
Chapter 1784

Chapter 1784
The wolf lives in the Xu God Realm, and Lin Huang entertains himself alone, he is extremely busy.

He seemed to have rediscovered the world.

It's too amazing.

In the past, he was just a recipient of the appearance of this world, he could do what others said, and Xiao Yishan could cultivate as he said.

Now, Lin Huang should go his own way and have his own thoughts.

But within three days, Lin Huang was a little dazed.

He seemed to be genuinely... clueless.

He doesn't know where to start to analyze, and he doesn't know what perspective to use to look at the world.

Lin Huang quickly ran to find Xiao Yishan.

As a result, Xiao Yishan directly made him disappear, Lin Huang was very helpless, thinking that Xiao Yishan didn't know about it, so he simply avoided seeing him.

And on the other side.

The reactions of the four ancient clans were somewhat beyond Qin Xuance's expectations.

Lord Grim just swept away less than one-third of the Langjuxu God Realm, and the four clans' army totaled more than [-], and they appeared outside the canyon crack of the Lang Juxu God Realm.

It seems that he wants to give Zuo Jiamingjiao a chance to catch a turtle in his urn.

Lin Huang sensed it the first time the army of the four clans appeared, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

But the five great emperors are nothing more than that.

Let's talk after ten come!

The next day, Lin Huang frowned. He could clearly sense that there were dozens of powerful auras outside the cracks in the canyon.

Lin Huang thought for a while, and some didn't want to care about this matter.

But he eventually went back.

It doesn't matter whether others die or not, but Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue can't be hurt.

However, after going back, the situation seemed not to be as Lin Huang imagined.Qin Xuance was not in a state of being overwhelmed at all, but was drinking tea calmly.

"Hey... What kind of magic did you learn when you went out this time?"

As soon as Lin Huang appeared, Qin Xuance began to tease him.

"Dozens of great emperors have appeared outside Langjuxu's divine domain, are you not in a hurry?"

Lin Huang asked.

"none of your business!"

Qin Xuance said in a nonchalant manner, "This used to be the domain master's mansion of the Langjuxu God Realm, and the king of the Heavenly King of the Ming Dynasty...but he died in battle very early, otherwise Xiao Hanqing would not have been allowed to live in the Langjuxu God Realm. Just messing around. Clean it up now, although it won’t be as glorious as it used to be, but the level of grandeur is not inferior to the four ancient clans!"

Qin Xuance seems to be very leisurely now.

"It seems that you are very sure?"

Seeing that Qin Xuance was not in a hurry, Lin Huang was not in a hurry, so he had to calm down.

"The four ancient clans want to catch Zuojia Mingjiao in the urn, how can it be such an easy thing, it can make people dread... there are only dozens of great emperors!"

Qin Xuance said calmly, "Before, you were the one who said you wanted to train soldiers. So, even if the sky is falling this time, you can't make a move!"

Lin Huang frowned, did not expect Qin Xuance to be so confident?

"Then what do you think, the army returns to the defense, blocking the crack canyon in the Langjuxu God Realm?"

Forest Road.

"After Jun Moxiao heard that the Mingjiao army had arrived, he led the Mingjiao army on a rampage in the Langjuxu God Realm without saying a word, and drove many evil clan remnants into the previously wiped-out third of the territory. What do you say?"

Qin Xuance said calmly, "He seems to be better than you in the way of using soldiers!"

"My grandfather is Lin Beichen, the Great Xia God of War. I grew up in the God General's Mansion. He Jun Moxiao knows how to use soldiers!"

Lin Huang scolded.

Qin Xuance smiled and said nothing.

"It seems that you want to place the battlefield between the four ancient clans and the Ming Cult in the Langjuxu God Realm!"

Lin Huang continued.

"Bai Xiaopang gave me a suggestion. I think...his military talent is much higher than yours!"

Qin Xuance continued.

"He's barely there!"

Lin Huang still remembered some things about Bai Xiaopang, and he didn't forcefully refute.

Qin Xuance tapped the chessboard with his fingers, "These are actually not critical. You will not come back because of the 30 troops of the four clans, but because of the dozens of great emperors!"

