
Chapter 1773 3 emperors in the same sky

Chapter 1773 Three Emperors in the Same Sky
In the Langjuxu God Realm, the thunder boiled like the waves of the sea.

The three lights and shadows each manifested their supernatural powers in the thunderous catastrophe, trying to annihilate the catastrophe, condense their own Great Emperor's Mark, and truly step into the Great Emperor Realm.

Lin Huang watched intently from the side.

Although the achievement of the emperor's body requires their own efforts.But once something goes wrong in the middle, he can't just let it go.

"Boss Lin...why do you give me a cap?"

Bai Xiaopang came to Lin Huang's side, and said enviously and hatefully.


Lin Huang kicked Bai Xiaopang and flew him away.In fact, Bai Xiaopang's talent is terrifying, and he learned from Zhao Tianjia.

But just don't work hard.

During the three years that Lin Huang was trapped in the Western Paradise Buddha Kingdom, Bai Xiaopang became a completely different person.

After Lin Huang returned, Bai Xiaopang still maintained the state he had been in for a while.

But turn around...

It's back to normal again.

In fact, there are still some changes in his bones, otherwise, if Zhao Tianjia died, Bai Xiaopang would not gather the crowd and enter the Langjuxu God Realm.

But once there is no pressure, nothing is important, which makes people anxious.

If he had half as much effort as Li Chunfeng, he might be the first among the few to step into the Great Emperor Realm.

It's a pity... there are always people like the stick.

Not long after, the catastrophe in Langjuxu's God Realm reached a terrifying peak, and the entire dark void was completely illuminated, like thousands of great suns hanging in the sky.

And the three people in the Sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation also suffered injuries to varying degrees.

Although it looked quite fierce before...

But after all, it is the Great Emperor's Heavenly Tribulation.

And... the stronger the talent, the stronger the catastrophe they will face.If it were an ordinary Great Emperor's Heavenly Tribulation, perhaps the three of them would have already passed through.

Above the void, Lord Grim was ripped apart, blood pouring down like rain.But he was laughing loudly, unusually heroic, holding a spear in his hand, fighting against the vast sea and heavenly catastrophe.

Jun Qingcheng also appeared on the other side. She vomited blood, and cracks appeared in the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body behind her. It seemed that she had swallowed too much, and it was difficult to resist the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

On the other hand, Lin Cangxue on the other side was in much better condition, with a sharp sword in her hand, suppressing Heavenly Tribulation again and again.

But there is still some decline in the state.

"This Lord Grim... doesn't seem to be doing well!"

Bai Xiaopang, who ran back, began to comment.

"He is about to step into the Great Emperor Realm. What realm are you in, and you are qualified to comment on others?"

Lin Huang began to taunt Bai Xiaopang.

"Boss Lin, you were not like this before!"

"Because, you and I are getting closer!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, "I don't want you to have to look up instead of being by my side when you step into the God Realm in the future!"

"That makes sense..."

Bai Xiaopang let out a cry of hi, and was at a loss as to how to respond to Lin Huang's words. After thinking about it, he patted his chest shamelessly:

"Boss Lin, don't worry, isn't it God Realm? I have it at my fingertips, and I promise to suppress Lord Grim!"

Lin Huang turned his head and stared at Bai Xiaopang seriously, "I'm serious!"

Bai Xiaopang raised his eyebrows, "This... let me think about it first?"

Lin Huang nodded silently and said nothing more.

Bai Xiaopang has always been cynical, but Lin Huang believes that Bai Xiaopang understands in his heart that he is just lazy.

"His Heavenly Tribulation is stronger than his sister and Qingcheng's, so it's normal to be a little bit embarrassed!"

Lin Huang began to explain to Bai Xiaopang.

"Is he really that strong?"

Bai Xiaopang doesn't believe it anymore, why is this bastard so good, even if he surpasses him, he can surpass Lin Cangxue?

"He is the Mingjiao sword envoy handpicked by my master!"

Lin Huang turned his head and glanced at Bai Xiaopang.

"Forget it... After all, he is Uncle Lin's disciple, so he can be regarded as my junior junior brother. If you are strong, you can be strong. I have such a heart!"

Bai Xiaopang seemed convinced.

Lin Huang spread out his hands, too lazy to cure Bai Xiaopang's inconspicuous gibberish.

"Now kneel down and kowtow twice, maybe your master will come back to life!"

Lin Huang suddenly changed the subject.

"Kowtow? To whom?"

Bai Xiaopang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly became energetic.

Lin Huang raised his head and pointed to the sky.


Bai Xiaopang hesitated for a moment, "Forget it... that old man has lived for hundreds of years, and he is considered to be at the end of his life. It's good to sleep!"

In a word, Bai Xiaopang became extremely heartless.

Lin Huang smiled and didn't say anything.

Suddenly, a terrifying explosion sounded in the void.

I saw Lord Grim wearing a bloody coat, holding a long spear, and terrifying blood-red rays of light radiating from his body...

With just one shot, the vast sea and catastrophe around him exploded and extinguished.

In the next moment, the vitality between the heaven and the earth frantically condensed, directly liquefied into the sea, wrapped Lord Grim, and began to elevate the latter's realm terrifyingly.

And above the nine heavens, a divine light fell, and there seemed to be the sound of the heavenly gate grinding.

Lin Huang waved his sleeves, looked up at the Nine Heavens, "Don't fix these fancy things, get out!"

The sound of Tianmen grinding disappeared, and the divine light dimmed.


Immediately, another voice sounded in the void, and Jun Qingcheng was dressed in a red dress. She was wearing the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor, surrounded by a halo of light behind her.The vitality liquefied like a stream of water, began to condense in the sky, and circled towards her.

A great emperor's pattern flickered between Jun Qingcheng's eyebrows, full of imperial prestige.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then turned to look at Lin Cangxue.

At this moment, Lin Cangxue was still walking amidst the thunder with a three-foot green blade in her hand. She was surrounded by snow-white light, as if she was protected by a god.

Lei Jie killed her all around, but he couldn't hurt her any more.

Lin Huang frowned slightly.

"Sister Xue, this is..."

Bai Xiaopang also became suspicious.

"Enlightenment in the midst of the catastrophe!"

When Lin Huang opened his mouth, his sleeves rolled up suddenly, isolating the void where Lin Cangxue was, preventing her from being disturbed by the outside world.

"Enlighten the Tao in the midst of the catastrophe... the enlightened way of heaven, the brilliant way of heaven, the majestic power of the gods... the sword of the way of heaven!"

As Lin Huang spoke, he frowned and looked up at the Nine Heavens.

"Can you stop looking for me all the time, I'm the lord of this world, I'm not your dad who's always talking about me!"

Shen Cangqiong became a little impatient.

"You didn't play tricks, did you!"

Lin Huang asked.

"Do not worry!"

Shen Cangqiong cut off, "What the three of them experienced was not the catastrophe of the Sky Continent, but the catastrophe of the human race's original world! The Tao they comprehended is naturally not the Tao of the Sky Continent!"

"The way of heaven in the original world... is not so easy to comprehend!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"That's because your aptitude is too poor!"

Shen Cangqiong didn't miss any chance to humiliate Lin Huang.

"That's good!"

Lin Huang was not angry, on the contrary, he was a little happy.This is Lin Cangxue's great opportunity to comprehend the origin of the human race.

This is equivalent to getting the ticket to advance to the God Realm in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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