
Chapter 1786 4 Clan Invasion

Chapter 1786 Four Clans Invasion
The wolf lives in the Xu God Realm, turbulent.

And between the four ancient clans and the Zuojia Mingjiao, it seems that the first official confrontation after a thousand years has been ushered in.

But this time, there won't be too strong evil scourge.

The original intention of the four ancient clans to sit back and catch fishersman also fell through.

But this is nothing to the four ancient clans.

Because... the sky has changed!

Before, the Sky Continent could accommodate only a limited number of Great Emperor Realm powerhouses. When facing the Evil Clan and the Zuo Jiaming Sect, the four ancient clans were somewhat passive because of the upper limit.

But Sky Continent is evolving, and now it can accommodate many great emperors and powerful people.

In this way, the advantages of the four ancient clans were instantly highlighted.

After all, after thousands of years of keeping a low profile, the great emperors that can be born from the four great ancient clans are far from what Zuojia Mingjiao can match.

However, Zuojia Mingjiao appeared a great emperor, which surprised the four ancient clans.

After all, a month ago, members of the Ming Cult died in battle one after another outside the Langjuxu God Realm, first Xue Qingshan, then Zhao Tianjia, Ye Canglan, Song Hanshan and others, none of whom had ever stepped into the Great Emperor Realm.

And Li Taixuan, the only one who became the Great Emperor, was also powerless in the face of the torrent of evil clan army.

But they never expected that in just one month, Mingjiao would give birth to three great emperors.

It seems that the eradication of the evil race gave the Ming Cult powerhouses a lot of opportunities.

However, the birth of three great emperors is nothing in front of the four ancient clans.Even if Lin Huang made the move himself, the four ancient clans still had the confidence to keep him.

But the three Mingjiao emperors actually killed three of the twelve emperors, which undoubtedly gave the four ancient clans a resounding slap in the face.

This hatred must be avenged.

The armies of the four clans began to pour into the Langjuxu God Realm mighty and mighty. In their eyes, although the Ming Cult was strong, it was ultimately not as good as the four clans who had been keeping a low profile for thousands of years.

The same is true of the situation after the army entered Langjuxu.

The four ancient clans combined a total of 30 troops, like a torrent of four-color steel, sweeping across the devastated mountains and rivers!
Wherever they went, the originally revived vitality was annihilated, and the evil race was directly crushed and killed.

And some Mingjiao troops who are alone cannot escape the clutches of the devil.

Under the gloomy sky, [-] red cassocks and golden-bodied arhats from the Western Paradise Buddhist Kingdom walked the wasteland. The Buddha light they condensed was as bright as the sun, illuminating the mountains and rivers.Wherever he went, the Sanskrit sound shook, and the bells and chimes were melodious and full of the wrath of Buddhism.

There are 12 monsters in the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons, giant birds, tigers, leopards and wolves. The giants are like mountains, and the small ones gather into an army like ants and shuttle into the ground.

The deafening roar of monster beasts resounded throughout the entire world, causing mountains and rivers to tremble and trees to tremble.

On the other hand, the [-] cultivators in the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace are much more spectacular.They are all flying with swords in the sky, draped in the sky and forming a long dragon array between the heaven and the earth. Under the mighty wind, they are like immortals in the dust, swaying and magnificent, and even fascinating.

Although the Xuantian God Clan only has 5 people, they also walk in the air. They control nine huge ancient warships.

In front of the Nine Warships, there are two Qiongqi monsters opening the way, surrounded by eight white dragons on both sides, and a frost phoenix hovering behind to monitor the sky.

On the battleship, there is an army of gods in snow-white feathered armor.

They looked solemn, holding flying snow spears, holding shields filled with silver streamers of space barriers...

The silvery white light surrounds the sky above the Nine Warships, together with the sound of beating drums covering the sky, it seems that the ancient kingdom of God descended to the world with the mighty grace of heaven, which makes people have the urge to worship.

