
Chapter 1785

Chapter 1785
In the main hall, Lin Huang turned his head to look at Qin Xuance, frowning.

Then he spread his hands helplessly...

It seems that he is going to be emptied by this guy.

I was still worried about how the twelve great emperors of the four clans would deal with it, but the latter arranged it silently, not worrying about everyone's lives at all.

The point is, these reckless men really listened, and really went to beat the four ancient clans by surprise.

Moreover, Lord Grim and the others brought back three heads.

Of the four ancient clans, there are only nine great emperors left.

However, it is still difficult for Bai Xiaopang and the others to hunt and kill the Great Emperor, at least the risk factor is very high.

"Don't worry... You don't die so easily, how could they die so easily!"

Qin Xuance smiled and said, "Only the baptism of war and blood can make them grow up faster. You also understand that it is easier to transform after experiencing the catastrophe of life and death!"

Qin Xuance attacked Lin Huang with what Lin Huang had said before.

This made Lin Huang very helpless, he wanted to slap this guy to death, he really didn't take other people's lives as his own.

In the main hall, Qin Xuance looked at the three of Lord Grim, he turned over the chess pieces in his hands, and after a little thought:

"Jun Moxiao, since you showed up, the four ancient clans are likely to intercept and kill the Ming Cult army. You have to go back quickly!"

"Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng, you should rest first!"

Lord Grim frowned, "Are you sure I really want to return to the Mingjiao army?"

Qin Xuance stared at him immediately, then turned his head and glanced at Lin Huang.

Lord Grim nodded immediately...

"Stop doing it, I've seen it all!"

Lin Huang on the side spoke, staring at Qin Xuance with a dark face, and then said, "You arrange it yourself, I won't interfere!"

"You said it earlier!"

Qin Xuance immediately became presumptuous.

He sat down and rolled up his sleeves, "Now that the four clans have lost three great emperors, they must be extremely cautious, so the difficulty coefficient of Bai Xiaopang, Li Chunfeng and others will soar!"

Qin Xuance looked at Jun Moxiao, "I need you to show up again and return to the Mingjiao army. If the four clans have any temper, they will naturally attack you and Mingjiao!"

"Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng are going to rescue Bai Xiaopang and the others, but just meet each other. After showing up, they immediately go to Lord Grim to support them!"

"If you are lucky, it won't be a big problem to win a few more emperors!"

Qin Xuance said.

"So, Bai Xiaopang and the others..."

Jun Qingcheng frowned and said, she was a little worried, and Bai Xiaopang and the others would become abandoned bait, if they were not careful, they would lose their lives.

Above the main hall, Qin Xuanzhi bowed his head slightly. He turned over the chess pieces in his hand, his expression became calm, even a little cold, "Sometimes to grow, you have to go through blood!"

"Lin Huang came here this way, and you also came here this way, and they have to go through this experience too!"

"I don't know martial arts, but I understand... After going through a catastrophe, you will feel like a new life!"

As he said that, Qin Xuance looked at Lin Huang, "With Lin Huang here, it would be the best if they can be reborn now. If not... Lin Huang will definitely be able to keep them in the future!"

"I won't do it!"

Lin Huang is like a mallet, now he is not worried about Bai Xiaopang and the others.

Qin Xuance sneered, ignored Lin Huang, and then looked at Lord Grim and the others, "There is no need to heal the wounds on the body, and the people of the four ancient clans will feel better after seeing them!"

"As for how to lure the enemy, I don't need to arrange them one by one, you can play by yourself!"

Jun Moxiao thought for a while and then said, "This may cause the Mingjiao army to be impacted by the aftermath. They cannot bear the power of the emperor's battle!"

Qin Xuance raised his head and looked at Lord Grim.

"There are a lot of things I don't want to say... You are now the commander of the Zuo Jiaming Cult army. You should have your own logic for commanding troops. Even if it is wrong, you should stick to it!"

Jun Moxiao frowned, he didn't like to hear Qin Xuance's words.

However, Lord Grim did not refute anything.

What can I do, what this bastard said seems to make sense...

On the side, Lin Huang saw that Qin Xuance was in control of the whole situation, so he stopped worrying.


Isn't it the twelve great emperors?

My Lin Huang's brother can be wiped out with every move, so what's the use of asking me, Lin Huang.

Immediately, Lord Grim and the others left the hall in a hurry to perform the second big show for the four clans.

"What are you still doing here?"

Qin Xuance turned his head and found that Lin Huang was still here.

"Then I'll go?"

Forest Road.

"Hmm... You go and help me find out about Emperor Tianshu... Forget it!"

After Qin Xuance said that, he regretted it.

"Why, are you worried about Di Tianshu?"

Lin Huang frowned. Logically speaking, when Li Baiyi fought against the Quartet commanders in the Tianji Pavilion, Emperor Tianshu suffered a crushing defeat.

As Li Baiyi's direct heir, Qin Xuance should not be too afraid of Emperor Tianshu even though his experience is not as mature as Li Baiyi's.

Why does Qin Xuance seem a little worried?
"I just don't think he's that simple!"

Qin Xuance shook his head and smiled, "Forget it, you don't need to worry about this matter... They want to grow, and I want to grow too!"

"Let me see what this old thief wants to do... If it's not a small party, it is a big conspiracy to throw the great emperors of the four ancient clans to death one by one!"

Qin Xuance squeezed the chess pieces in his hand, with fighting spirit in his eyes.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, "Then I'm really leaving?"

Qin Xuance waved his hand, telling Lin Huang to get out of here, it's useless, staying here is still an eyesore.

Lin Huang spread his hands and disappeared into the hall.

You don't want to see me, I'm too lazy to see you... Day by day, when I dismantle the way of giving life, I can't ride on your head!


Langjuxu God Realm had just been wiped out part of the territory, thinking that it could gain light and peace.

However, it didn't take long before the iron hooves of the four clans stamped out all their illusions.

When three of the twelve emperors of the four clans had their bodies stolen, the alliance of the four clans was completely outraged.

Lin Huang never made a move.

The twelve emperors of the four clans are the sky!
As a result, I didn't expect that such a result could appear...

After being furious, the mighty army flooded into the Langjuxu God Realm like a torrent, and began to hunt and kill the Mingjiao army.

Thousands of years later, the Ming Cult returned with considerable strength.

But compared with the four ancient clans who have kept their strengths and bide their time for thousands of years, they are still far behind.

As soon as the army of the four clans entered the Langjuxu God Realm, they began to sweep wildly. Whether they encountered the remnants of the evil clan or the Mingjiao team, they were all directly crushed by the army.

At the same time, the remaining nine great emperors and the powerhouses of the four clans also spread like a huge net, trying to shake the foundation of Mingjiao!

(End of this chapter)

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