
Chapter 1772 Breakthrough is imminent

Chapter 1772 Breakthrough is imminent
Langjuxu God Realm is still as dark as ever.

The evil race has not been completely eradicated.

Part of it was to be reserved for the Mingjiao army in the rear.

The other part is to be left to Huangfu.

As for how much meat Bai Xiaopang and the others can grab to eat, that's up to them.Lin Huang hoped that they could all become stronger, but it wasn't a direct enlightenment.

Everyone's path is to walk step by step.

For example...Bai Xiaopang's realm, among several people, has already begun to hang up.Even Li Chunfeng was about to catch up with him.

However, he doesn't seem to care, anyway, sleeping as always can improve the realm, don't panic!

Under the gloomy sky, everyone practiced separately.

After an unknown amount of time, the vitality in the void suddenly trembled.

Lin Huang immediately turned his head.

In the distance where Jun Moxiao was, a storm of vitality began to appear, rolling like a whirlpool in a vast sea.

With Jun Moxiao as the center, thunder began to raze all around.

And a crack appeared in the sky above the Langjuxu God Realm, as if a force of catastrophe was about to descend.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, as he expected, Jun Moxiao walked in the front among several people.

Back then, Lord Grim forcibly stepped into the Great Emperor's Realm in the cracks in the canyon outside the Langjuxu God's Domain, which actually did serious damage to his Dao.

Lin Huang even asked him to compress his realm to the extreme.

But in the blink of an eye, in less than ten days, Lord Grim was able to truly challenge himself to step into the Great Emperor Realm, and his talent was truly terrifying.

In fact, it can't be regarded as a talent, but Lord Grim's Dao Heart has always been extremely firm, so that he can turn a cocoon into a butterfly in a short period of time!
He seized the luck after the death of Sheng Moye.


Lord Grim's catastrophe has not come yet.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew up around Lin Huang, Lin Huang suddenly lowered his head, and saw a divine light shining between Jun Qingcheng's brows.

An astonishing aura began to sweep out from Jun Qingcheng's body, plundering the surging vitality around him.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and when his sleeves fluttered, he separated the void between Jun Moxiao and Jun Qingcheng.

Looking at the woman with a ray of heroism between her brows, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Huang's mouth, and it was not in vain that he secretly gave Jun Qingcheng some of the luck of the Holy Devil.

Gradually, the sound of thunder resounded in the void.

The catastrophe of the two began to come.

With a dodge, Lin Huang left this void!This is their own catastrophe, Lin Huang will not interfere.


Lin Huang set his eyes on Lin Cangxue.

In fact, both Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng, who were secretly tilted by Lin Huang, had more than half of their luck.

In the end, Jun Qingcheng entered the Great Emperor Realm first?

Lin Huang was not unhappy in his heart, but a little disappointed... His own sister was a genius.From the moment she guarded him in the East Spirit Realm, she has always been so cold and powerful.

At this moment, a sword chant resounded through the void like the sound of a young phoenix.

A sword came out of Lin Cangxue's body and plunged into the void.

The sword Qi was pale yellow, shrouded in divine light, full of majesty and sharpness.

Accompanied by the appearance of the Great Emperor's Sword, Lin Cangxue soared into the sky, and the sea of ​​swords around her formed a high platform, sending her into the clouds.

Boom boom boom.

Between heaven and earth, the third great emperor Lei Jie appeared.

The entire Langjuxu God Realm has begun to be covered by three distinct thunder and catastrophes.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaopang, Ye Wushuang and others all opened their mouths.

It seems that... stepping into the realm of the emperor is very majestic?
"Lin Huang... none of the three of them are weak, and if I can resist stepping into the realm of the Great Emperor at the same time, it's not good, and it's easy to reveal my secrets!"

Shen Cangqiong's voice sounded beside Lin Huang's ear.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows...

Sure enough, the stupid Shen Cangqiong was hiding his clumsiness.Fortunately, when the Qianliu Realm broke, I ran directly to the Fusang God Realm because I couldn't bear the shattering of the Sky Continent.

This guy is also an old bastard.

"How many great emperors of the four ancient clans have been born, and find a way to give them another catastrophe? Kill them directly?"

Lin Huang asked Shen Cangqiong.

"You can't do this... Once you step into the Great Emperor Realm, you will be connected with the original world of the human race! I will take responsibility for killing the Great Emperor!"

"Look at me, I'm still very weak, I can't jump too much!"

Shen Cangqiong spoke honestly, as if he was really a noob, "Besides, don't you still use the four ancient clans as sharpening stones?"

"It seems that you have some thoughts about me!"

Lin Huang raised his head and frowned at Nine Heavens, "Do you think I threaten your existence?"

"You think too much about this. After all, I am the ruler of the Sky Continent, and you are just one of them!"

Shen Cangqiong snorted coldly.

"I won't argue with you yet!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, and the breath of his sleeves swelled, and the lines of the emperor on his eyebrows suddenly collapsed!

Once again, he cut himself off and fell to the quasi-emperor realm.

"So you are satisfied?"

"This way... it's barely okay. You are a great emperor, and it's barely enough to reach the three of them!"

"But you have to be careful, if you enter the Great Emperor Realm again, I might blow up!"

Shen Cangqiong said.

Lin Huang snorted coldly, and didn't care about Shen Cangqiong at all. If it really comes to a big battle, I don't care whether you blow it up or not.

I was young before, now I am mature.

When Lin Huang dispersed to the Great Emperor Realm, the originally extremely heavy atmosphere in Lang Juxu seemed to become a lot easier.

Lord Grim.

Lin Cangxue.

Jun Qingcheng.

The three of them suddenly opened their eyes, and with a long howl, endless brilliance erupted from their bodies, shocking the coercion of the world.

Then, the supernatural powers of the three of them emerged, and they began to resist the catastrophe.

Lin Cangxue gave a cold snort, and with the three-foot Qingfeng in her hand, she directly rushed into the thunderous catastrophe.Why is she afraid of the catastrophe, the catastrophe of the day should be afraid of her.

When he saw Lin Cangxue rushing into the catastrophe, Lord Grim rushed forward with his gun in hand without saying a word... At this time, you can't lose face.

Seeing that both of them rushed into the catastrophe.

Jun Qingcheng naturally did not dare to fall behind, even if he really died in the catastrophe, he could not fall behind others at this time.


Boom boom boom.


In the Langjuxu God Realm, thunder danced wildly, like a vast sea churning!
In the thunderous sea of ​​catastrophe, Lord Grim was like a dark world-defying mad dragon, crazily stirring up the power of catastrophe.

And Lin Cangxue is like a lone moon hanging in the sky, cold and cold!Just like a phoenix nirvana, Pixia swept away the vast sea of ​​catastrophe, extremely domineering.Another example is a female sword god, in the midst of the raging sea and heavenly calamity, she is naturally dressed in white clothes.

Even though the catastrophe was like rain, she relaxed and freehand, wielding her sword to kill indiscriminately!

On the other side, in the vast sea of ​​catastrophe where Jun Qingcheng was located, there was not much movement.

But Lin Huang shrank his pupils slightly.

During that catastrophe, Jun Qingcheng was not seen... But the vast sea of ​​catastrophe is constantly shrinking, as if being swallowed by a mysterious force.

And in the vast sea, there is a mysterious river of time flowing!
Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, as if... Jun Qingcheng became even more crazy, he swallowed the catastrophe with the long river of time, and strengthened the martial soul for thousands of years!
It also seems that he is still using the power of Thunder and Heavenly Tribulation to temper the treasured art of stars in the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body!

(End of this chapter)

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