And in the center of the nine warships, there is a huge palace of the Kingdom of God, which is as crystal clear as snow piled on thousands of mountains, and under the illumination of the Buddha light in the sky of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom, it looks bright and full of divine splendor.

At this moment, above the palace, there are four people standing side by side!

They looked down at the Langjuxu God Realm with calm expressions.

When the four clans go out to fight, they must wipe out the enemies, whether they are the heinous tribes of the evil clan or the remnants of the demon sect!
"The Zuojia Mingjiao is deliberately avoiding us!"

A middle-aged man with peacock tattoos all over his back from the Ten Thousand Monsters Temple spoke. He has peacock green marks at the corners of his eyes, making him look a little strange.

"The 30 elites of the four clans go out to fight, but they can crush millions of Mingjiao soldiers... and they are only 30, how can they not escape!"

Among the four, the one who spoke was a little Taoist boy, but he had an astonishing status in the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

"You have lived for such a long time and experienced too much, how dare you despise the enemy so much?"

The leader of the Xuantian God Clan here spoke, he was an extremely young looking man, no more than 23 years old, he was wearing a snow-white robe, and he was dragging casually on the ground, giving off a feeling of laziness.However, the slender eyebrows were slightly slanted, but there was a flash of sharpness.

There seemed to be dissatisfaction in his voice, "We have lost three great emperors before we entered the Langjuxu God Realm. Even though we still have a huge advantage, but... are we really foolproof?"

"In just one month, the Ming Cult gave birth to three great emperors. This speed is not fast enough? If the Ming Cult army dared to enter the Langjuxu God Realm, the holy demon must have died, so who killed the holy demon?" yeah?"

The lazy young man turned his head and glanced at the crowd, "Can an army of 30 from the four clans really be able to crush an army of 30 Ming Cults? What we have to face is Qin Xuance, the personal heir of Li Baiyi, who is also the leader of the secular dynasty. Soldier in white!"

"Amitabha, why should the patron be so arrogantly belittling himself!"

The Kuji Buddha on the side spoke. He clasped his hands together, showing compassion, "All the weather of Mingjiao is in the forest! If the forest is gone, everything will be like a dream!"


The lazy young man was too lazy to talk nonsense to everyone, "Listen to me, call back all the strong men you have thrown out, including the Emperor Zhun! The four clans attack together to crush the Zuojia Mingjiao with a strong gap, otherwise they will definitely die. Destroyed by everyone! I hope you will not forget the principle of the lion fighting the rabbit!"

The other three were suddenly silent.

The lazy young man glanced at the crowd, and the light in his eyes became colder and colder, "The reason why Qin Xuance treats us unscrupulously is precisely because of the relationship between the four clans! The alliance of the four clans... Oh, what a fellowship! "

"In order to kill a few more evil clans, grab more luck, and disperse the positions of the emperors of the four clans... Are you really not afraid of being defeated one by one by Qin Xuance?"

He lazily tossed his long sleeves, as if he was tired.

"Amitabha, then follow what the emperor said!"

The leader of the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom took the lead in clasping his palms together and began to recall the great emperor.

The Taoist boy from the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace pointed his finger into the sky and recalled the Great Emperor.

Only the middle-aged man of the Ten Thousand Monsters Temple did not move at all, as if he was unwilling to give up his immediate interests.But when he felt the eyes of the other three people, a sharp voice suddenly sounded in his stomach, which was a compromise to everyone.

"Then next..."

The old monk from the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom spoke.

"Naturally, I want to hunt down Lord Grim, and destroy the Ming Cult's 30 troops first... As long as we focus on the 30 troops, those Ming Cult powerhouses who are hiding one by one will automatically emerge!"

The middle-aged man of the Wan Yao Temple spoke.

The lazy young man turned his head, glanced sideways at the middle-aged man, and then said with some disgust:
"Go and kill Qin Xuance directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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