
Chapter 1787

Chapter 1787

Hearing the words of the youth from the Xuantian God Clan, the other three were taken aback for a moment, and then nodded at the same time.


Going straight to Huanglong and killing Qin Xuance is the most suitable way, why didn't I think of it before.

In the Zuo Jia Ming sect, military advisor Qin Xuance is definitely the leader.

As long as he is found, no matter whether it is Lin Huang, those great emperors, or the Mingjiao army, they will all be moved because of Qin Xuance.

At that time, the four ancient clans only need to sit back and wait!
Lang Juxu is so big, it is not a particularly easy thing to really go after Lord Grim.And even if Lord Grim is killed, the foundation of Mingjiao cannot be shaken.

But killing Qin Xuance is fine.

Immediately, everyone confirmed this decision, and the king was the first to capture the thief!

For a while, the strong men of the four clans scattered again, looking for the location of Qin Xuance...

And in the Domain Lord's Mansion, Qin Xuance still sat firmly on Mount Tai, seemingly unaware of the approaching danger.

People's hearts change too quickly, sometimes unpredictable.


Weird changes have taken place in the situation in the Langjuxu God Realm.

The armies of the four clans, which were originally in all directions, suddenly shrank their battle lines, and began to fight steadily and gradually advance.

And those Great Emperor Realm powerhouses scattered in all directions also returned one after another.

Only the weaker ones, like scouts, are exploring all directions.


Domain Lord's Mansion!
Holding the scroll in his hand, Qin Xuance looked at the Kanyu map on the copybook, frowning for a quarter of an hour!
The evil race seems to be more difficult to deal with than imagined.

He put down the scroll, took out a chess piece from the chess box, and turned it over and over again, as if this would speed up his thinking.

Suddenly, the whole hall shook.

Xue Tianjun suddenly rushed in from the outside, "The army of the four clans has already killed them, and it is only a hundred miles away from here!"


Qin Xuance answered Xue Tianjun perfunctorily.

Xue Tianjun frowned, and raised his hand to overturn the case, "Look up at me, I said that the army of the four clans has appeared, nine great emperors plus 26 quasi-emperors, and more than 80 holy emperors!"

Qin Xuance glanced at Xue Tianjun, then bent down to pick up the map of Fusang God Realm, and said unhurriedly:
"Since the four ancient clans have come, what are you waiting for... run away with me!"

Xue Tianjun frowned slightly, and directly grabbed Qin Xuance.

"I ran as soon as I said, but you are Xue Tianjun... the head of the white tiger back then, can you have some backbone, senior!"

Qin Xuance broke free and straightened his robe.

Xue Tianjun turned his head and glared at Qin Xuance.

"In this Langjuxu God Realm, besides Lin Huang, who is the most valuable, I am the only one!"

Qin Xuance rolled his sleeves, "It is very difficult for them to find Lin Huang's whereabouts. In this way, since they didn't go after Jun Moxiao, they will definitely come back to catch me... If I , I do the same!"

"Then are you ready?"

Xue Tianjun asked.

"This... what can I do, I didn't think about running!"

Qin Xuance spread his hands, "They won't kill me, so I'll eat the food of the four ancient clans for a few days, isn't it good?"

"But senior Xue, you have to leave quickly! They won't kill me because they want to use me as bait to lure Lin Huang out. But you...they are not gentlemen, they will directly use violence!"

Xue Tianjun frowned, "Don't worry, I can take you out!"


Qin Xuance shook his head, he didn't expect Xue Tianjun to treat him like this, then he rolled up his sleeve robe, "I've arranged everything, Senior Xue, you don't need to worry about it!"

As he said that, Qin Xuance walked out of the hall on his own initiative.

Xue Tianjun frowned, "Then I'm really leaving?"

"Come on!"

"How about I fight you away, do you really have the confidence... If you are really dead, I can't justify it to Lin Huang!"

Xue Tianjun hesitated.

I don't know if I should believe Qin Xuance's words.

"Senior Xue, as long as there are nine great emperors coming to besiege, do you think you can escape with me?"

Qin Xuance turned his head to look at Xue Tianjun, "If you really don't believe it, escape by yourself...and then go to Lin Huang, this should be the best choice!"

Xue Tianjun frowned.

His figure then disappeared into the hall.

Forget it, forget about this bastard!

Between heaven and earth, the wind and cloud roared.

The dark clouds transpired like the sea, covering the sky, making the entire void dark and dark, as if the end was about to come.


After a while, the haze between the sky and the earth was dispelled by strands of divine light.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, there are Sanskrit chants shaking the four directions.

There is a mighty drum of the gods.

Xuantian God Clan.

Western Paradise Buddha Kingdom.

Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

The 30 troops of the four clans, nine great emperors, and over a thousand powerhouses above the Saint King Realm...surrounded the majestic and towering domain master's mansion.

Thousands of divine lights descend from the sky; thousands of auspicious colors dance in the sky.

The arrival of the four races is like a blessing from heaven.

And on the threshold outside the domain master's mansion below, the young man in white slowly raised his head, looking at the existence like gods and Buddhas all over the sky, he looked extraordinarily small.

At this moment, he was sitting on the threshold, slowly rolled up the map of Fusang God Realm on his knees, raised his head and said with a smile:
"I didn't expect that I, Qin Xuance, could bring 30 troops from the four ancient clans to come here. It is truly a great honor. I am afraid that in the history of the Sky Continent, no one has ever done this!"

In the void, the young man above the Palace of the Kingdom of God in the center of the Nine Warships frowned, with a hint of caution in his eyes.

"He's all alone, it's weird, he knows we're coming!"

The young man reacted quickly, and then continued to speak: "Be careful that there are Mingjiao troops ambushing all around!"

"What are you afraid of... Even if there is an ambush, my four clans and nine emperors plus 30 troops are here, whoever can steal their edge will be slaughtered!"

The middle-aged man of Wan Yao Temple spoke with confidence.

"Hmph, if he dares to face us alone, he must have something to rely on... Are you a fool to be Li Baiyi's personal disciple?"

The youth of the Xuantian God Clan raised his head and said decisively: "Back!"

There was nothingness in all directions, and the army of the Xuantian God Clan suddenly withdrew...

However, the armies of the other three clans remained motionless.

"You... court death!"

The youth of the Xuantian God Clan frowned, with a look of sullen anger between his brows, then he waved his sleeves suddenly, "Belong to the God Clan, come with me!"

With that said, the Xuantian God Clan army began to withdraw.

"Di Tianjiao, you really want it... You're going to retire yourself! With the achievement of destroying the Demon Sect, maybe there will be no more Xuantian God Clan, you have to think about it!"

The middle-aged man from the Ten Thousand Monsters Temple spoke.

"I think very well, go and play by yourself!"

Di Tianjiao angrily led the army of the Xuantian God Clan to leave.

On the threshold of the main hall below, Qin Xuance looked up at the scene in the sky, he opened his mouth slightly, his eyes seemed a little dazed...

What is this for?

I didn't ambush.

Why are you fighting among yourself.

I really didn't ambush!
Only me!
(End of this chapter)

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