
"You seem to be getting farther and farther away from you..."

Jun Qingcheng lowered his voice and said, Lin Huang had never said this before, as if he had always been Li Baiyi's marionette.

However, at some point, Lin Huang has silently embarked on a road.

"But I will always be close to you!"

Lin Huang turned his head and looked at Jun Qingcheng with a smile.

Jun Qingcheng smiled, "I will definitely step into the Emperor Realm first!"

"I think it might be my sister or Lord Grim!"

Lin Huang didn't turn his head around.

"Can you say that again?"

Jun Qingcheng said angrily.

"Of course it's you!"

Lin Huang changed the topic, his head was very flexible, "Okay, you should go and practice quickly, Empress Qingcheng!"

"Not nice!"

Jun Qingcheng pouted, and immediately sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

Lin Huang stood on the side, and between the rolled up sleeves, a lot of luck after the death of Sheng Moye was gathered beside Jun Qingcheng.

Looking back at the mountains and rivers, Lin Huang's expression became calm, like a sick cat with its eyes closed, but the flash of light in its eyes was like a tiger baring its fangs.

The mountains and rivers are broken.

The common people are displaced.

A world of death.

But everything will be fine!
He no longer knew why he had such an idea, when he had such an idea... But these are not important.

What is broken, he will rebuild one by one.

Those who suffer will return to good.

Starting from this Langjuxu God Realm, gather a ray of divine light to illuminate the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles!

(End of this chapter)

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