
Chapter 1774 Challenge

Chapter 1774 Challenge
Above the virtual sky, when the three of them survived the most difficult mountain peak, everything will come to fruition.

Lin Huang also relaxed.

Simply, the three of them are relatively strong, and there is not much danger.If Bai Xiaopang survived the Great Emperor's Heavenly Tribulation, it might be different.

This is an out-of-the-ordinary master.

Above the void, the three of them sat cross-legged in the void, gradually began to calm down, began to consume the remaining energy of the great way, and realized a new realm.

What can be clearly perceived is that the Langjuxu God Realm seems to be no longer as dark as before, but a sign of life appears.

It was a revival of life.

It is the power of life that feeds back to the Langjuxu God Realm after the great emperor succeeds.

This power of life has just been revived... and there is no clue yet.But with the passage of time, the Langjuxu God Realm has regained its vitality.

Even more intense than before.

Because, within a period of time, three great emperors were born in the Langjuxu God Realm.

In addition to the need to quickly digest the luck after the death of Sheng Moye, this is also the reason why Lin Huang hopes that everyone can plunder the luck as soon as possible.

Become enlightened in the Langjuxu God Realm, and then feed back.

As for the gate...

If it appeared, it would definitely bring more breath of life to Langjuxu God Realm.It's just that...they are all hypocritical. If a few people cross the Tianmen now, it will not be a good thing.

Above the void, the three of them are still practicing and comprehending.

It was rare for Lin Huang to relax for a while.

Turning his head, he found Li Chunfeng frowning, staring at Lin Cangxue.


Lin Huang asked, but he actually understood what Li Chunfeng was thinking.


Li Chunfeng grinned, showing his white teeth, "One day, my swordsmanship will surpass Sister Xue's!"

"Sword fighting is not necessarily a good thing!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"With a goal, there is more motivation to move forward. The world is so big, and the way of swordsmanship is as vast as the sky, and there will be no room for two leaders of the way of swordsmanship!"

Li Chunfeng was very confident.

"Two kendo leaders, I'm afraid it takes three kendo leaders to have your place!"

Ye Wushuang on the side spoke.

"You can not!"

Li Chunfeng spoke very directly, "Your Hidden Sword Mountain will imprison your upper limit, if you don't give up, your peak will not be too far away!"

As he said that, Li Chunfeng looked at Bai Chen in the distance, "Don't look at me...Although you are all older than me, my swordsmanship is stronger than yours!"

"The boy is not very old, but his tone is not small!"

Bai Chen sneered and said that he didn't look down on Li Chunfeng in his tone, but he also had his own self-confidence.

His sky, Bai Yujing... is not necessarily the sky of Sky Continent.

"Ye Wushuang, what Li Chunfeng said is right. If you don't give up on Hidden Sword Mountain, your future may enter the Great Emperor Realm, but that's where it stops!"

Bai Chen supported Li Chunfeng.

"I don't need you to point my way!"

Ye Wushuang snorted coldly, wondering if he had listened to what the two said.

"Warrior practice, what you cultivate is not art...but it is not Dao either!"

Lin Huang said, "If it's about art, whether it's the spring breeze or the white jade capital in the sky, or the Cangsheng Ten Sword Heads and Hidden Sword Mountain, they may not be able to rank in the same place!"

"But if it is about Taoism, Bai Yujing in the sky and Ten Sword Heads of the Cangsheng do have more potential than Cangjian Mountain!"

Afterwards, Lin Huang shook his head, "But a real warrior is not the skill of cultivation, nor the way of cultivation, but the heart of cultivation!"

"The strength of Dao is just the manifestation of the power of the state of mind! But the art is a bit low in the dust!"

"So... only if the state of mind is invincible, the avenue will naturally not have too many gaps and barriers. There may be strengths and weaknesses in the sense of research, but life and death are not necessarily the same!"

Lin Huang explained, "You are almost approaching the realm of the Great Emperor, and your skills and avenues may not be weaker than those of Lord Grim. But there is always a reason for why not a few of you have achieved the Great Emperor Realm!"

"If you feel that there are shackles in the current Dao, why not try to jump out and think about whether it is because of other shackles that prevent you from becoming stronger!"

Lin Huang drew a circle on the ground, "In the Great Xia Dynasty, I thought royal power and wealth were the ultimate representative!"

"In this way, being an emperor is the pinnacle!"

"But when I jumped out and took a look, I found that the secular dynasty is just a punch in front of the real strong!"

"When you jump out of your own inherent cognition and re-understand martial arts, you will find a different way!"

Lin Huang said, "Of course, this is just my humble opinion. You have your own masters and your own mature theories of the Dao, so it's right to communicate!"

Ye Wushuang and Bai Chen raised their eyebrows, lost in thought.

On the contrary, Li Chunfeng's expression remained the same, as if he didn't listen to Lin Huang's words.But instead Lin Huang looked at Li Chunfeng's appearance with a smile on his face.

There is no other reason, it is only because Li Chunfeng insists enough on his way and cannot be shaken by other people's words.

Such a person, even if he is on the wrong path, can become the devil of heaven and earth in time.

And walking on the right road will surely be a majestic road!
"Lin Huang..."

At this moment, a sharp voice suddenly sounded in the void.

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves and stood up, looking towards the void.Under the cloud, Lord Grim had already withdrawn from his cultivation, he had completely digested the realization of the Great Emperor Realm, and he was at the peak.

At this moment, he was wearing a black robe and holding a black long spear, looking down at Lin Huang from a height, exuding the majesty of a great emperor all over his body.

"I challenge you!"

Lord Grim raised his spear and pointed it at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

Didn't expect Lord Grim to be so impatient that he would challenge himself just after entering the Great Emperor Realm, in order to prove himself?
Show it to Lin Cangxue?
"Then wait a minute?"

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves and stepped into the void step by step.

Jun Moxiao turned his head and glanced at Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng in the distance, "It's exactly what I want!"

Lin Huang pursed his mouth slightly, with a dangerous smile on his face.

Not long after, Jun Qingcheng clasped his hands together and recovered from the state of cultivation. When he waved his jade arms, he suppressed the coercion of the whole body into his body and returned to calm.

On the other side, Lin Cangxue suddenly opened her eyes, her sword energy soaring into the sky, like a bright moon hanging in the sky.

"Fight me!"

Lin Cangxue spoke coldly.

Lord Grim ignored Lin Cangxue and stared straight at Lin Huang, "It's time to start!"

"it is good!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and slowly rolled up his sleeves.

"Enter the Great Emperor Realm and fight me dignifiedly!"

Lord Grim didn't want to bully Lin Huang with his realm, so he said.

"You don't necessarily deserve it!"

Lin Huang said honestly, "Use your strongest move, and we will win with one move?"

"Spirit Seventeen!"

Lord Grim opened his mouth and waved the black spear in his hand.In an instant... the entire void has a long river of years flowing backwards.

Above the nine heavens, there is a cold moon like a hook, shining on the world.

Lord Grim, dressed in black, stood in the sky, and the majesty of the mighty emperor swept out, suppressing the mortal world.

Then, with a long howl, he shot in the long river of time, covered with cold moon and silver light, condensing the blade of time on the tip of the gun, and killed Lin Huang.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, starlight gathered around his body, and the pattern of a white tiger began to emerge on his right arm.

Then, Lin Huang punched out.

A loud bang.

Lord Grim flew upside down.

Lin Huang clapped his hands, and snorted coldly, "It's all fancy!"

(End of this chapter)

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