"However, I can't solve the matter of the emperor, and I won't solve it. If you want to talk about military training, this is the best battlefield! Therefore, you'd better restrain yourself. Don't clamor for others to grow up on the one hand, and on the other hand like Just like an old hen, protect your little ones!"

Qin Xuance made a very appropriate analogy.

"You're an old hen!"

Lin Huang was a little unhappy, "I sensed that there are twelve great emperors of the four clans! Jun Moxiao, Jun Qingcheng, and Lin Cangxue can each deal with one great emperor. If the tactics are used properly, It's not bad to be able to hold back five great emperors, but there are still seven great emperors left!"

Qin Xuance saw that Lin Huang was still a little worried like an old hen, and stopped teasing, and started to make jokes one by one, "Bai Xiaopang, Li Chunfeng, Song Changling, Ye Wushuang, Bai Chen, Situ Huangfen, Xie Qinghou, Lu Han, Wang Xiao, Xue Tianjun, Li Taixuan, Li Jiangye, your parents... how many people are there!"

"After all, they are not in the Great Emperor Realm, and there will only be more strong people from the four clans who have not entered the Great Emperor Realm!"

Qin Xuance flipped the chess pieces in his hands, "But since we are going to train soldiers, aren't we going to challenge the upper realm in our respective realms?"

"You... have such a rough understanding of the word training?"

Lin Huang was stunned.

"This is called the most effective understanding!"

Qin Xuance remained calm and composed, "Do you think if you are a normal quasi-emperor, how many great emperors can you drag to death?"

"I can kill at least three of them, but it's because of my martial arts. They are lucky if they can kill one emperor!"

Forest Road.

Qin Xuance suddenly snorted coldly, "Why can others not be able to do what you can do?"

"I am strong!"

Lin Huang took it for granted.

Qin Xuance patted his forehead immediately, unable to communicate with Lin Huang any longer, "Go away, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

"Be serious!"

Lin Huang said seriously.

"Who do you look down on?"

At this moment, in the empty hall, there was a sudden sound of scolding.

Lin Huang frowned, stood up immediately, and looked outside the hall.

I saw Jun Qingcheng walking in wearing a red dress, his expression was a little weak, but his eyes were piercing.She was holding a head in her hand, and there were bloody footprints behind her.

But behind Jun Qingcheng, Lin Cangxue entered with a sword in hand. Her white clothes were stained with blood, but her expression was cold.As soon as the jade hand was lifted, the head in his hand was thrown into the hall.

Lin Huang frowned instantly.

These two tigers...wouldn't be running to kill the great emperors of the four clans!

Jun Qingcheng directly smashed the heads in his hands at Lin Huang, "Isn't it the twelve great emperors, now there are ten left! In five days, the heads of the ten great emperors will be placed here, neatly arranged !"

"It won't take five days, it will only take three days!"

Outside the main hall, Lord Grim's voice sounded immediately.

His hair was disheveled, his battle armor was broken, and he walked into the hall dripping with blood, and threw the head out of his hand.

"Aren't you the leader of Mingjiao?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"That's right, everyone thinks I ran to kill the emperors of the four clans, it's just a trick of the soldiers!"

Lin Huang patted his forehead, feeling a little uncomfortable.

These three people are really courageous. Jun Qingcheng can say that they are the thirteen dragon-killing heads of Mingjiao, and they have inherited a lot of Qin Changsheng's unique knowledge about this way.

But Lin Cangxue and Lord Grim are here to join in the fun.

If it hadn't been for the powerhouses of the four clans not expecting the Ming Church to attack directly, Lin Cangxue and Jun Moxiao might not be able to come back alive.

"This kind of thing can never happen again, the four clans are already on guard against you now!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and said, with the water flowing in his hand while waving, he headed towards the wounds of Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue, recovering their injuries.

As for Lord Grim, let it die on its own.

"It may be too late for you to say now!"

Lord Grim on the side said abruptly.

Lin Huang turned his head and looked at Lord Grim suspiciously.

Qin Xuance played with the chess pieces in his hand, "Not only did I ask the three of them to bring back the head of a great emperor, but people like Bai Xiaopang and Li Chunfeng also received such an order!"

(End of this chapter)

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